

Why was David not allowed to build the temple?


Why was king David not allowed to build the temple for the Lord? Why did God want Salomo to build the temple instead of David? King David was a man after God’s heart, wasn’t he? Therefore you would think

Did you know-why Uzza died 1 编年史 13:9-10


Did you know why Uzza died? It seemed that Uzza only had good intentions and wanted to prevent the ark of God from falling? Uzza touched the ark and died. What did Uzza do wrong? Why did God kill

50 days after passover eastern

发生了什么 50 Days after Passover?

Did you know that 50 逾越节后的几天, God gave His law (The Torah) via Moses to His people? By giving His law and commandments, 神让属肉体的子民知道他的旨意. But did you also know

Why women were separated from men

Why were women separated from men in the synagogue?

Did you know why women were separated from men in the synagogue? Many people think and say, that women were inferior than men, but is that true? What does the Bible say about the separation of men and women

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