Bring the lost home

Bring the lost home!

Jesus did what a good shepherd ought to do. Jesus fed the sheep and strengthened them. He bound up the broken, healed the sick, sought the lost, and brought the lost home. Jesus commandment His disciples to follow His

Jesus in the midst of blind leaders

Jesus in the midst of blind leaders

During Jesuslife on earth, Jesus walked in the midst of blind leaders. 在马太福音中 15:14, Jesus called the religious leaders of the house of Israel blind leaders of the blind. What did Jesus mean by blind leaders of

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling philippians 2:12

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling

在腓立比书中 2:12, Paul wrote to the saints at Philippi, Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Maybe these words sound strange in your ears. But these words of Paul still apply to the saints in Christ



在歌罗西书中 3:16, 保罗写道, 让基督的话语丰丰富富地存在心里, 在一切智慧中; 用诗篇、赞美诗和灵歌互相教导和劝诫, 在心里用恩典向主歌唱. 但…

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