Иегова Рафа или врачи? Выбор ваш ….

If you are sick, you go to the doctor. That’s what we have been taught to do and therefore that’s what we do. Много людей, включая христиан, go to doctors. But where do doctors come from? What is the history of medical science? If Christians believe in the Bible and in Jehovah Rapha, the God Who Heals, then why do Christians go to a doctor instead of Jehovah Rapha? Why do Christians go to a doctor instead of believing the Bible; Слово Божье, and expect their healing from Jesus Christ, by Whose stripes you were healed? What does God say about doctors and medical science in the Bible? Does God approve doctors or not?

Has God changed throughout the ages?

Has God changed throughout the ages? Нет, Бог тот же, вчера, сегодня, и навсегда. God has not changed and the will of God has not changed. God is the same and will always be the same. If God был Иегова Рафа, then God still является Jehovah Rapha and God will always быть Иегова Рафа.

Он такой жеGod still thinks the same way about matters Today, as God did in previous times. That’s why the Word of God is still powerful, надежный, and the truth.

We are the ones, кто меняет, not God. Many times we slowly change things, without even being aware of it.

Например, when we look at the church, we see that the Word has slowly changed due to people’s experiences, needs, вожделения, и желания, and society. Many don’t want to change and kill the deeds (the works) of the flesh, because they want to live their own lives and do their own will and live like the world.

Instead of submitting to the Word of God and doing God’s will, they change the Word of God to their will and needs, so that they can walk just like the world. That is why the salt has lost its favor.

The spiritual war between
the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of darkness

Many Christians are not aware of the spiritual war that is going on between the Kingdom of Heaven (Царство Божие) and the kingdom of darkness (kingdom of the devil, the kingdom of the world). When you repented of your sins and gave your life to Christ, you were delivered from the сила тьмы and were transferred into the Kingdom of Heaven; the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

избавлен от власти тьмы, искуплен Его кровьюWhen you served your old master; дьявол, you walked after the flesh and walked in darkness. The devil and his kingdom represent sin, зло, темнота, bondage, destruction, и т. д..

The eternal destination of the devil will be Hades; ад. But the devil will not enter hell by himself. All the followers of the devil; all the creatures (ангелы) and human beings, who listened to the devil and obeyed the devil, will join the devil in hell.

The devil’s purpose for every human being is to destroy their life and take them to hell with him. When you obey and serve the devil, then death dwells inside of you.

Но, when you repented and became born again in Christ, you became a new creation and got a new Father, a new Master. Your new Master walks in the light. Therefore as He walks in the light, so will you walk in the light. Jesus and His Kingdom represent righteousness, святость, light, liberty, любовь, радость, мир, и т. д..

Каждый, who is born of the Spirit of God and walks after the Spirit and walks in Его заповеди, will have eternal life. They will not walk in sin anymore and are no longer led by their flesh. But they will walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word. They will walk in the dominion; the power and authority, that Jesus Christ has given them.

Владычество в Иисусе Христе

Перед падением, мужчина (Adam) was created after the image of God. Man was appointed by God to have dominion over the earth and came directly under God (Элохим, Троица) in the hierarchy. Man had власть (dominion) over angels, Земля, животные, и т. д.. So before the fall, man had authority over the serpent, satan, and the fallen angels.

by one man's disobedience many were made sinnersНо… because man became disobedient to God’s commandment and listened to the devil, who came in the disguise of a serpent, man sinned, and gave his authority; his keys, to the devil.

С того момента, satan and death had authority over man and reigned in their lives.

But Jesus Christ took back the authority of the devil, through His perfect work of redemption (Читайте также: ‘Божья работа искупления')

Jesus restored the relationship between God and man. Каждый, who would believe in Him, and would be born of the Spirit of God would become a new creation; a new man in Christ (Читайте также: ‘Мир, который Иисус восстановил между падшим человеком и Богом', ‘Иисус восстановил положение падшего человека’, и ‘Восьмой день, день нового творения

Jesus gave the authority back to the new man. So that the new man would have dominion again over the earth, и все живое (except people), and the angels, including the devil and the other fallen angels.

The unredeemed man is still under the devil’s authority, but the redeemed man; the new creation has authority in Christ over the devil.

Now with all this in mind, let’s have a look at the subject of diseases, болезнь, и исцеление, because that’s what this article is all about. Let’s go back to the origin and find out where sickness comes from and if medical science; врачи, medicine, терапевты, больницы, и т. д.. originate from God or not.

