Пусть грех больше не будет царствовать как царь!

What did Paul mean in Romans 6:12 к, let not sin therefore reign (reign as king) in your mortal body? What does this mean for the lives of Christians, who have become a new creation through regeneration in Christ?

The light and the darkness

A day is divided into two parts; the light that reigns in the day and the darkness that reigns in the night. The people belong to the day and not to the night. Therefore people live during the day and sleep at night, although there are some exceptions. The light and the darkness both reign on earth.

It’s the same in the spiritual realm, where there are two kingdoms. Царство Божие, which is the Kingdom of Light, где Иисус Христос является Царём и царствует, и царство дьявола; темнота, where the devil is king (the ruler) and reigns. 

Филиппийцы 2:14-15 do all things without murmurings and disputings lights in the world

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world and is holy and righteous and represents the holiness and righteousness of God and represents life.

Те, who are born again in Christ and are born of God, are transformed from the darkness into the light and belong to God (Ой. Колоссянам 1:13-14). 

They are no longer sons of the devil, but they have become sons of God and shall obey God the Father and His Word and walk holy and righteous after the Spirit in the light.

The devil is not holy and doesn’t belong to God, but is an archangel, who has fallen from his position through his pride and disobedience to God, and has established his own kingdom on earth through his lies and deception. 

The devil is the ruler of the world; темнота, and is a liar and has sinned from the beginning and represents sin, беззаконие, и смерть.

Те, who belong to him through natural birth, shall obey him and walk after the flesh in darkness, во грехе, и беззаконие.

The sons of God and the sons of the devil

Маленькие дети, пусть никто тебя не обманет: тот, кто делает правду, праведен, хотя он и праведен. Кто совершает грех, тот от дьявола; ибо дьявол грешит с самого начала. Для этой цели явился Сын Божий, чтобы он мог разрушить дела диавола. Всякий, рожденный от Бога, не делает греха; ибо семя его останется в нем: и он не может грешить, потому что он рожден от Бога. В этом проявляются дети Божии, и дети дьявола: кто не делает правды, тот не от Бога, ни тот, кто не любит брата своего (1 Джон 3:7-10)

The life of a person proves, who the person belongs to and obeys. Because as Jesus said, you will recognize the tree by its fruits (Мэтью 7:15-19, Люк 6:43-45).

Поэтому, if someone says, that he or she belongs to God, but lives in sin (persevere in sin), it proves that the person doesn’t belong to God, since the nature has not changed, because the nature of the old man wants to keep sinning and please himself instead of God.

People can have all kinds of opinions and findings and don’t agree with God and therefore change the words of God in such a subtle manner, that it seems that God tolerates everything and accept every lifestyle, but the Word of God; the Truth of God, is settled forever and shall eventually judge everyone according to his works (Читайте также: Божье Слово решено навсегда! И Let de Word be your judge). 

You can submit to God and His Word and obey the Word or you can reject God through disobedience to His Word (Читайте также: God from many churches?). 

But the grey area, tolerance of sin, and compromising with the world, do not exist in the Kingdom of God, but are imaginations aka lies of people, which derived from a darkened carnal mind. 

Let sin no longer reign as king in your mortal body

Итак, не позволяйте греху царить в вашем смертном теле, что вы должны повиноваться ему в его похотях. Не отдавайте членов ваших в орудия неправды греху.: но отдайте себя Богу, как ожившие из мертвых, и члены ваши — орудия праведности Богу. Ибо грех не будет иметь над тобой власти: ибо вы не под законом, но под благодатью (римляне 6:12-14)

Зная это, let’s have a look at Romans 6:12, where Paul commanded not to let sin reign (reign as king) in the mortal body.

слуга греха

When does sin reign as king in your life? Sin reigns as king in your life, if you obey the lust of the flesh that goes against the will of God and His Word and Spirit, and you keep doing the works of the flesh, which are the works of unrighteousness.

The lies of a fallen world and the eternal sinner are often cited to embrace and accept sin and serve sin and therefore let sin reign as king in life (Читайте также: Can you use the broken world as an excuse? и Ты всегда остаешься грешником?).

Instead of Christians obeying the Word and separating themselves from the world and having no fellowship with the works of darkness and don’t do the works of the flesh, but living from their new position in Christ and their new nature and submitting to God and His Word and live after the Spirit, they keep living after the flesh as a sinner.

