Kiedy Jezus przyjdzie, will He find faith on earth?

Przez lata, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the faith has slowly been affected and adjusted. Wiele fałszywe doktryny have entered the church and the lives of many Christians. Because of these false doctrines, many Christians can’t endure sound doctrine. Many preachers are carnal and preach according to the itching ears and the will of people. There are many preachers, who are employed by man instead of God. They do everything they can, to please people, so that they will keep coming back to church. Because they know, that as soon as their message is confrontational and calls for change and will go against the will of the people, the people become offended and insulted and will not come back to church anymore. That’s why there aren’t many sermons about the true sound gospel of Jesus Christ, krzyż, the work of redemption, Krew, grzech, putting away sin, umieranie dla siebie, i uświęcenie. And if there are preachers, who preach about it, then oftentimes, the truth has been adjusted in such a way, that the message ensures that believers stay unchanged, continue in sin and remain stare stworzenie. Jesus knew all this and therefore Jesus told His disciples, then when Jesus returns will He find faith on earth? Will He find faith in the church? Will He find faith in the lives of believers?

What happened with the church?

Instead of the church (zgromadzenie wiernych), which represents the Kingdom of God on this earth, separating itself from the world and from sin, the church compromises with the world and keeps walking in sin, zupełnie jak świat. Many Christians hardly study and/or listen to the Word and don’t apply the Word in their lives.

There aren’t many believers, who are longing for a holy and righteous life, i zupełnie jak Jezus, live in obedience to the Father. That’s because many are only focused on themselves and only long for the power of God and the miracles Jesus did. They want to be seen and accepted by the world. Dlatego, they do everything they can, to become famous and noticed by the world and to be liked and accepted by the world.

There is hardly any difference between believers and unbelievers

There is hardly any difference anymore between the world, niewierzący, who obey and serve the devil and have the devil as father, and the church; wierzący, who serve Jesus Christ and have God as their Father.

When the Son of man comes shall He find faith on the earth

Going to church once or twice a week, having a membership and/or task in the church, supporting charities, and a good behavior, will not make you a Christian. It doesn’t give you access to the Kingdom of God either.

Jest wiele ludzi, którzy nazywają siebie chrześcijanami, who go to church and attend seminars and conferences and are ever learning, without coming to the knowledge of the truth.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tymotka 3:6-7)

Isn’t that awful? That you think, that you are saved, ale w rzeczywistości, you are not? That you think, that you live according to Wola Boża, but you are not? How is that possible? It’s possible because many Christians have left the Word of God, that’s why they don’t know the truth.

They don’t know the real Jesus Christ; żywe Słowo. But they have created an imaginary Jesus and serve thisfalse Jesus, who has a lot of similarities with themselves, and that’s why they live in a big lie. They fill themselves with lies, to make their lives as comfortable as possible (Przeczytaj także: ‘Fałszywy Jezus rodzi fałszywych chrześcijan’)

Many Christians walk in self-chosen ways

The sad truth is, that many Christians have left God’s Word and therefore they have left the faith in Jesus Christ; żywe Słowo, and have entered self-chosen ways. Many believers have become unbelievers and therefore they don’t walk according to Wola Boża I Jego przykazania nie więcej. They don’t live as narodzonych na nowo chrześcijan i nie postępujcie według Ducha. But they are carnal and are led by the world and their own lusts, pragnienia, uczucia, emocje, I będzie, and walk after their flesh.

czy Bóg zmieni swoją wolę na pożądliwości i pragnienia ludzi

What man wants, happens. They are led by the flesh; ich zmysły, emocje, uczucia, i pragnienia. Their soul and body dictate them what to do.

Ze względu na fakt, that they remain the old man, they often end up in trouble.

But isn’t it so, that when you turned to Christ and repented and decided to follow Him, you have freely laid down your own lifein Jesus Christ and that you died to ‘self’? That it’s not about your will anymore, but about His will? (Przeczytaj także: ‘A co jeśli wola Boga nie jest twoją wolą??„)

Aren’t youseated in Christ w niebiańskich miejscach, and shouldn’t you represent the Kingdom of God and bring the Kingdom of God to this earth? Instead of enforcing the kingdom of the world; królestwo ciemności (diabeł)?

Jesus’ perfect work of redemption denied

How many times, do preachers, pastorzy, ewangeliści, gdzie indziej, itp. say they believe in Jesus Christ and His work of redemption, but in reality deny Jesus’ perfect work of redemption, by considering themselves grzesznicy and therefore tolerate sin and persevere in sin? How is that possible?

The Bible says when you become nowe dzieło; syn Boży, you are no longer a sinner. W Jezusie Chrystusie, and by His blood, you have been made holy and righteous. His Spirit has been given, Do nowe stworzenie; nowy człowiek, and lives in the new man. Dlatego the new creation is able to walk, tak jak chodził Jezus, jako syn Boży, on this earth.

Stary człowiek jest ukrzyżowany w Chrystusie

But as long as you believe, To tywill always remain a sinner, you indirectly say, To the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the cross was not perfect.