If God has blessed doctors,
then why does God call Himself Jehovah Rapha?

В Ветхом Завете, we do not read a lot about diseases and if someone became ill, then God healed them a.o. by the sacrifices and offerings; the blood of animals (as we read in the Book of Leviticus).

Много раз, when people became disobedient to God they became ill. We read this, например, in the Book of Kings, and the Book of Chronicles. God promised, that if we keep His commandments, God will take away all sickness and disease (Ой. in the Book of Exodus 23:25 и Второзаконие 17:15).

Let’s look at the story of king Asa. King Asa was obedient to God and kept God’s commandments, except for the high places, he did not take those away.

Царь Аса

King Asa trusted the Lord and relied on God. God was with king Asa and gave nations into his might until the moment that king Asa didn’t rely on God anymore and went his own way.

The heart of king Asa did not go out to God anymore. God wasn’t his Jehovah Nissi, nor his Jehovah Jireh anymore. Царь Аса отрекся от Бога; he had exchanged God for another king, an earthly king; будучи человеком (creature).

Ханани, a prophet of God, went to king Asa to warn him. But Asa didn’t listen to Hanani and became ill. When King Asa became ill, he did not show any regret or mercy to God. Asa did not repent of his ways, и он не искал Бога.

Physicians instead of Jehovah Rapha

Instead of calling for Jehovah Rapha, king Asa called for the physicians (translation in Hebrew raphia). We might say, that in our time we call these physicians doctors? These physicians were an abomination to God. These physicians were not able to heal king Asa and king Asa died:

Тогда царь Аса взял всю Иудею; и унесли камни Рамы, и древесина из него, из чего Бааша строил; и построил из них Геву и Мицпу. И в то время пришел Ханани провидец к Асе, царю Иудейскому., и сказал ему, Потому что ты положился на царя Сирийского, and not relied on the LORD thy God, за то войско царя Сирийского вырвалось из руки твоей. Разве эфиопы и любимы не были огромным войском?, с очень большим количеством колесниц и всадников? еще, потому что ты надеялся на Господа, он предал их в твои руки. For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Здесь ты поступил глупо: поэтому отныне у тебя будут войны.

In his disease он sought not to the Lord, но для врачей”

Тогда Аса разгневался на провидца, и посадил его в тюрьму; ибо он рассердился на него из-за этого. И в то же время Аса притеснял некоторых из народа. И, вот, деяния Асы, в общем и целом, вот, они записаны в книге царей Иудеи и Израиля. И Аса в тридцать девятом году царствования своего заболел в ногах, пока его болезнь не достигла чрезвычайной степени: но в своей болезни он не искал Господа, но для врачей.

И спал Аса с отцами своими, и умер на сороковом году своего правления. И похоронили его в его собственных гробницах, который он сделал себе в городе Давидовом, и положил его на постель, наполненную сладкими ароматами и различными специями, приготовленными аптекарями.’ искусство: и сделали для него очень большой огонь. (2 Хроники 16:6-14)

Иегова Рафа

Jehovah Rapha means, that if He is our God, then He is our Healer and no one else is. There are only 2 spiritual kingdoms on this earth, we don’t have more options.

When we look at the story of Asa; we read that he did not seek the Kingdom of God (he did not seek God, Иегова Рафа, в его болезни). King Asa sought for help and for healing in the other kingdom: царство тьмы. The ruler of the kingdom of darkness is the devil. Therefore he sought help from the devil.

These physicians were not of God, they were of the devil. I know for sure, that if Asa repented and turned back to God and sought God; Иегова Рафа, для исцеления, God would have healed him.

What are sickness and disease?

Sickness and disease are the results of demons operating in the flesh. The sickness that is visible and measurable in the body; the symptoms are manifestations of the damage that has been caused by the demon(с).

Например, a tumor is a manifestation of a cancer demon and forgetfulness is the manifestation of an Alzheimer demon.

As long as we do not acknowledge sickness and disease (both mentally and physically) come from demons (demons manifesting themselves in a body or soul), but acknowledge them as a natural bodily reaction, we will never be able to heal people in the Name of Jesus (в Его власти) by laying on of hands, as Jesus did.

We must acknowledge that the mission of the devil, and the other fallen angels, is to destroy and kill as many people as possible.

The devil sends his messengers, his angels, to people with only one commandment: to destroy every person on this earth. The angels can only come back if their mission is fulfilled.

