Что говорит Библия о небесных судах?

There are Christians, who access the courts of heaven and operate daily in the courts of heaven. Maybe you have heard about the doctrine of the courts of heaven and/or you plead your case(с) in the courts of heaven. But what does the Bible say about the courts of heaven? What does God say about operating in the courts of heaven? Where did Jesus operate in the courts of heaven? Where did Jesus command His disciples to become His advocates and plead their cases in the courts of heaven? Do these courts of heaven exist? Is the teaching of the courts of heaven Scriptural or is the teaching of the courts of heaven a false doctrine?

Что говорит Библия о небесных судах?

Что говорит Библия о небесных судах? The Bible doesn’t say anything about accessing the courts of heaven and operating in the courts of heaven nor about the task of Christians to become advocates and plead their cases in the courts of heaven.

What did Jesus say about the courts of heaven?

What did Jesus say about the courts of heaven? Jesus didn’t say anything about the courts of heaven, nor about the fact that He operated in the courts of heaven. Jesus never mentioned the courts of heaven to His disciples and later His Church. Jesus didn’t command His disciples to become advocates and plead their cases in the courts of heaven. Not even when His disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.

Jesus kept nothing hidden. Jesus revealed a.o. Царство Божие, воля Божия, the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Church and the authority of His Church, последние времена, His return, темнота, the temptations and works of the devil, the spiritual warfare, Судный день,  the final destination of the righteous and the final destination of the unrighteous (unbelievers).

If the courts of heaven would exist, don’t you think that Jesus would have said something about the courts of heaven? But Jesus has not spoken about the courts of heaven! Почему? Because the courts of heaven don’t exist!

What did the apostles and disciples of Jesus say about the courts of heaven?

Even the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ didn’t mention the courts of heaven, where the Church of Christ supposed to plead her case(с) as advocate.

They didn’t say anything about accessing the courts of heaven and pleading their cases as advocates in the courts of heaven. Why not? Because the courts of heaven don’t exist!

дьявол как рыкающий лев, ища, кого он может поглотить

We have nothing to look for in imaginary heavenly courts. There is no place in the Bible, where Jesus has appointed His Church as advocate.

Is the devil an accuser? Да, the devil is the adversary of God, and therefore the devil is also our adversary and this shall always be until the devil will be cast into the eternal lake of fire together with all his minions and followers, who have listened to him and obeyed him. But until then, we have an adversary, who goes around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour.

The devil has the ability to accuse, bother and attack people and tempt them to sin, since we are in a spiritual warfare. Это означает, that we will always war against the devil, and the principalities, полномочия, mights, доминионы, and the rulers of darkness.

Однако, the devil can’t come before the throne of God in heaven to accuse the true sons of God. As long as the sons of God walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word in righteousness according to the will of God, they have nothing to fear (Читайте также: 'Может ли дьявол обвинить тебя??).

The law of the Spirit of life

Итак, нет теперь никакого осуждения тем, кто во Христе Иисусе., которые ходят не по плоти, но после Духа. Ибо закон духа жизни во Христе Иисусе освободил меня от закона греха и смерти (римляне 8:1-2)

The law of the Spirit of life and the laws of the Kingdom of God, which apply and represent the will of God, stands forever and these laws have been made known by the Word and the Holy Spirit.

As long as believers stay in Christ, through their submission and obedience to the Word, and walk after the Spirit in the will of God, they are spiritually untouchable.

Jesus is the Way to the Father and He has paved the way to the Holiest

Имея поэтому, братья, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, Новым и живым путем, который Он посвятил нам, сквозь завесу, то есть, Его плоть; И иметь Первосвященника над домом Божьим; Давайте приблизимся с искренним сердцем, в полной уверенности в вере., окропляя наши сердца от порочной совести, и наши тела омываются чистой водой (иврит 10:19-22)

Иисус Христос, our King, and High Priest has not paved the way to the courts of heaven, but Jesus is the Way to the Father and has paved the way to the Holiest, where the throne of God is and Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father and reigns as King (Ой. Действия 5:31,-32; 7:56, римляне 8:32-36, Ефесянам 1:20-23, Колоссянам 3:1-4, иврит 1:1-13; 8:1-2; 10:11-14; 12:2, 1 Питер 3:22. 

Sinners can’t come in the Holiest, but only saints, who have been made holy and righteous in Christ by His blood.

