
The danger of..

What is the danger of Reiki healing

What is The Danger of Reiki?

Many people suffer from physical or mental illness and look for healing. 多次, 他们看错了地方. One of these places is a Reiki practice. 很多人, 包括基督徒, go to a Reiki therapist and are

danger of porn, 欲望的精神, 性别, masturbation, 淫乱


这里有很多人, 包括基督徒, who watch porn on television or on the internet or buy pornographic literature and delight themselves in what they see. They feed their mind with these erotic images that stir up sexual feelings and



It is unthinkable to live without the internet. The internet has many advantages, but the internet has also its disadvantages. When you use the internet in a responsible way and make sure that it will not become an idol



这里有很多人, including children, who spend hours gaming. They don’t consider gaming a waste of time and don’t see the spiritual dangers of video games, but they consider gaming a positive source of entertainment and a way to

danger television for children

What is the danger of television for children?

In a previous article, the danger of television, it was discussed how television can defile your mind and connect you to demonic powers, and fill your mind with the lies of the world. But what about television for kids? Is watching

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