The history of medical science

  • Евреям были законы здоровья, данные Богом, Иегова Рафа (book of Leviticus)
  • шумерская медицина (4000 До нашей эры) был основан на астрологии.
  • Египетская медицина (1500 До нашей эры) priests who were initiated in medical knowledge and many specialists in one particular disease.
  • Персидская медицина (1000 До нашей эры) продемонстрировал близость к еврейским законам о здравоохранении и лежит в основе исламских правил здравоохранения..
  • Greek culture developed medicine from 3000 До нашей эры. Medicine becomes a science based on research. В этой науке, views are developed based on the right balance between healthy and unhealthy. It could be realized by a proper way of living and a healthy environment. Another well-known doctor was Alcmaeon (500 До нашей эры). The medical school of Kos had brought forth the ‘father’ of western medicine: Гиппократ (460-377 До нашей эры), he had a profound understanding of human suffering and put the doctor in service of the patient. Hippocrates proclaimed that sickness had a natural cause instead of a spiritual cause. Гиппократ был талантливым врачом и ученым.. He is the one usually credited with applying humoralism, or also called the doctrine of the four temperaments, as a medical theory. Essentially, this theory holds that the human body was filled with four basic substances, называется юмором, которые находятся в равновесии, когда человек здоров. Все болезни и инвалидность предположительно возникают в результате избытка или дефицита одной из этих четырех дош.. These deficits could be caused by vapors that were inhaled or absorbed by the body. The four humors were black bile, желтая желчь, мокрота, и кровь. In the 17th century, медицинская наука, основанная на научных исследованиях, прошла революционное развитие.

Every culture had its own way of healing

This is just a very short summary of the origin of medicine. But it shows that medicines and doctors or physicians go way back, even before Jesus lived. I would like to remind you of the story of King Asa. King Asa also turned to a medicine man, a physician, instead of turning to Jehovah Rapha.

Every group of people (культура) had its own way of healing and its own kind of healers. Remember that the Jews had Jehovah Rapha (Бог), Кто их исцелил.

The physician oath

Before a doctor can practice his profession, a doctor must swear an oath. The oath was originally derived from the Hippocratic oath. We can distinguish four parts of the Hippocratic oath:

  1. A diversity of gods are called as witnesses (not Jehovah Rapha)
  2. Соглашение, по которому молодой врач клянется подчиняться правилам профессиональной ассоциации.. В этом соглашении зафиксированы принципы доброго товарищества..
  3. Summary of ethical codes.
  4. Declaration where the reputation of the doctor depends upon his loyalty to the oath.

The Hippocratic oath

клянусь Аполлоном, лекарь, Асклепий, Гигея, и Панацея, и я беру в свидетели всех богов, все богини, держать по своим способностям и своему суждению, следующую клятву и соглашение: Считать дорогим мне, как мои родители, тот, кто научил меня этому искусству; жить с ним вместе и, если необходимо, поделиться с ним своими товарами; Смотреть на своих детей как на своих братьев, научить их этому искусству; и это по моему учению, Я передам знание этого искусства своим сыновьям., и сыновьям моего учителя, и ученикам, связанным договором и клятвой согласно медицинским законам, and no others.

I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.

Я не дам никому смертельного лекарства, если его попросят., и не предлагать такого совета; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.

I will not cut for stone, даже для пациентов, у которых заболевание манифестирует; Я оставлю эту операцию практикующим., specialists in this art. In every house where I come, I will enter only for the good of my patients, держу себя подальше от всякого намеренного зла и всякого соблазнения, и особенно от удовольствий любви с женщинами и мужчинами, be they free or slaves.

All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, который не следует распространять за границу, Я сохраню тайну и никогда не раскрою. If I keep this oath faithfully, могу ли я наслаждаться жизнью и заниматься своим искусством, уважаемое всем человечеством и во все времена; но если я отклонюсь от него или нарушу его, пусть моя жизнь будет наоборот.

The modern version of the Hippocratic oath

In many (Western) countries the original oath has been revised and an example of one now, is as follows:

Я торжественно обещаю, что буду изо всех сил служить человечеству, ухаживая за больными., укрепление здоровья, and alleviating pain and suffering. Я осознаю, что медицинская практика – это привилегия, сопряженная со значительной ответственностью, и не буду злоупотреблять своим положением.. I will practice medicine with integrity, смирение, честность, и сострадание — работаю с моими коллегами-врачами и другими коллегами, чтобы удовлетворить потребности моих пациентов.. I shall never intentionally do or administer anything to the overall harm of my patients.