The saints, who are born again in Christ and have the Holy Spirit abiding in them and belong to God, shall come boldly before the throne of God and spend time with the Father in the stillness (Ой. Ефесянам 3:12, иврит 10:19-22)

Why prayers are not answered?

This doctrine of the courts of heaven has been received, because many prayers have not been answered (quickly enough). Instead of believers spending time in the Word and in prayer and communing with the Father and listening to the voice of the Father and Jesus Christ, they search for written prayers and prayer technics and prayer strategies that are supposed to ensure that they quickly receive what they want. And so their prayers derive from a piece of paper instead of their hearts.  

Many think that what they pray for is according to the will of God, while most prayers are soulish and derive from the flesh and are not according to the will of God, but according to the will of man.

Because of the fact that many believers pray wrong, namely out of the lusts, желания, and the will of the flesh, and most prayers are focused on the things on the earth, instead of the Kingdom of God, many prayers are not answered.

К сожалению, the prayer life of most believers only revolves around receiving instead of spending time together with the Father and listening to His voice.

Jesus withdrew Himself many times in silence to be alone with His Father and commanded His disciples to do the same (Читайте также: 'Тайная молитвенная жизнь верующего' и Что является ключом к ответу на молитву?')

“Lord, teach us how to pray”

And when thou prayest, ты не будешь таким, как лицемеры: ибо они любят молиться стоя в синагогах и на углах улиц, чтобы их видели люди. Истинно говорю вам, Они имеют свою награду. Но ты, when thou prayest, войди в твой шкаф, и когда ты закроешь дверь свою, молись Отцу твоему, который в тайне; и Отец твой, видящий тайное, воздаст тебе явно. Но когда вы молитесь, не используйте пустых повторений, как это делают язычники: ибо они думают, что будут услышаны за свои многословия. Итак, не будьте подобны им: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him. Итак, молитесь таким образом.: Отец наш, сущий на небесах, Да святится имя Твое. Да приидет Царствие Твое. Да будет воля Твоя на земле, как на небесах. Дай нам на сей день хлеб наш насущный. И прости нам наши долги, как мы прощаем наших должников. И не введи нас в искушение, но избавь нас от зла: For Thine is the Kingdom, и власть, и слава, навсегда. Аминь (Мэтью 6:5-13)

When one of Jesusdisciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, Jesus said nothing about the courts of heaven, where they were supposed to proceed nor did Jesus say anything about advocacy. 

Don’t you think, that if the courts of heaven would be real and would be the truth, Jesus would have revealed the courts of heaven to His disciples, instead of keeping them ignorant?

Джеймс 4:2-3 you fight and war yet you have not because you ask not you ask and receive not because you ask amiss

Как писалось ранее, Jesus has not spoken about operating in the courts of heaven, not when His disciples were the old creation, nor when His disciples had become the new creation.

Even to the seven churches, Jesus has not mentioned anything about the courts of heaven and operating in a court of heaven.

Why not? Because the courts of heaven don’t exist but are an invention that has derived from a vain carnal mind. 

The devil laughs, because instead of the soldiers of Christ taking their position in Christ and walking in the spiritual armor of God and becoming active and fighting in the heavenly army for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God and revealing and destroying sin and the works of the devil and deliver and save souls, they have an identity crisis and are in the wrong place, wasting their time in the heavenly courts, where they have no business and are operating in vain (Читайте также: 'Destroy the works of God instead of the works of the devil'). 

It’s remarkable that many Christians don’t want to do, what Jesus has commanded them to do, but they are eager to do what (известный) religious people tell them to do.

And so the devil has succeeded to make the army of the Lord Jesus Christ passive and ineffective, while the devil can go ahead and continue to steal, kill and destroy and to make the stage ready for the coming of the antichrist (Читайте также: 'The church is seated in darkness‘ и ‘The world church is being prepared for the antichrist).

Is it the devil or the Holy Spirit?

Every believer, who has become a son of God through regeneration in Christ, the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, and the abiding of the Holy Spirit, ought to put off the old man and put on the new man; Иисус Христос. Никто, who calls himself a son of God (как мужчины, так и женщины) is excluded.

It is the will of God, that His sons submit to Him and obey Him, and walk holy and righteous according to His will. Corrections, warnings (admonitions), and chastisements are part of the process of sanctification and to spiritually mature. Because whom the Lord loves He chastises (Читайте также: 'Whom the Lord loves He chastens' и 'Что, если Божья воля — это не твоя воля??')

