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Twórcy pokoju Boga

Boży czyniący pokój

W Mateuszu 5:9, it is written, blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. God has called His children to be peacemakers on earth, just like Jesus Christ, syn boży, who came

Jaki pokój Jezus przyniósł na ziemię

Jaki pokój Jezus przyniósł na ziemię?

Jesus is the Prince of peace and He came to earth to bring peace. But what kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth? Jest wiele ludzi, who have created an image of Jesus as a kind, kochający,…

how to create order from chaos

How to create order from chaos?

Are you consumed by your daily circumstances? Are you overwhelmed by negative thoughts or problems? Do you experience stress, martwić się, Lęk, strach, itp.? Do you experience chaos instead of peace? Are you looking for a way out, ale ty…

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