I will not permit considerations of gender, раса, религия, политическая принадлежность, сексуальная ориентация, Национальность, или социальное положение, чтобы повлиять на мои обязанности по уходу. I will oppose policies in breach of human rights and will not participate in them. I will strive to change laws that are contrary to my profession’s ethics and will work towards a fairer distribution of health resources. I will assist my patients to make informed decisions that coincide with their own values and beliefs and will uphold patient confidentiality.

Я осознаю пределы своих знаний и стремлюсь поддерживать и расширять свое понимание и навыки на протяжении всей своей профессиональной жизни.. Я буду признавать и пытаться исправить свои собственные ошибки, а также честно получать доступ к ошибкам других и отвечать на них.. I will seek to promote the advancement of medical knowledge through teaching and research. I make this declaration solemnly, свободно, и честь мою.

We can conclude that Western medicine is based upon Greek philosophy and has become a science. This science has been developed over the years, according to scientific research, and is still developing.

What about pharmacies and their symbols?

In order to know the origin of the pharmacy’s symbols and their meaning, we must go back to ancient Greek mythology.

В древнегреческой мифологии, Asclepius is the god of medicine and healing. Asclepius was the son of Apollo and Coronis. He shared with Apollo the epithet Paean (“лекарь”). Аполлон вынес младенца Асклепия (which he took from the womb of Chronis, мать Асклепия) кентавру Хирону, who raised Asclepius and instructed him in the art of medicine.

Who is Asclepius?

Asclepius represents the healing aspect of the medical arts. His daughters are:

  • Гигея (“Гигиена”, богиня/олицетворение здоровья, чистота, и санитария),
  • Иисус (богиня выздоровления от болезней),
  • Горит (богиня процесса исцеления),
  • Аглея/Эгл (богиня красоты, великолепие, слава, великолепие, и украшение),
  • Панацея (богиня универсального лекарства).

Asclepius was associated with the Roman/Etruscan god Vediovis. Zeus killed Asclepius with a thunderbolt because he raised Hippolytus from the dead and accepted gold for it.

Other mythical stories say, что Асклепий был убит. After bringing people back from the dead, Hades thought that no more dead spirits would come to the underworld, so he asked his brother Zeus to remove him. Это разозлило Аполлона, который, в свою очередь, убил циклопов, который сделал молнии для Зевса

Жезл Асклепия, посох, обвитый змеей, remains a symbol of medicine today. This symbol (жезл Асклепия) is used by doctors and physicians, но и в аптеках, особенно символ с чашей, where the Asclepius rod is drinking from. Эта миска является символом гигиены., дочь Асклепия и богиня здоровья.

medical symbols doctor pharmacy hospital

Let’s have a look at the symbols above. We all know these symbols, but do we also know their meaning and their origin?

Medical symbols

The symbol of the rod does not represent the serpent on the rod that Moses carried, which was a symbol of Jesus (как думают многие люди). NO! It does not represent a copper snake. Because in the Bible the serpent turned into a rod, instead of that the snake entwined around the rod.

  • The staff in the picture in the upper left corner, is an old astrology symbol and is also called ‘Caduceus’. Посох с крыльями носил греческий бог Гермес. (также римский бог Меркурий). The snake represents dualism, что в конечном итоге приведет к гармонии.
  • In the picture in the bottom left corner, мы видим жезл Асклепия, also called Aesculapius staff. Этот посох Асклепия носил греческий бог Асклепий., бог медицины и исцеления. Обвитая змея называлась Эпидавром и использовалась в ритуалах исцеления..
  • Чаша представляет собой Гигию., goddess of health and daughter of Asclepius.
    The serpent is being fed out of the bowl (Picture in the middle and upper right corner).
  • The green cross comes from Greece and is a symbol of the union of pharmacies.

Мы видим, что эти символы, which are still being used for representing doctors, врачи, больницы, аптеки, и т. д.. have their origin in Greek mythology and represent their gods. These symbols have nothing to do, with the Almighty God; Создатель неба и земли.

The devil is not a creator but he is an imitator. He copies everything from God.

Где Иегова Рафа?

  • Did Jesus ever send someone to a physician/doctor? Если так, где это написано?
  • Did Jesus ever command his disciples to bring sick people to medicine men/physicians/doctors?
  • Has He ever commanded the sick to go to doctors (врачи), когда Он пойдет к Отцу?
  • Люк был врачом, but when he became a follower of Jesus, has he ever executed his profession? Если так, где это написано?
  • Did God send sick people to physicians/medicine men/doctors in the Old Testament?
  • Where are the physicians mentioned in the New Testament?