освящение - это воля Божия

If you refuse to submit yourself to the will of God and refuse to obey His Word, but persevere in sin, then the works you do and the life you live prove that you don’t belong to God, but still belong to the devil and serve the devil through sin (Ой. Мэтью 7:15-20, 1 Джон 3:4-11).

Много людей, who keep living as the old creation and persevere in sin, blame the devil for everything, while they are responsible for the things they do.

The devil can tempt you to sin, but the devil can’t force you to sin. You do that yourself.

Кроме того, many murmur and whine, because they are accused by the devil. But is it the devil, who accuses you, when you do something that is against the will of God? Or is it the Holy Spirit, Who confronts you with your sin? Since the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, праведность, and judgment and calls to repentance.

It is the will of the devil that everyone perseveres in sin. Because walking in sin means submission and bondage to the devil, грех, и смерть.

As long as the devil knows how to tempt people and ensure that they keep walking in sin, darkness reigns on earth, and the ruler of the world can quietly continue his destruction plan (Читайте также: 'Воля Божья против воли дьявола' и 'Успешна ли миссия дьявола?' )

What authority has a son of God? 

И пришёл Иисус и говорил им, говоря, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Итак, идите, и научим все народы, крестя их во Имя Отца, и Сына, и Святого Духа: Научи их соблюдать все, что Я повелел тебе.: и, вот, я всегда с тобой, даже на край света. Аминь (Мэтью 28:18-20)

But ye shall receive power, после этого на тебя сойдет Святой Дух: и будете Мне свидетелями в Иерусалиме, и во всей Иудее, и в Самарии, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Действия 1:8)

Поэтому я также, после того, как я услышал о твоей вере в Господа Иисуса, и любовь ко всем святым, Перестану за тебя благодарить, упоминая тебя в своих молитвах; Что Бог Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, Отец славы, может дать вам дух мудрости и откровения в познании Его: Глаза вашего понимания просветляются; чтобы вы знали, в чем состоит надежда Его призвания, и какое богатство славы наследия Его во святых, И в чем чрезвычайное величие Его силы для нас, верующих?, по действию могучей силы Его, Что Он совершил во Христе, когда Он воскресил Его из мертвых, и поставил Его одесную Себя на небесах, Гораздо превыше всего княжества, и власть, и может, и владычество, и каждое имя, которое названо, не только в этом мире, но и в том, что произойдет: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church, Which is His Body, полнота Наполняющего все во всем (Ефесянам 1:15-22)

But God, кто богат милосердием, за Его великую любовь, которой Он возлюбил нас, Даже когда мы были мертвы во грехах, оживил нас со Христом, (благодатью вы спасены;) И воспитал нас вместе, и посадил нас на небесах во Христе Иисусе: That in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus (Ефесянам 2:4-7)

По этой причине мы также, с того дня, как мы это услышали, не перестаю молиться за тебя, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son: In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins (Колоссянам 1:9-14)

Ибо в Нем обитает вся полнота Божества телесно. И вы полноценны в Нем, который есть Глава всякого начальства и власти (Колоссянам 2:9-10)

Иоанн семи церквам, находящимся в Асии: Благодать тебе, и мир, от Того, что есть, и что было, и что будет дальше; и от семи духов, находящихся перед престолом Его; И от Иисуса Христа, кто такой верный свидетель, and the first begotten of the dead, и Князь царей земных. Тому, кто возлюбил нас, и омыл нас от грехов наших Своей кровью, И сделал нас царями и священниками Богу и Отцу Своему; Ему слава и держава во веки веков. Аминь (Откровение 1:4-6)

Слово говорит, that Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth, and everyone who is born again in Christ and has become a son of God and is transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God is seated in Christ and has received all the authority and all the power in Him. 

Jesus has done it and has given it all! It is by His work and through His blood and not by your works and your way of living.

Jesus is King! It doesn’t matter whether people want to believe it or not, it is a fact.

Ефесянам 1:20-21 Что Он совершил во Христе, когда воскресил Его из мертвых и поставил одесную Себя на небесах

Jesus is King and is seated above all power, княжество, might, и владычество. И те, who are seated in Him are also seated above all power, княжество, might, and dominion and reign on earth out of Him.

Because the Church of Christ is the Body of Christ (the government of Christ) on earth and represents His Kingdom and reign from Him, from His authority and power.

If you are born again, you have received all authority and all power against the whole army of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you! 

