Jakie jest niebezpieczeństwo związane z pornografią?

Jest wiele ludzi, w tym chrześcijan, who watch porn on television or on the internet or buy pornographic literature and delight themselves in what they see. They feed their mind with these erotic images that stir up sexual feelings and create sexual fantasies in their mind. But what happens in the spiritual realm, when someone watches pornography and feeds his or her mind with these sexual images? What are the spiritual effects of watching pornography in someone’s life and what is the effect of watching pornography on marriages? What is the effect of pornography on our society? What does the Bible say about pornography? Can a Christian watch pornography or is watching pornography a sin? What is the danger of pornography that many people are not aware of?

What happens in the spiritual realm when someone watches pornography?

What happens in the spiritual realm when you watch pornography? If you watch porn, a spirit of witchcraft and a spirit of lust will enter your life. The spirit of witchcraft, because you keep watching pornography and become addicted to pornography.

The first result of the spirit of lust will express itself in masturbatingYou will get sexually excited by what you see and to satisfy your sexual feelings you will uprawiać masturbację. When you masturbate and get an orgasm you have obeyed the demands of this spirit of lust, who has entered your life. This spirit of lust shall rule over you and control your life.

When an unclean spirit of lust controls your life, you will not be able to live without pornography anymore. You shall watch pornography more often or watch more extreme forms of porn and become addicted to porn. Because this spirit of lust must be satisfied.

Maybe you will even visit pornographic websites, where you can participate online via webcam and have cyber sex.

You will become addicted to sex and porn. The more you give in to it, the more sexual cravings, and the need for sex you will have.

What is the spiritual danger of pornography in marriage?

When you are married and watch porn, you want to have more often sex, and your sex life will become more extreme. Maybe your spouse is not able to fulfill your sexual needs anymore or you become bored with your spouse and commit adultery (cudzołóstwo).

When you are controlled by a spirit of lust, you will become a slave of sexual lust and you shall have no control over your sexual feelings anymore. This shall eventually destroy your marriage.

Why will this destroy your marriage? Because you will not be satisfied with just one partner anymore but you will need more partners to fulfill your sexual needs. Maybe you will even experiment with someone from your own gender. You will commit adultery or visit prostitutes or go to sex parties or other group sex events, Lub…

These evil forces of darkness will reign over you and you’ll become a slave to sex. Only because you were curious and watched pornography secretly.

What is the world’s view on pornography?

Most people, who live without Jesus Christ, consider porno normal. They think it’s okay to watch pornography. What used to be forbidden in the old days has become completely normal in today’s world. People are not ashamed anymore but talk and write openly about pornography.

Wielu ludzi, who are married, consider pornography an addition to their sex life. Most unmarried people consider pornography, in combination with masturbating, as a source to fulfill their sexual needs. It has all become very normal. But as soon as they watch porn, their mindset on intimacy and sex becomes perverted.

What is the result in our society, that more and more people become involved with pornography?

The role of sex in society

What you sow is what you reap and that’s exactly what is happening in today’s society. We see an increase in sexual uncleanliness. When you turn on the telewizja, almost every program, broadcast, (real-life) soap, film, or commercial is sexually oriented.


You can’t watch a program without sexual content and without sexual remarks and jokes. The world enjoys these remarks and jokes and shares them with others.

Sex plays a big role, because sex attracts, sells, and therefore sex is lucrative.

Our whole society is sexually oriented. We not only see this on television, but we see it all around us in our daily life: w reklamach, billboards, W (e-)czasopisma, książki, teatry, kino, muzyka, odzież, conversations, w pracy, szkoła, itp.

Children at school are not discouraged and forbidden to have sex. They’re not taught to wait until they get married. But they are taught to use a condom when they have sex. The teachers encourage them to have sex, by telling them that it’s okay to have sex as long as you use a condom. According to the world, a condom makes it all right to have sex. How crazy is that?

The danger of pornography and the effect of pornography on society

People think that watching pornography is harmless, but that’s not true. The thing is, that many people live without God and are carnally minded and live after the flesh in the visible realm, instead of being spiritually minded and living after the Spirit in the spiritual realm. They don’t have any discernment of the spiritual realm.

They see all the misery of (seksualny) nadużywać, (seksualny) przemoc, epidemie, choroby, itp., and an increase in sexual uncleanliness around them, but they don’t see the cause.

An increase in sexual violence

Worldwide, we see an increase in sexual abuse and sexual violence. We see an increase in sex trafficking, child prostitution, sexual child abuse, pedophilia, and sex with animals.

But we also see an increase in sexual uncleanliness and perversion like masturbacja, mieszkają razem bez ślubu, seks przedmałżeński, one-night stands, committing adultery, cudzołóstwo, having multiple sexual relationships even outside marriage, partner swap, seks grupowy, visiting a prostitute, homoseksualizm, transgender, itp.

All these sins take place because people have abandoned God and rejected His Word.

Wielu ludzi, don’t walk after the Word and the Spirit, but they are carnal and are led by their flesh and by the spirit of this world. In this case, they are led by a spirit of (seksualny) żądza. And it will only increase and get worse.