Jesus healed все who were sick and oppressed by the devil. He was a Man, who knew His authority and knew where sickness and disease came from.

The whipping post

Воистину, Он понес наши горести, и нес наши печали: но мы почитали Его пораженным, пораженный Богом, and afflicted. Но Он был изранен за наши преступления, Он был изранен за наши беззакония: наказание мира нашего было на Нем; и ранами Его мы исцелились (Исайя 53:4-5).

All sickness and disease, in this present time, have already been redeemed at the whipping post, before the crucifixion. Jesus got the stripes at the whipping post, not at the cross. So before the crucifixion, He had already borne our sickness.

Peter wrote that ‘by His stripes, we were исцелённый'. Therefore healing is already a fact, it’s already done.

Который Сам вознес наши грехи Своим телом на древо, что мы, быть мертвым для грехов, должен жить в праведности: чьими ранами вы исцелились (1 Питер 2:24).

Женщина с кровотечением

Когда Иисус ходил по земле, уже были врачи. We know this fact, by reading Mark 5:25-27 where we read about other physicians:

И некая женщина, у которого было кровотечение двенадцать лет, And had suffered many things of many physicians, и потратила все, что у нее было, и не было ничего лучше, а скорее стало хуже, Когда она услышала об Иисусе, появился в прессе позади, и коснулся его одежды(Мар 5:25-27).

Женщина, у которого было кровотечение, had already spent a lot of money to many physicians. Да; she had spent all that she had. Но стала ли она лучше?? Нет, собственно говоря, ее положение стало хуже!

This mustn’t come as a surprise that her situation did not improve, but became worse, because physicians draw from the source of the devil; источник смерти.

When you use medicines, ты не свободен, но в рабстве. Когда вы идете на терапию, ты не свободен, но в рабстве, и в конце концов, it will only get worse. The devil works through physicians and doctors, just like he worked through the serpent. He wants you to believe that you will be healed, but the truth is that your situation will only get worse.

This woman went to the One, Who was able to help her, and she went to Иисус Целитель. Because she knew that Jehovah Rapha was able to heal her from all her infirmities.

Jesus promises a life living in freedom and not in bondage

В эти времена, we live according to the worldly system. Павел уже предупреждал святых в Послании к Колоссянам 2:4-15 for worldly wisdom, что является безумием для Бога:

man's philosophy vain deceitБерегитесь, чтобы кто-нибудь не испортил вас философией и тщеславным обманом., по традиции мужчин, после зачатков мира, и не после Христа (Колоссянам 2:8).

В эти времена, we got so used to the worldly system, что мы больше не видим разницы между тем, что от Бога, и тем, что от дьявола. Most of us don’t discern these two spiritual kingdoms.

We take doctors, больницы, терапевты, психологи, и т. д., for granted and see them as something, which is very normal and part of our life.

Some people even say that doctors and physicians are blessed ones, которые посланы от Бога. Хорошо, это одна из величайших лжи! If people say that, then why did Jesus have to suffer and make atonement for the iniquities, грехи, sicknesses, and diseases of mankind? If this was true, then God could have sent doctors, instead of His Son.

Обновите свой разум Словом Божьим

When we get родился заново и renew our minds со Словом Божьим, when we seek the things which are above, which are in heaven and not on earth, then we will see and experience the truth of God. We will get to know the truth of God and discover the lies of the devil, which we have believed for many years.

Обновление вашего разумаWe must renew our worldly thinking which says: if you are sick, or have pain, ты пойдешь к врачу, if you are depressed you will go to a психолог, if you have an ache in your back, you will go to физиотерапевт, и т. д., со Словом Божьим.

Our carnal mind must be transformed into a spiritual mind. So that we will follow the Word and become doers of the Word and establish His Kingdom on this earth.

Все эти крепости, which are built up in our thinking must be destroyed, and the only way to destroy them is by the Word of God.

Я хотел бы ободрить вас, to take these scriptures and take everything, that has been written in this article. Look into it, study it, and find out the truth about Jehovah Rapha, our Healer.

It is time for the saints to arise and get back to God and acknowledge Him in all our ways, не только несколько.
Let He become our Jehovah Rapha again.

In the next articles, I will continue with this subject about our Healer, our Jehovah Rapha, and look at the origin of физиотерапия, Менсендик, психологи, и т. д..

«Будь солью земли’

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