There are no special powers and positions. There are no special levels of authority, which you gain by your conduct in holiness before the Lord. God has given His Holy Spirit to His sons in fulness! And by faith in the Name of Jesus Christ, the sons of God shall do their works. 

One is not above the other. Every believer has received the same power and the same authority in Christ. But it’s all about, whether you believe this or not. As long as you think that you need a special authority or a special anointing, or obtain a certain level,  then you will never walk in the fulness in Christ (‘Что говорит Библия о помазании?', ‘How many anointings are there?‘ и ‘Ложь уровней')

Carnal Christians should stop to feel important and exalt themselves above others and show off their so-called titles. You can have a lot of titles, but those titles don’t prove anything.

Jesus didn’t show off and didn’t announce everywhere He came Who He was and didn’t boast in the fact that He was and is the Son of God, but Jesus walked as Son of God on earth, and by His words and works Jesus showed Who He was.

The Pharisees and Scribes were the ones, who put themselves above the people and showed off their titles and positions and we all know what Jesus said about them (Читайте также: 'The difference between Jesus and the religious leaders' и 'What are the similarities between the religious leader then and now?')

«Вот, Я даю тебе силу наступать на змей и скорпионов, и над всей силой врага: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

И семьдесят вернулись снова с радостью, говоря, Господин, даже бесы подвластны нам через твое имя. И Он сказал им, Я увидел сатану, как молнию, упавшую с небес. Вот, Я даю тебе силу наступать на змей и скорпионов, и над всей силой врага: и ничто ни в коем случае не причинит тебе вреда. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven (Люк 10:17-20)

В Ветхом Завете, Jesus had sent His 12 and later on 70 disciples and had given them all power and authority. They had received the same power (власть) in its fulness from Jesus. Jesus didn’t give Peter or John more power than Andrew or Philip. Even Judas received the same power as the others. 

Люк 10:19 I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions

They had been given all the power (власть) they needed to preach the Kingdom of God and to bring the Kingdom of God to the people, who belonged to the house of Israel and nothing would by any means hurt them.

And this still applies to the sons of God, who are now seated in Christ and who represent, проповедовать, and bring the Kingdom of God to the people.

But because of the many false doctrines, which are preached and because many Christians believe these false doctrines above the words of God, many Christians have become side-tracked and believe that they first need to receive a word, or special anointing or authority or reach a certain level and besides that receive permission from God, before doing something.

Because of all these false doctrines, many Christians have become afraid and doubtful to walk in authority and to address the devil and the powers of hell and death in prayer, and to fight against demonic powers.

Many are afraid of retaliation and therefore they keep their mouth shut and pray in a defensive manner and pray humanistic prayers, instead of being spiritual prayer warriors and pray offensively and destroy the works of the darkness and claim the people and areas for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Many are afraid to cast out demons, because they are afraid that demons will jump on them. Therefore they leave the demons alone

But if Jesus Christ abides in you and you are full of the Holy Spirit, then demons shall flee from you. 

Jesus defeated the devil with the Sword of the Spirit

Although Jesus was and is the Son of God and Jesus was not a sinner, Jesus didn’t have a life on earth without temptations, struggles, преследование, and sufferings. Напротив, Jesus had a life full of struggles and was tempted and tested in all points, так же, как мы, without sin.

The devil was constantly chasing Jesus and tried to tempt Jesus to sin. But the devil didn’t succeed. Jesus defeated the devil with the Sword of the Spirit; Слово Божье.

Jesus didn’t defeat the devil by operating in the courts of heaven, but Jesus defeated the devil by knowing the Father and His will and by speaking the words of God in the right context, and by not submitting to the words of the devil.

Where did the faith in the Name of Jesus Christ go?

But where did the faith go, в который вошел Иисус? Where did the faith in Jesus Christ, through which the works should be done, идти?

Faith in the Name of Jesus and walking after the Spirit in the spiritual armor of God in submission to God’s will is all you need to resist the devil and demons and have a victorious life (Читайте также: ‘Вера во Имя Иисуса'). 

A victorious life doesn’t mean that you won’t have struggles, сопротивление, and persecution. Because there will always be struggles, сопротивление, and persecution because you don’t belong to the world and the ruler of this world anymore. 

Мэтью 7:24 Whosoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them I will like him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock

There will always be storms in your life. Jesus has never said, that believers shall not experience storms in life.

