Как мировая церковь готовится к антихристу

Over the years many doctrines of devils have slowly entered the church. Из-за этого, many churches are seated in darkness. How could this have happened? But most importantly, why did this happen? Has this something to do with the end times and the coming of the antichrist? Will there come one world church? Read how the world church is being prepared for the antichrist.

The Word of God is infallible

Why is the Bible; the Word of God reliable and infallible? Is it because of historical and scientific proof? Нет, точно нет! The reason, why the Bible is infallible and therefore trustworthy, is that every prophecy, which God has given, has come to pass and is still coming to pass. God is the Truth and His Word is the Truth, и это никогда не изменится. No matter what people say.

Библия — наш компас, обрести мудрость

If you want to know more about the end times and the things that will take place, I would advise you to read and study the Word of God and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you the things that will come to pass. Because one way or the other, the prophecies about the last days of the end times, which are written in the Bible will come to pass. There’s no doubt about that.

All around us we see a church decline. And the majority of the churches, which are still there, have compromised with the world and have allowed the spirit of this world to enter. Instead of being conformed to the Word, they are conformed to the world.

Many churches have become a world church. They are no longer the body of Christ and don’t operate in the spiritual realm, but they are carnal and operate in the natural realm.

The devil has become their head and they have become the body of the devil. Therefore they listen to him, and what the world says and live like the world.

How do we recognize if the devil is the head of the church?

We can recognize if a church has become the body of the devil and belongs to the world when we look at the works and the fruit of the body. The fruit and the carnal works that the body of the devil bears are:

  • Being lukewarm for the things of God
  • Discord in church
  • Divisions in church
  • Rebellion
  • Unforgiveness
  • Unbelief
  • Envy
  • ревность
  • Gossip
  • Anger
  • Selfishness, lovers of ‘self’
  • Pride
  • Greed
  • Lying (including little white lies)
  • Love for money
  • Lawlessness (against the word of God and not willing to submit to the commandments of Jesus)
  • unfaithfulness(not being faithful, or loyal)
  • Living habitually in sin (and using theмилость or the love of God as an excuse to keep sinning)
  • Living together unmarried
  • Divorces
  • Sexual uncleanness and lust
  • Homosexuality
  • Прелюбодеяние, блуд
  • Witchcraft
  • Идолопоклонство
  • Drunkenness
  • Acceptance and tolerance of sin
  • Relying and acting on worldly wisdom (то есть. наука; theology, философия, psychology и т. д.)
  • Focus on carnal prosperity and wealth

When these works occur in a church, then the Holy Spirit is not present and Jesus Christ is not the Head, but the devil is. It is so sad to see that demonic powers have found their way into the church, and have misled many so-called believers, with all kinds of new carnal doctrines, видения, мечты, пророчества, чудеса, знаки, и т. д., which are not in agreement with the Word of God.

Например, when a woman receives a word or a vision from God, telling her that God has great plans for her life and that God wants her to become more spiritual, and in order to achieve that, she must divorce her husband, because her husband is stopping her spiritual growth, then this is a lie from the pit of hell. This a lie of the devil that many women believe and act upon.

This can never be a word or a vision from God. Why not? Because it is against God’s will, which God made known by His words. The marriage covenant is holy to God. God shall never command someone to break a covenant, which He has instituted. It’s written:

Посему оставит человек отца своего и мать свою, и прилепится к своей жене: и будут одна плоть (Бытие 2:24, Отметка 10:7)

You shall know them by their fruits

Иисус говорит, that by the fruits, you shall recognize the tree. If you see a mulberry tree, then you don’t have to expect that this tree will bear apples. If that is the case, then it’s not a mulberry tree, but a misshapen apple tree, that looks like a mulberry tree.

You shall know them by their fruits

Остерегайтесь лжепророков, которые приходят к тебе в овечьей шкуре, но внутри они хищные волки. You shall know them by their fruits. Собирают ли люди виноград с терновника, или инжир чертополоха? Так всякое хорошее дерево приносит добрые плоды.; а худое дерево приносит злые плоды. Доброе дерево не может приносить злые плоды, и худое дерево не может принести добрых плодов. Всякое дерево, не приносящее доброго плода, срубают, и бросить в огонь. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them (Мэтью 7:15-20)

Jesus speaks about лжепророки, but this applies to every Christian, who claims to be a disciple and a follower of the Lord Иисус Христос.

The church is an assembly of born-again Christians and therefore the born-again Christians aka born-again believers are the church. That’s why the works of the believers will reveal the state of the church.

Снова, if the works, which are mentioned above, take place among Christians, then it proves, that the church is carnal and the devil is the head of that body. Therefore they bear the fruit of the flesh.

How the world and the church are being prepared for the antichrist

The world and the church are being prepared for the antichrist. The antichrist shall be a replica of his own generation. The antichrist shall be a reflection of this time.

