The righteous walks in righteousness

When you are born again in Christ, you have been made righteous. Библия говорит, God had made Jesus, который не знал греха, to be sin for us, который не знал греха, so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Коринфянам 5:20-21). Ты больше не сын дьявола, грешник, но ты стал сыном Божьим, a saint. You have received a new nature; God’s nature and therefore you shall no longer walk in sin and iniquity, because the righteous walks in righteousness. What does it mean to walk in righteousness?

The righteous walks in righteousness

And now, маленькие дети, abide in Him; что, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him (1 Джон 2:28-29)

by one man's disobedience many were made sinnersА рожденный свыше христианин is born of God and has become a son of God (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин).

Когда ты родишься свыше, you are no longer a slave of the devil and a slave of unrighteousness, but you have become a slave of Jesus Christ and shall walk in righteousness and abstain from sin and iniquity.

(please note: you have not been made righteous by your works, but by Jesus Christ, by His work; His sacrifice and His blood. But when you become born again in the spirit, you should be doing the works of righteousness).

If you are made righteous, you shall walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh. Когда вы идете за Духом, you walk in the law of the Spirit.

The righteous people have only one mission and that is to please Jesus Christ, and to please God the Father, and abstain from everything that is evil and displeases Him.

Если ты любишь меня, соблюдай Мои заповеди

Иисус сказал: «Если ты любишь меня, соблюдай Мои заповеди» (Джон 14:15). When you obey Jesus and walk in His commandments, you show Jesus that you love Him. You will listen to Jesus and obey Him and walk in His Word (His commandments and will). When you walk in His Word, you shall abide in Him continuously. Not just for 2 или 3 часов в неделю, но 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

две великие заповеди, Если ты любишь Меня, соблюдай Мои заповедиYou shall stay on His path (Его выбор) and stay obedient to Him.

You shall not turn aside to the left or to the right Even if you are accused or persecuted, or rejected, or things don’t go the way as expected or planned. No matter what, you will stay in Him, и соблюдай Его заповеди, if you really love Jesus.

Only when you stay in Him, you shall walk in His ways and please Him.

By keeping His commandments (Божье Слово), you show Jesus, that you really love Him.

Когда ты, as the righteous walk in righteousness, which means that you walk according to what the Word says and live after the will of God, you not only show Him that you love Him, but you also show everyone else, that you are born of God and that you are His son and that you love God above all.

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