
Jesus knew the purpose of His coming to earth and the difficult way He had to go. When Jesus went with Peter, 约翰, 和詹姆斯, up to the mountain to pray, Moses and Elijah appeared unto Him. Moses and Elijah spoke with Jesus about His exodus; 他的去世, 耶稣即将在耶路撒冷实施 (卢克 9:28-31). 他们知道, who Jesus was and the purpose of His coming. 他们知道, 耶稣不仅是神的儿子, 还有弥赛亚, who came for the redemption of humanity. The redemptive work didn’t begin at the cross, or the whipping post. But the first shedding and sacrifice of blood took place in the Garden of Gethsemane, 耶稣将他的灵魂钉在十字架上的地方. Jesus couldn’t go the way of the cross, 在灵魂受难之前.

Jesus struggled with a deadly spirit of fear

在他肉身的日子里,谁, 当他用强烈的哭声和泪水向他献上祈祷和恳求时,他就能够救他脱离死亡, 并被听到他害怕; 虽然他是儿子, 但他却因所受的苦难学会了顺从 (希伯来书 5:7-8)

When Jesus knew His time had come, He became sore amazed, 而且很重. 耶稣对彼得说, 约翰, 和詹姆斯, 他的灵魂极其悲伤以致要死. He had to overcome His enemy in the flesh: 恐惧的精神. 只有那时, could Jesus continue His way to the cross and accomplish His redemptive work for man.

Jesus had already defeated and overcame many enemies of God in the flesh. Enemies like pride by 证明自己 that He was the Son of God, rebellion by disobeying 上帝的旨意, lust and desire by listening to His senses and feelings, ETC.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus had to conquer one of the biggest enemies of people (besides the spirit of death) namely fear. This spirit of fear, which operates in the soul, had to be defeated before Jesus could continue and accomplish His 救赎的工作.

耶稣如何克服这种恐惧的精神? Through prayer. 耶稣去了 Garden of Gethsemane 观看并祈祷.

While Jesus prayed He was tempted by fear. The spirit of fear wanted Him, 屈服于他灵魂中的恐惧. The spirit of fear wanted Jesus to listen and obey him. He wanted Jes and bow to him, by discontinuing the redemptive work and doing His will instead of the will of the Father and becoming disobedient to the 神的旨意.


To show man, 灵魂与精神的战斗有多么激烈, 耶稣向天父祈祷三遍, 如果他愿意并且可能的话, He would remove the cup from Him. 但每次, Jesus prayed these words, 他对天父的爱战胜了. 这就是为什么耶稣立即说, “Nevertheless not My will, 但你的, 做完了!

These were the same words, 正如耶稣对门徒所说的话, when they asked Jesus to learn how to pray (另请阅读: The flesh can’t pray).

客西马尼花园之战, 父啊,如果你愿意把这杯从我身上拿走

Jesus made it very clear to His disciples, 这不以人的意志为转移. But it’s about the will of God. Only by doing the will of God and staying obedient to Him, people exalt and glorify God with their lives.

耶稣继续他的祷告. While He was praying, an angel appeared and strengthened Him.

当耶稣进入一种严重的精神和情感斗争状态直至痛苦的地步时, He prayed more earnestly.

耶稣的灵与他的灵魂之间的争战 (肉体), 恐惧的精神在其中活跃, 变得如此激烈, 他的汗水变成了大滴的血 (因为他的血液冲破毛细血管壁破裂的事实, 后者是由他的痛苦造成的, 给汗水着色并放大水滴), 不断地倒在地上 (卢克 22:39-44). This was Jesusfirst blood sacrifice for the soul.

耶稣没有放弃. 反而, Jesus spent hours in prayer. We don’t know how long Jesus prayed. 但如果后两次, 耶稣祷告的时间和耶稣第一次祷告的时间一样长, 然后耶稣的祷告持续了大约三个小时 (马修 26:40).


因为他的坚持, Jesus finally overcame the deadly fear. The deadly fear of falling into the hands of sinners, being made sin, and because of that becoming a slave of the devil, and coming under the authority of death, and being separated from His Father. 因为罪将神与人分开.

没有一个人, who has a privileged position and can keep sinning without consequences. 没有人能凌驾于耶稣之上!

如果耶稣没有特权地位, 当耶稣承担了世上所有的罪孽并因此与神分离的那一刻,这一点就变得可见了, 然后 他的追随者 也没有特权地位.

When you are born again and the Holy Spirit dwells in you, 你不想继续犯罪. You have received God’s nature. Therefore you despise and hate the remainder of your old carnal life. You want to get rid of them as soon as possible.


耶稣, 神的儿子, 谁在天上披戴威严, laid down everything and emptied Himself and made Himself void, 通过采取奴隶的外在表达, 这种表达方式来自并真正代表了他的本性 (作为神) 进入, 进入新的存在状态, that of humanity. He was rich, 但却变得贫穷, 为了人类,出于对神的爱.

Jesus humbled Himself. 他是 听话 遵照上帝的旨意,直至死亡, 甚至像十字架上那样的死亡 (腓立比书 2:7-8, 希伯来书 2:14-15).

by one man's disobedience many were made sinners

因为事实, 耶稣以肉身战胜了每一场战斗 (His body and soul), and defeated every enemy of God and humanity, including death through prayer, 并借着说出神的话语, Jesus was able to fulfill the 神的计划 for His life and rose as Victor from the dead.

耶稣战胜了魔鬼, 死亡和他的爪牙 (恶魔).

那些, who believe in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work and become born again in Him, shall live as victors, 而不是肉体的奴隶, 那些生活在魔鬼的捆绑和统治之下的人, 死亡, and the spirits of this world.

每个人, who is born in the flesh is born in bondage under the rulership of death. The only way of redemption and deliverance from death is by faith in Jesus Christ. By becoming born again in Him, so that the person becomes a new creation.

只有当一个人的灵魂从死亡中得到救赎时, through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, a person shall not see death.

Will the battle be over after you become born again?

这并不意味着, 当你重生之后, 你不再经历任何挣扎和战斗. Especially born-again Christians, who are redeemed from death and transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God, 将经历战斗. 为什么? Because the devil shall do everything to tempt and seduce you and take you back into his kingdom.

The devil does everything he can to stop you from fulfilling 神对你一生的计划 and bringing the Kingdom of God on earth. Just like He did with Jesus.

当你重生时, 你还没有从人生的战斗中得到救赎, 正如一些传教士所说. 当你重生时, 天界的战斗只会变得更加激烈和激烈.

这也发生在耶稣的一生中, 谁是 长子 新创造的. 他在地上的一生, 耶稣不断遭遇试探, 迫害, and opposition of man and attacks of the devil in the flesh.

耶稣的一生并不轻松, 安静的, 和舒适的生活, as often portrayed in children’s Bibles, 基督教书籍, 以及有关耶稣生平的电影. 相反, Jesus had a life full of strife and battles. Jesus offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto the Father, 谁能救他脱离死亡, 并被听到他害怕 (希伯来书 5:7).

Due to the crucifixion of the soul, Jesus was able to fulfill His redemptive work for humanity 

Jesus overcame fear and submitted His soul to His spirit and the will of God through persistent prayer. 所以, 耶稣钉死了他的灵魂. Because of the crucifixion of His soul, 耶稣能够在十字架上完成他的工作. 借着他的血, Jesus made reconciliation for the souls of man.

Through regeneration in Christ, you have received the authority, 在里面 耶稣的名字, 和力量, 借着圣灵, in the spiritual battle. And through perseverance in prayer, become victorious and be an overcomer. 就像耶稣一样, Who has given us an example and 束缚强者.



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