Однако, Jesus did say, that if you stay faithful to Him and abide in the Word and keep His commandments and therefore you do what Jesus commanded you to do, then you shall stand in the storm and overcome the storm and not be defeated and destroyed (Читайте также: 'The hearers vs the doers')

If you keep His commandments and keep standing on the Word and persevere then you will come out of the battle victorious.

Living a victorious life is living a victorious life according to God’s standards and not the standards of the world. Because the will of God is not the will of the world; the will of man.

When we look at the lives of the prophets in the Old Covenant and the lives of Jesus, Питер, Paul, Джон, Джеймс, Stephen, and all the other disciples and their acts, then we read about the resistance and persecution of the world, the martyrdom and living in captivity. 

Although they all walked in the will of God and God was with them, to the outside world it didn’t look like they lived in the will of God and that God was with them. Even Jesus was esteemed stricken, пораженный Богом, and afflicted (Ой. Исайя 53:3-4, Acts 1–28)

What is written in the books?

И я увидел великий белый трон, and Him that sat on it, от лица которого бежали земля и небо; и не нашлось для них места. И я увидел мертвых, маленький и великий, предстать перед Богом; и книги были открыты: и еще одна книга была открыта, это книга жизни: и мёртвые судились по написанному в книгах, по своим произведениям. И море отдало мертвецов, которые были в нем; и смерть и ад отдали мертвых, бывших в них: и судим был каждый по делам его. И смерть и ад были брошены в озеро огненное. Это вторая смерть. А кто не нашелся записанным в книге жизни, тот был брошен в озеро огненное. (Откровение 20:11-15)

Jesus said to His disciples that they should not rejoice that the devils were subject to them but that their names were written in heaven. Because on the Day of Judgment books and a book of life shall be opened.

Does the Bible say anything about (personal) книги, in which a.o. people’s destination and God’s plan for someone’s life on earth, bloodlines, ancestors, and DNA are mentioned

The Word doesn’t say anything about (personal) книги, in which God’s plan and the destinations of people on earth and their bloodlines, ancestors, and DNA are written. Слово говорит, that in the books, which will be opened, the works of people are written.

The books, which will be opened on the Day of Judgment, contain the works and names of the sinners; the ungodly, who belong to the devil and have served the devil. They shall be cast into the eternal lake of fire just like their master and experience the second death.

And the book of life, which will be opened, contains the works and names of the saints, who belong to God and served Jesus Christ. They shall inherit eternal life.

These books shall stay closed until the Day of Judgment.

On that Day of Judgment, the books will be opened, and everyone shall stand before the great heavenly Judge and receive their eternal sentence; a sentence to eternal life or a sentence to eternal death

How did the false doctrine of the courts of heaven originate?

In general, false doctrines arise through soulish people, who are led by false spirits and are not willing to submit to God the Father, Иисус Христос, and the Holy Spirit and refuse to go the way of the Word and put off (the works of) плоть.

False doctrines are new teachings, which many times derive from Old Testament Scriptures that are taken out of context, and make the people believe that you can receive what you want and what God has promised in the Bible via other ways, without having to lay down the flesh.

Because many believers want to receive the promises of God, without fulfilling the conditions. This also applies to the false doctrine of the courts of heaven. 

Ложные доктрины, оскорбляющие Бога

In the false doctrine of the courts of heaven man is the center instead of Jesus Christ. It’s all about the ‘self’ of people and if something stands in the way of happiness, процветание, and carnal wealth and things don’t go as expected or according to their will and they experience struggles, then it’s the devil’s fault and the bag of tricks is opened and all kinds of carnal human methods, техника, prayer strategies, and legal procedures are applied.

And so according to the vain creator of the courts of heaven, people should operate in the courts of heaven for breakthroughs, избавление, unlocking destinies, cleansing of ancestral bloodlines, breaking blood ties and generational curses, and to receive health, unlocking wealth and receive the riches of this world.

But what does the Bible say about these things? Слово говорит, that if you have become a new creation in Christ, old things have passed away! Jesus has carried all your sins on the cross and all your sins are under His blood. You are cleansed by His blood of all sins and unrighteousness. Therefore you have been made holy and righteous by His blood (Ой. римляне 3:22-26; 5:9, 2 Коринфянам 5:21, Ефесянам 1:7, Колоссянам 1:13-2:15, иврит 13:12, 1 Джон 1:7) 

God doesn’t remember your sins, if you truly have repented and have become born again in Christ and have become a new creation.

