Как иметь веру в Бога?

In Mark 11:22, Jesus said to His disciples to have faith in God. Why is it so important to have faith in God? If you have faith in God, you can move mountains and you shall have what you say. But how to have faith in God? What must you do to have faith in God? What does faith in God mean according to the Bible?

Peter and John had faith in Jesus Christ and went in His authority

In a previous blog, the story of the lame man was discussed. The lame man was brought daily to the Temple and asked for alms to the people. When Peter and John passed by, the lame man asked them for alms. But instead of alms, the lame man received healing.

When Peter spoke to the people about the healing of the lame man, Peter told the people, that this man was healed by faith in the Name of Jesus (Читайте также: Вера во Имя Иисуса).

Ordinary people, who had laid down their lives

Питер, Джон, and the other disciples had spent much time with Jesus. They were together with Jesus on a daily basis. Therefore they got to know Jesus Christ and the воля БожияThe disciples were no scholars, but they were ordinary men, who were willing to отдать свою жизнь и следовать за Иисусом.

And be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2

Jesus taught them daily about the Kingdom of God, whereby their mind was renewed

Even though the disciples were still the old creation, who belonged to the faithless generation and walked after the flesh and were not able to understand all things about the Kingdom of God, they still remembered everything that Jesus had taught and commanded them.

When the disciples receivedкрещение with the Holy Spirit, they became born again in the spirit. Their spirit was raised from the dead and became alive, силой Святого Духа, and they received the Holy Spirit inside of them.

When they received the Holy Spirit, они получили Божью природу. They became a new creation, who would no longer walk after the flesh, но после Духа.

All the teachings of Jesus became clear to the disciples. Their mind was already обновленный by the words of God, which Jesus spoke. They were ready to go into the world, fulfilling the commandment, that Jesus gave them in Matthew 28:19-20, Отметка 16:15-18, и Люк 24:47-49.

The disciples obeyed Jesuscommandments and the disciples went out in the Name of Jesus. Everywhere they went, they came in the Name of Jesus in His authority. They did everything, that they had seen Jesus do.

They dedicated their whole lives to Jesus. Their relationship with Jesus didn’t end on Ascension Day, but they were in constant communion with each other through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was living in them, and they were living in Him.

Jesus had faith in God

И пришёл Иисус и говорил им, говоря, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, и научим все народы, крестя их во имя Отца, и Сына, и Святого Духа: Научи их соблюдать все, что Я повелел тебе.: и, вот, Я с вами всегда, даже на край света. Аминь (Мэтью 28:18-20)

Before all power in heaven and on earth was given to Jesus, God had all power. Jesus came to the earth in the Name of God; in the Name of His Father, which means in His authority (власть). Все дела, которые совершил Иисус, He did in the Name of God.

Have faith in God Mark 11-22

I am come in My Father’s Name, and ye receive Me not:if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive (Джон 5:43)

The works that I do in My Father’s Name, they bear witness of Me (Джон 10:25)

Jesus had spent much time with His Father, in heaven, and on earth.

During the nights, while everyone was sleeping Jesus spent time with His Father. Из-за того, что, that Jesus spent much time with His Father, Jesus knew Him thoroughly; they were One.

Jesus had faith in His Father, because Jesus knew His Father. He had heard His Father speak and had seen His Father do many signs and wonders, which are written in the Old Testament. Jesus did the same things, as He had seen His Father do:

Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Воистину, воистину, Я говорю тебе, The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do: for what things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth Him all things that Himself doeth: and He will shew Him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. (John 5:19.20)

Jesus spoke with authority and did all these signs and wonders because Jesus had faith in God.

Why it’s so important to have faith in God?

И Иисус сказал им в ответ:, Иметь веру в Бога. Ибо истинно говорю вам, Что всякий, кто скажет этой горе, Будь ты удален, и будешь брошен в море; и не усомнится в сердце своем, но поверит, что сбудется то, что он говорит; он получит все, что скажет. Therefore I say unto you, Чего бы вы ни желали, когда ты молишься, верьте, что вы получите их, и вы получите их. (Отметка 11:22)

Why is it so important to have faith in God? When you have faith in God, then all things are possible. If you have faith in God and don’t doubt in your heart, you can move mountains, because you believe that what you say will come to pass. All because you have faith in God, faith in Who He is, and faith in His authority and power.

Jesus did many signs and wonders, because Jesus had faith in God. He believed in God, because He knew, who God was.

Jesus had spent time with Him and walked in the воля Его Отца. Jesus knew exactly, what pleased His Father and what didn’t please His Father.

The disciples knew Jesus because they had spent time with Him. They had given up their own lives and their own will, and did воля Иисуса, because they loved Jesus.

Из-за того, что, that they knew Jesus, they had faith in Jesus. Therefore they also spoke the words of God with authority and did the same signs and wonders as Jesus did. They did everything, that they had seen Jesus do. Just like Jesus did everything that He had seen His Father do.

Faith in the Name of God

How can you walk like Jesus, как новое творениеBy spending time with Jesus; the Word and getting to know Jesus and through the Word, you will get to know God and shall have faith in God.

When you get to know God, через Его Слово, you will get to know His will and read about His mighty works. By getting to know God, you shall be able to trust God. You will not only learn to trust God, but you will also believe God. When you believe God, you shall have faith in God.

Faith has everything to do with trust. You can’t trust someone without getting to know the person.

Believe in Jesus Christ

When you accepted Jesus as your Savior, you heard about the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross and believed it. You believed in the Name of Jesus, that’s how it all started.

Когда ты раскаялся and gave your life to Jesus, you only knew Him, on the basis of one work; тот работать на крестеAfter your repentance and acceptance of Jesus, as your Savior and Lord, it was time to get to know Him, by spending time with Him; слово. Because you only get to know Him by reading and studying His Word and by spending time in prayer.

You can’t get to know someone, by not spending time with that person. When you get to know someone, but don’t spend much time together, then you think you know the person, но правда в том, что, that you don’t know this person at all.

You will create a character of that person, according to your own character, воля, and heart desires and will create an imaginary image of that person (Читайте также: ‘Поддельный Иисус порождает поддельных христиан)

Many children have imaginary friends

Look at children. How many children have imaginary friendsThis can be a doll, a soft animal, a person that they created in their mind, or… you name it. This imaginary friend is for children a reality. They think that this friend really exists. But the truth is, that this friend is not real but a fantasy. They have created a fantasy according to their needs.

Есть много людей, who have created their own image of Jesus, and God, without getting to know Them through the Word. The image of Jesus and God is therefore surreal. They think it is real, but the truth is that it is not.

Как иметь веру в Бога?

There is only one way to get to know Jesus Christ and God the Father and that is through God’s Word; Библия. There is no other way. When you get to know Jesus, then you will also get to know God. By getting to God, you will be able to trust God and have faith in God.

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