If the antichrist would have come and entered the church 100 years ago, then the Christians would have recognized the antichrist and would have cast him out of the church. The stage was not prepared yet for the antichrist to come. However Today we see, that the stage is being prepared, not only in the world but also in many churches.

Many churches have adopted the spirit of this world and therefore they have adopted the spirit of the antichrist.

What God considers evil and goes against God’s Word is tolerated, принял, and justified. The antichrist is the son of perdition; the son of lawlessness and the antichrist rebels against every заповедь Божья. The antichrist changes the words of God into a lie and is worshipped by the people.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God (2 Салоники 2:3-4)

The spirit of the antichrist

The spirit of the antichrist is already present and working in many churches because the Word is being adjusted to the lusts, желания, чувства, эмоции, мнения, и т. д.. of people. People have become the center. They decide and reign and are worshipped and that’s exactly what the devil wants.

трон сатаны престол сатаны, pergamum satan's throne Revelation 2:13

The number of man is 6, because man is created on the sixth day. The ‘self’ or ‘ego’ of man has become the center of this world, and in many churches, and that’s why the devil shall arise in the church and shall sit in the temple.

They shall all worship him. 666 the number of man, дьявол, смерть, и ад, shall reign in the antichrist and much power shall be given to the antichrist (Откровение 13).

The antichrist shall be a prideful man, who shall have a lot of scientific (мирской) знание, and knowledge of the Bible.

But the antichrist shall twist the Word of God very subtly into a lie, so that it will be used satanically, to give honor and glory to the devil. The Word of God shall be used for the kingdom of the darkness.

The antichrist shall be a charismatic leader, who shall speak impressive and motivational words, so that many carnal Christians will be misled by his enticing words and promises. The antichrist shall seduce and mislead many Christians, and take them captive by his words. He shall do great signs and wonders, through which he shall mislead many Christians.

Many Christians only focus on miracles, знаки, и чудеса

Many Christians only focus on miracles and supernatural signs and wonders. But if Christians are more focused on miracles, знаки, и чудеса, and believe them above the Word of the God and the gospel of Jesus Christ, then they shall be misled and shall believe and follow the antichrist.

The antichrist shall despise God and everything that has to do with His Kingdom. It may seem like he loves God, Иисус, и Святой Дух, and shall piously confess Him, but he shall not recognize Jesus as the Christ, as the Son of the living God, Who came in the flesh на этой земле (1 Джон 2:22, 1 Джон 4:3, 2 Джон 1:7).

Neither shall the antichrist walk in the commandments of Jesus Christ. He shall not walk after the Spirit but after the flesh. He shall not bear the fruit of the Spirit, but he shall bear the fruit of the flesh.

The antichrist shall destroy every institution of God, like marriage, family life, сексуальная ориентация, four-fold ministry, крещение, the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, и т. д.).

The antichrist shall plead for freedom and shall make promises, which the world and also the church are waiting for. What kind of promises? Economic prosperity, financial prosperity, выздоровление, и т. д.. Because if you live after the flesh, then you are focused on carnal things instead of the things of the Spirit.

Shall the antichrist be a homosexual?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the antichrist would be a homosexual, because as it is written in the Book of Daniel:

И сделает царь по своей воле; и он возвысит себя, и возвеличить себя выше всякого бога, и будут говорить дивное против Бога богов, и будет процветать, пока не совершится негодование:for that is determined shall be done. И не почитает он Бога отцов своих, ни желание женщин, и не уважать никакого бога:ибо он возвеличит себя превыше всех (Дэниел 11:36-37)

Что говорит Библия о гомосексуализме

Many churches have not acknowledged гомосексуальность as a spirit of homosexuality (a spirit of lust and perversity), because they are carnal and live after the flesh.

They consider homosexuality as a natural cause and say that a person is born a homosexual, and no one can do something about it.

The carnal mind of Christians has tolerated and accepted homosexuality in the church.

They’ve not only accepted homosexuality in the church, but they even allow people, who practice homosexuality in the office. Many churches approve of the things, which God despises.

Many churches are asleep and spiritually ignorant. They are not led by the Holy Spirit and don’t walk after the Spirit, but they are carnal and walk after the flesh. Therefore they don’t discern the spirits. The devil is using this to prepare the stage of the church for the antichrist.

The born again believers, которые ходят по Духу,
will be persecuted

The true born again believers in Jesus Christ, who acknowledge the Word of God and walk in obedience to the Word, after the Spirit, will be persecuted. Not only by the world but also by their church.

They shall be banned from their church, because they choose to follow Jesus Christ, Сын Бога живого, and not any man, who changes the Word of God for his own gain (Читайте также: ‘Следование за Иисусом будет стоить вам всего!')

They will not be part of the kingdom of darkness that rules many churches, but they will be part of the few believers, who will stay loyal to Jesus Christ; their Head. They will stay loyal to their Saviour and Lord and be led by Him.

О 100 years ago none of this could have happened. It was unthinkable, but it won’t take long before the antichrist shall arise and takes his place in this world and in the church.

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