Поэтому, why do you have to dig in the past and dig up all the sins of your old former life and bring them to remembrance before God again, while God doesn’t think about it because the old man no longer lives and all the sins and unrighteousness are under the blood. Why do you put yourself above God? (Читайте также: ‘Не проваливайтесь в дыру своего прошлого')

And what do we read in the Bible in the New Covenant about generational curses and ancestral sins? Where is it written in the New Covenant that you must dig in the past of your ancestors to find out their sins and why must you confess their sins? This is not Scriptural but occult. What if they don’t live anymore? You shall never find out their sins.

And what does the Bible say about bloodlines, the cleansing of ancestral bloodlines, and breaking the blood ties? Nothing! The cleansing of ancestral bloodlines and breaking of blood ties are occult and the sons of God should not be concerned with that

Слово говорит, that everyone is responsible for his or her own works.

Jesus has defeated the devil and has dealt with sin and death. The blood of Jesus Christ is so powerful that everyone who repents and becomes born again has been cleansed of all sins and unrighteousness of the old man.

Instead of Christians becoming truly born again and renewing their mind with the Word of God to get to know the will of God and gain insights into the Kingdom of God and spiritual warfare and walk after the Spirit and do the works out of Jesus Christ, they believe the words of these false teachers and believe their words and follow them as fools and apply their foolish methods and strategies. 

The Bible warns for false teachers

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ (Галатам 1:6-10)

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, кто тайно внесет проклятые ереси, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. И многие последуют их пагубным путям; из-за кого о пути истины будут говорить злословие. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not (2 Питер 1:2-4)

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Берегитесь, чтобы кто-нибудь не испортил вас философией и тщеславным обманом., по традиции мужчин, после зачатков мира, и не после Христа. Ибо в Нем обитает вся полнота Божества телесно. И вы полноценны в Нем, который есть Глава всякого начальства и власти (Колоссянам 2:6-10)

The Bible warns us of false teachers, who preach false doctrines and pervert the simple gospel of Jesus Christ and trouble the believers and cause them to go astray.

Today, there are many false teachers, who take the words of God out of context and come up with all kinds of new self-invented theories, that remove believers from Him unto another gospel, which is not a gospel, only for their own fame and financial gain.

Но те, who are born again and are spiritual and know the Word shall not be misled, since they know the Word, правда, and the will of God.

Wake up and fight the good fight of faith

If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, борьба, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Но ты, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, вера, любовь, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses (1 Тимоти 6:3-12)

Thou therefore endure harness (hardships), as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he my may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier (2 Тимоти 2:3-4)

For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing (2 Тимоти 4:6-8)

It’s about time that Christians wake up from their deep sleep and follow Jesus Christ instead of the words of people and do what the Word says and put off the old man and put on the man and submit to God and walk in the will of God as is written in the Bible and not originated in the carnal mind of vain people.

It’s about time that Christians walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and follow His example and represent the Kingdom of God on earth and preach and bring the Kingdom of God to the people

Let the believers, who are the Church, exercise their spiritual authority and power, which they have received in Christ by His work, by doing what Jesus has commanded the believers to do. 

If Christians are so eager to become practitioners of the law, let them submit to the law of God and obey the will of God and execute His will; His commandments and stop sinning and judge sins and remove them from their lives.

Instead of accessing and operating in a heavenly court, let the Church function as the Body of Christ and be the government of the Kingdom of God on earth that represent His law and reflect His holiness and His righteousness on earth and condemn sin and remove them from the Body of Christ instead of embracing sins and defile the Body of Christ. 

Let the Church remove those, who refuse to submit to the will of God and refuse to remove the sins from their lives, из церкви, as Jesus commanded and just as Paul did, who only obeyed the Head and delivered the rebels of Jesus Christ unto satan (Читайте также: ‘What does it mean to deliver someone unto satan?').

В Библии, in the New Covenant, we don’t read anything about believers becoming advocates and accessing the courts of heaven and operating on different levels in the courts of heaven.

Jesus has never appointed His followers as advocates and to operate in a court of heaven, but Jesus has appointed the believers as fighting soldiers in His army, who fight the good fight of faith and resist sin and spiritually war against the principalities, полномочия, доминионы, and rulers of darkness and deliver souls from the darkness, so that they shall establish and expand the Kingdom of God on earth and on the Day of Judgment, when the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall judge the people, those who have loved the Lord and kept His commandment will receive the crown of righteousness.

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