You indirectly say, that the blood of Jesus Christ, which was shed at the whipping post and on the cross, was not powerful enough, to redeem mankind from sin and iniquity and redeem mankind from their sinful nature.

When you say, that you are still a sinner, you don’t believe in Jesus Christ and His perfect work of redemption.

Tak, we are all born as sinners in the flesh, there is no one excluded.

Every person is born as a sinner and remains a sinner until a person believes in Jesus Christ, żałuje, i staje się nowym stworzeniem, through His blood, chrzest w wodzie, i chrzest Duchem Świętym.

Kiedy się staniesz nowe dzieło, you are no longer a sinner. You have freely laid down your old sinful nature and exchanged your life for His life; your will for His will. Now it’s up to you, to take up your cross and follow Jesus.

The faith is affected by the lies of man

Za każdym razem, when we take the words of God out of their context, provide our own explanation, and interpretation, and add our own opinion, then the words become a twisted truth, which is no longer the truth.

Jezus przywiódł grzeszników do pokuty

Let’s take, Na przykład, the parts in the Bible, when Jesus ate with the publicans and sinners and was addressed by the Pharisees and the scribes (Mateusz 8:9, Ocena 2:13, Łukasz 5:29).

Wiele razy, people say: Jesus ate with publicans and sinners, Jesus was a friend of publicans and sinners (Łukasz 7:34), W związku z tym, we are also allowed to hang out and fellowship with unbelievers, and do the same things they do, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Tak, Jesus hung out with the publicans and sinners. But first of all, they were part of the house of Israel (Cielesny lud Boży) and were not Gentiles.

Po drugie, Jesus came with a message of repentance, and these publicans and sinners believed in Jesus Christ, żałował, and immediately laid down their wicked and evil deeds (Przeczytaj także: Was Jesus a Friend of publicans?).

Ujrzeć, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold

Zacchaeus, who was the chief among the publicans, was rich, and when he repented, Zacchaeus gave half of his goods to the poor, and Zacchaeus said to Jesus, that if he had taken anything from any man by false accusation, he was even willing to restore him fourfold:

Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Ujrzeć, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, for so much as he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost (Łukasz 19:8-10)

Jesus didn’t tolerate and accept sin. Jesus didn’t fellowship and wasn’t a partaker of their evil works, but Jesus brought them (The people of the house of Israel) do pokuty.

I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Łukasz 5:32)

Jesus loves people but hates the works of the old man

Jesus loved people but Jesus hated the evil works (grzech) z stary cielesny człowiek, who belonged to the unfaithful generation. Tak, Jesus hated the carnal works like adultery, cudzołóstwo, nieczystość, lubieżność, bałwochwalstwo, czary, nienawiść, zmienność, emulacje, gniew, walka, bunty, herezje, envying, morderstwa, pijaństwo, rozkoszowanie się, gniew, gniew, złośliwość, bluźnierstwo, filthy communication, itp.

Jesus hated the works, which came forth out of the Adamic nature. Because they were against the will of the Father. And the truth is, that Jesus still hates sin because Jesus has not changed. He has not changed and that’s why His point of view has not changed.

Jesus still hates sin, despite His work at the cross and His blood that was shed. Jesus didn’t die at the cross to approve and authorize people to continue in sin. But His perfect work and His blood ensured that whosoever would believe in Him, He gave the power to become a new creation; syn Boży, i do reign together with Jesus Christ.

Kiedy Jezus powróci, will He find faith on earth?

You can confess with your mouth all you want. But if your works and deeds don’t line up with your confessions and your skrucha, then your confessions are worthless.

The devil and the fallen angels (demony) also believe in God, Jezus, i Ducha Świętego. But they are not saved. Their final destination is the eternal lake of fire; hell.

Taka jest wola Boga, wasze uświęcenie

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble (James 2:19)

When you say, that you believe in Jesus Christ, then you shall live according to His commandments and His will.

You shall do, what the Word tells you to do, and not listen, to what the world says.

You shall no longer be a partaker of its evil works and live like the world. But you shall separate yourselves from the world.

You shall put your trust in Jesus Christ, and listen to what God, Jezus, and the Holy Spirit say. You shall devote your life to Him.

Only when you walk after the Spirit and live according to what the Word says, you shall walk in faith.

You shall keep standing in the faith, despite your circumstances. You shall stay loyal to the Word and be persistent in prayer. When you walk in faith, you shall walk according to the will of the Father and please Him. You shall seek those things which are above and not the things which are beneath, on this earth.

Abusing the grace of God

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, czy znajdzie wiarę na ziemi? (Łukasz 18:8)

Jesus knew the weaknesses of the old man, who walked after the flesh and belonged to the unfaithful generation (the Adamic nature). Jezus wiedział, that in czasy ostateczne, wiele false teachers and preachers would come, with their own philosophies, opinions and worldly knowledge.

False preachers, who would tolerate and accept sin, who would abuse the grace of God to continue living in sin, and mock the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s why Jesus said to His disciples, when Jesus returns, will He find faith on the earth?

„Bądź solą ziemi”

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