Что это значит, что вера приходит от слышания Слова Божьего??

In the previous articles, the subject ofвера and how to walk by faith and not by sight were discussed. Слово говорит, that if we have the slightest bit of faith and doubt not, we can move mountains. But how do you get faith according to the Bible? The Bible says in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. What does the Bible mean that faith comes by hearing the Word of God?

So then faith comes by hearing

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (римляне 10:17)

When you hear something, you make a decision, to either believe it or not. Many people have been convicted of sin and repented when they heard the gospel of Jesus Christ that was preached by a faithful witness of Christ. Maybe you are one of them.

From the moment that you heard the truth of the gospel, the words of God came in power. Through the words of God, the Holy Spirit convicted you of your sinful state and showed youвеликая Божья любовь that He gave His Son Jesus Christ for the world, including you (Читайте также: ‘Мир, который Иисус восстановил между падшим человеком и Богом').

This conviction was so strong, that you decided to believe the words and decided тo repent and surrender yourself to Jesus Christ. By believing the words and obeying the words and by becoming born again, you were reconciled with God by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Hearing the Word of God

After you decided to give up your life and follow Jesus Christ, it was time to get to know Jesus and the Father and start walking with Jesus. How do get to know Jesus and the Father? You will get to know Jesus and the Father through the Word.

Джон 14:23-24 If a man love Me he will keep My words

When you hear and read the Word of God, your mind will be renewed with the truth of God and you will get to know Him and the will of the Father.

You will hear His words and when you apply His words in your life, you become a doer of the Word and you will walk by what the Word says, according to the will of God and you will walk by faith (Читайте также: ‘The hearers vs the doers')

The more you hear, читать, изучать, and meditate on the Word of God, the more you get to know Him, and the more you trust Him and His words.

Your carnal and worldly mind that is enmity against God and won’t submit to God and won’t trust God and won’t obey His will, will be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you will have the mind of Christ that loves God and trust God and submit to God and obey His will.

How can you trust God if you don’t know God?

But if you don’t spend time in the Word of God and you don’t fellowship with God, how can you get to know God and His will? If you don’t know God how can you trust God?

How can you walk by faith if you don’t know His words, Его воля, and what He has provided? Can you really trust the Provider, if you do not make the effort to get to know Him?
Knowing the Name, will not say that you know the Person. How can you represent His Kingdom here on earth, if you don’t know the King and His Kingdom?

Become a doer of the Word

Поэтому, get to know God and hear the Word, read the Word, and study the Word so that you will find out the truth and the will of God. Let the Word of God be in your mind and meditate on it day and night, and walk according to the Word so that you become a doer of the Word.

After a while you will become confident in the Word. Because of the fact that you believe the Word, there is no doubt. And when doubt tries to enter your mind, you simply tell it to leave your mind! Because now you know the truth; Слово Божье. You know Him.

If you want to get to know Jesus Christ, start reading the gospels of Matthew, Отметка, Люк, and Joh). Start reading the Scriptures word by word, and when you are finished with John, then start all over again.

As a new creation, you have been made into the image of God, in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Поэтому, look at how Jesus acted on earth; what Jesus said, and what Jesus did, and follow Him. His words and His actions are an example for you, because Jesus had the same Spirit you have and the same power (власть).

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God

The Word of God is your mirror, the more time you spend in the Word, the quicker the transformation. By hearing the Word of God, you will get faith and start walking in faith; a manifesting faith (Читайте также: ‘Проверьте себя, в вере ли ты?').

Therefore get to know your God, so you can fully trust Him and stay in Him. If you stay in Jesus Christ; the Word and obey His commandments, you will walk by faith in love and in the power of God.

“Будь солью земли”

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