Waiting for Jesusreturn; Streszczenie

W poprzednich wpisach na blogu, the waiting for the promise of Jesusreturn and what signs shall take place in the end times was discussed. W Mateuszu 24, Jesus spoke to His disciples about the end of time, before His return. Jesus mentioned what signs shall take place.

Jesus not only mentioned the signs, but Jesus also warned His disciples, for the many deceptions that shall take place at the end of the last days (Przeczytaj także: Jak rozpoznać fałszywych proroków w naszych czasach??, Doctrines of devils are killing the Church„, kościół okultystyczny, I Nowy wiek w Kościele?).

As long as you stay focused on Jesus and take His words, obey His words, and live according to His Word, then you shall not be deceived and the Day of the Lord shall not come as a surprise, but you shall stay in His peace and endure until the end.

The Jesusreturn and the end times

There are many more passages in the Bible about the end times and the return of Jesus. But for now, I only wanted to look at what Jesus said to His disciples, about the end times and what will happen before Jesus returns.

If you are curious about what signs shall take place before the return of Jesus, before His coming, I would like to advise you to read the Book of Matthew chapter 24.

W Mateuszu 24 Jezus powiedział:

What must you do in the meantime?

Watch and be prepared to meet Him! Buduj się w swojej najświętszej wierze. Sanctify yourself in the Holy Ghost; walk in holiness, walk according to the Word of God in obedience to Him.

Encourage each other. When you see someone falling away from the faith or step into a trap of the devil and sin, warn and correct that person and call that person to repentance. When you notice, that someone is falling asleep, poke that person so that (S)he shall stay awake and watch. Follow Jesus and do the works, that Jesus has commanded you to do, which are:

Go ye into all the world, i głoście ewangelię wszelkiemu stworzeniu. Kto uwierzy i przyjmie chrzest, będzie zbawiony; lecz kto nie wierzy, będzie potępiony. A te znaki będą towarzyszyć tym, którzy uwierzą; W My name shall they cast out devils; będą mówić nowymi językami; Będą brać węże; i jeśli wypiją coś śmiertelnego, nie zaszkodzi im to; będą kłaść ręce na chorych, and they shall recover (Ocena 16:15-18)

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