Не проваливайтесь в дыру своего прошлого!

Many Christians want to change themselves and instead of following God’s way they follow the way of the world, by following carnal doctrines and applying carnal methods. They go back to the past to analyze themselves and to find answers that will help them to change. They dig into the past and while they are digging, they are exposed to all kinds of things that will impact their lives and their behavior. They dig and dig and instead of getting somewhere, they get stuck and fall into the hole of their past. Maybe you also want to change yourself and are digging into your past to analyze yourself, but if you don’t stop you will get stuck and fall into the hole of your past and never become the person that God has created you to be. You can’t change yourself by following the carnal doctrines of man and applying worldly methods and techniques. Иисус Христос единственный, Who can change you. The only thing you have to do is submit yourself to Jesus, Послушай его, renew your mind with His words, and stay in Him.

What is the danger of analyzing yourself?

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knows right well(Псалмы 139:14)

There is a great danger in analyzing yourself. When you start analyzing yourselfit will become an obsession. You will look at everything you do, and analyze every situation, action, habit, поведение, thought, и т. д.. You will even go back to your past, to your childhood, to figure out what has gone wrong and why you act a certain way, or why you are so insecure or unhappy, и т. д..

Stuck in the past

Whoso digs a pit shall fall therein (Пословицы 26:27)

When you go back to your past and dig in your past to find out your ‘problem’, you will only become more miserable, и в конце концов, you will get stuck in the past. Therefore don’t dig into your past, because the hole will only get bigger and eventually you will fall into the hole of your past.

ho digs a pit shall fall therein

Maybe you have become a born again believer at a later age. Let’s say in your 20’s, 30’s, or maybe in your 50’s. Maybe you have had a rough past. Maybe you’ve been physically or emotionally abused during your childhood or marriage or bullied at school. Or maybe you’ve been mistreated and hurt by other people or experienced another traumatic experience.

В любом случае, there could be so many things, that happened in the past, which have hurt you and changed the way you think or feel about yourself or others.

Maybe you have very low self-esteem or experienceстрах, беспокойство,  панические атаки, негативность, неконтролируемый гнев, destructive habits, пристрастия, (эмоциональный) pain or depression, and suicidal thoughts.

If you are one of those people, who are struggling with these issues, I would like to advise you toSTOP ANALYSING YOURSELF!

Don’t go back to your past and fall into the hole of your past

Do нет go back to your past, to your childhood, to figure out, why you act that way, why you have this anger or why you have low self-esteem, or why you have fears, тревоги, destructive habits, пристрастия, etc. What you must do, являетсяобнови свой разум со Словом Божьим.

Don’t look at yourself, but look at Jesus, слово. There is life in the Word of God and this life must be poured into you.

Обновление вашего разума

The moment you accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord and become born again, Вы становитесь новое творение; рожденный от воды и Духа.

Итак, если кто во Христе, он новое существо: старые вещи ушли в прошлое; вот, все стало новым (2 Коринфянам 5:17)

Когда ты родишься свыше, you still have the carnal mind of the world.

Therefore it’s important to start reading and studying the Word of God and feed yourself with the Word of God instead of the words of the world.

Обновите свой разум Словом Божьим. Размышляйте над Словом, день и ночь. Так что, you will think, speak, act and behave the way God wants you to think, speak, act, and behave.

Jesus is your Source

Jesus is your Source. Jesus is the only Onе,  Who can change you. You shall notice, that as you grow up in the spirit, by studying and meditating on the Word, applying the Word in your life, praying (in the Holy Ghost), и т. д., that He will change you. He will take away your sorrow, боль, злость, bitterness, боится, тревоги, панические атаки, and depression and He will put His love, мир, and joy inside of you.

If you don’t know, how to do this, then find yourself a sincere born again believer, who is willing and able to disciple you. So that you grow up into the image of Jesus Christ; слово (Читайте также: Что значит родиться свыше?).

You might ask yourself: “How do I know if a Christian is sincere, or how do I know if he/she is able to disciple me?». Ответ очень простой: Look at their walk and look at the fruit the person produces. If the person is carnal and lives like the world and produces the fruit of the flesh, then this person won’t be the right person to disciple you. But if the person walks after the Spirit, producing the fruit of the Spirit, then this person will be the right person for you.

Don’t look back!

God instructed Lot’s wife, to not look back. Однако, Lot’s wife could not keep this commandment of God. В связи с тем, that she didn’t keep God’s commandment, she changed into a pillar of salt (Бытие 19:17-26).

Many churches have allowed the spirit of the world to enter and rely on the wisdom, доктрины, and methods of the world instead of relying on God and His Word. They counsel the believers and dig into their past, while there’s absolutely no instruction in the Bible to do so.

Nowhere in the four gospels of the Bible has Jesus commanded His disciples to go back to the past and find out, where it all went wrong and search for the cause and the root of the problem.

The only people, who are digging into someone’s past are psychologists and psychiatrists. And psychologists don’t have the Bible as their highest Authority. Their doctrines are based upon human philosophies. Да, their roots are in Greek philosophy and we all know what the Bible says about this and what Paul wrote about it (Читайте также: Существует ли христианская психология? и ‘Трон сатаны').

Why has the church allowed psychological science?

Why have churches allowed psychological science and applied these psychological doctrines and methods, which are just foolish doctrines of man, based upon carnal wisdom?

What is the reason, why so many believers rely on carnal methods, and the carnal wisdom and knowledge of this world, instead of relying on God, Его Слово, and His wisdom?

How can believers say that they believe and have faith in Jesus the Comforter and Healer, while in the meantime, they go to psychologists and/or psychiatrists to comfort and heal their souls?

1 out of 4 people visit a therapist and the numbers only increase. And the people aren’t getting any better.

The Word says thatThe earthly wisdom is foolishness for God (1 Коринфянам 3:19).

What did Jesus do?

Иисус никогда went back to Peter’s childhood or John’s or any of His other disciples. The only ‘issue’ that Jesus referred to or got upset with wastheir lack of faith; their unbelief.

Jesus disciples them and taught His disciples the Kingdom principles.

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Jesus knew how much God loves people and how precious they are to Him (Джон 3:16). He knew that God created man, and made them wonderfully, fearfully, into His image.

Когда Бог создал человека, God didn’t say: »oops, that’s not the way, I wanted to create man, let’s do it again».

Нет! God had a picture in His mind and spoke it into being.

Before you were born, you were already in God’s mind. You are loved, chosen, and wanted by Him.

God wants you, именно такой, какой ты есть, so that He can mold you and change you into His image; the image of His Son.

How will God do that? Ответ, обновлением вашего разума Словом Божьим.

You can’t change your past, it’s gone. Однако, you can change your life now. You can change the direction you’re heading and change your future.

«Будь солью земли»

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