Why is that? The main reason is false doctrines that are preached from the pulpits. There are many unspiritual people behind the pulpits, who may have a lot of Biblical knowledge and are charismatic and eloquent, but are not born again and don’t have the Holy Spirit abiding in them, and don’t see the Kingdom of God, because they have not entered the Kingdom of God and therefore they can’t represent and bring the Kingdom of God to the people. But they are still the old creation, who belong to the darkness and do the works of darkness and preach lies from their human carnal unrenewed mind (Читайте также: Многие пасторы ведут овец в пропасть и Ложные доктрины, оскорбляющие Бога). 

If you constantly keep hearing, that you are poor and that you have no power and that you are a sinner and that you will always remain a sinner, and that it doesn’t matter to God how you live, then you shall always have a victim mentality and live as a prisoner of the devil and a victim of death and sin shall reign as king in your life.

You have been made free from sin in Christ

Но правда в том,, that in Christ Jesus you have been made free from sin, смерть, и ад. Jesus Christ has overcome the death. Jesus has broken the covenant between man and death and the agreement between man and hell. Jesus Christ has the keys of hell and death and is glorified and seated above all principality, власть, might, и владычество, и каждое имя, которое названо. If you are born in Christ then you have received all power and all authority in Him to reign over sin and the will of the flesh (Читайте также: Как Иисус нарушил завет со смертью и договор с адом).

If you have been delivered from the power of darkness and death, you shall no longer do the works of darkness and bear the fruit of death, что такое грех.

You shall no longer yield your members as instruments (оружие) of unrighteousness unto sin, and you shall no longer walk in uncleanness in disobedience to God (in lawlessness), but you shall yield to God and yield your members as instruments of righteousness unto God and walk holy in obedience to God and bear the fruit of the Spirit (Читайте также: Что такое доспехи света? и What is the armor of darkness?)

The new creation is not under the law but under grace

Что тогда? будем ли мы грешить, потому что мы не под законом, но под благодатью? Боже упаси. Знаешь, нет, тот, кому вы отдаете себя в рабы для подчинения, вы его слуги, которым подчиняетесь; от греха ли к смерти, или послушания праведности? Но слава Богу, что вы были рабами греха, но вы от всего сердца повиновались тому виду учения, которое было вам передано. Будучи тогда освобожденным от греха, вы стали рабами правды.

Я говорю по-человечески из-за немощи вашей плоти: ибо, как вы отдали члены ваши в рабы нечистоте и беззаконию, беззаконию; так и ныне отдайте члены ваши в рабы праведности и святости. Ибо когда вы были рабами греха, вы были свободны от праведности. Какой плод вы имели тогда в том, чего теперь стыдитесь?? ибо конец всему этому смерть.

Но теперь, освободившись от греха, и стать слугами Бога, вы имеете плоды святости, и конец вечной жизни. Ибо плата за грех – смерть; но дар Божий – жизнь вечная через Иисуса Христа, Господа нашего. (римляне 6:15-23)

If you have become a new creation and your flesh has died in Christ and your spirit is raised from the dead, then you have been made free from sin and death and death shall no longer reign over you, since you are no longer under the law but under grace.

Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound Romans 6:1-2

Поэтому, if you say that you are no longer under the law but under grace, you shall no longer walk in disobedience to God and His Word in sin, but you shall do what God says in His Word and live in obedience after His will.

If you keep walking after the flesh in disobedience to God and keep doing the works of the flesh, which God revealed in His Word, and therefore persevere in sin, then you have not been made free in Christ from sin and you are not under grace, but you still live under the law, который царит во плоти.

A son of God obeys God and does the will of the Word and the Spirit, whereby Christ reigns as King.

A son of the devil obeys the devil, who is the ruler of the world, and does the will of the flesh (the body and mind), whereby sin reigns as king.

Don’t be deceived by the words of people, but believe the words of God, что такое правда.

Слово говорит, что все, кто грешит (perseveres in sin) doesn’t know God and doesn’t belong to God, but belongs to the devil. Through obedience and righteousness, the sons of God are revealed and through disobedience and sin the sons of the devil are revealed (о.а. Тит 1:16, 1 Джон 1:5-7; 2:3-6; 3:4-24).

Пусть грех больше не будет царствовать как царь, but let Christ; слово, reign as King in your life!

 «Будь солью земли’

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