Sex tourism

Many people are against sex trafficking and child prostitution and are disgusted by the sexual abuse and violence done to children. Ale tymczasem, at home, they watch pornography of young adults, teenagers, and maybe even children and enjoy what they are watching.

And what about sex tourism? How many people book a vacation to countries like for example Thailand or the Philippines, just because of their prostitution and to have (perverted) seks? How many people visit these countries to have sex with young girls and/or young boys?

Human trafficking

There are many pimps, who catch innocent girls and boys into their web of sexual uncleanliness. They enslave these girls and boys into a life of prostitution. They become sex slaves and become victims of child pornography or are sold and given to people, who are possessed with a spirit of lust and let them abuse and rape these innocent children.

These pimps exist because they get a lot of money for fulfilling the needs of people, who are possessed by a spirit of lust. These poor girls and boys become victims of our world’s perverted society, which has opened its doors for pornography.

People accuse these pimps, instead of looking at the cause: society and its sexual needs. If the demand of people would stop then these pimps would be left without a job and wouldn’t harm innocent children anymore.

The spirit of lust in the Church

But not only the people, którzy żyją bez Boga, watch pornography, and live in sexual uncleanness. There are a lot of carnal ‘Christians’, who claim to know Jesus Christ and serve Him, while in secret they watch pornography and are involved in sexual uncleanliness, and are controlled by this spirit of lust.

Tak, this spirit of lust has entered many churches. There are many church members, deacons, gdzie indziej, pastorzy, ewangeliści, prorocy, and apostles, who are led by a spirit of lust and watch porn in secret or other erotic programs, seria, kino, itp.

Taka jest wola Boga, wasze uświęcenie

They are not led by the Spirit of God, but by the spirit of this world, which is in this case, a spirit of lust. These seductive spirits have free rein during services, konferencje, seminars, itp.

There are many deacons, gdzie indziej, pastorzy, prorocy, ewangeliści, itp., who watch porn and/or uprawiać masturbację or even secretly commit adultery, while during service they lay hands on believers (tj. during an altar call), and because of the laying on of hands, they transfer this spirit of lust upon believers.

But the transfer of a spirit of lust will not only take place by the laying on of hands, but also by speech.

When a pastor, prorok, apostle, itp. preaches in church but has a spirit of lust and lives in sexual uncleanliness, then this unclean spirit of lust will be transferred to the whole congregation.

The whole congregation will be captivated by this spirit of lust. This will be manifested by an increase of (hidden) sexual impurities in the church, like sexual thoughts, masturbating, mieszkają razem bez ślubu, sexual relationships without being married, cudzołóstwo, cudzołóstwo, cheating, homoseksualizm, pedophilia, itp.

Unclean spirits have free admission to the church

Many churches are carnal and preach and live after the flesh, zamiast the Spirit. Z tego powodu, these unclean spirits are not discerned and have free admission to the church and the lives of Christians.

Just look at the wiele church leaders, who are possessed by a spirit of lust and commit adultery or sexually abuse children. They are controlled and led by their feelings of lust and obey them.

How many churches fall apart and are destroyed by sexual scandals? Just because the carnal minister was led by a spirit of lust and couldn’t control his or her sexual feelings and had to satisfy his or her sexual needs. Fulfilling their sexual need is more important to them than being the Word of God (Przeczytaj także: ‘Czy potrafisz oprzeć się pokusie??„)

The devil has built his throne in many churches

The devil has built his throne in many churches, while the believers were, i nadal są, sleeping. They are not aware of what is going on. Przez lata, many boundaries have shifted. Little by little the church has watered down the gospel and metaphorically and literally put water into the wine.

Many churches have become like the world and have nonmarital sex, live together unmarried, uprawiać masturbację, rozwód, have abortions, cudzołożyć, accept homoseksualizm, transgender, itp (Przeczytaj także: ‘Kościół pogrążony w ciemności‘ I ‘Tron szatana„)

They’ll do what they want to do and accept all the things of the world and use the words łaska I Miłość to make it all right.

Co jest nie tak z kościołem

The Word (Jezus) is repudiated from many churches. The world (diabeł) reigns in the lives of many people, którzy nazywają siebie chrześcijanami. Many Christians think they live according to Wola Boża. Lecz, they live in a lie and are on their way to hell.

Because the Word, Jezus, mówi:

Umartwiajcie tedy członki wasze, które są na ziemi; cudzołóstwo, nieczystość, nadmierne uczucie, zła pożądliwość, i pożądliwość, co jest bałwochwalstwem: Dlatego też „na dzieci nieposłuszeństwa przychodzi gniew Boży”.: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them (Kolosan 3:5-7)

Słowo mówi, that you have to mortify the members that are on the earth, like fornication, nieczystość, itp. Instead of feeding themby giving in to these feelings of lust and desire and being like the world, you should resist them.

Let fornication, all uncleanness or covetousness not be named among you

The Word even says, that these things, may not be even named among the believers:

Ale cudzołóstwo, i wszelką nieczystość, lub pożądliwość, niech nie będzie o tym ani razu wspominane wśród was, jak przystoi świętym; Ani brudu, ani głupie gadanie, ani żartować, które nie są wygodne: ale raczej dziękczynienie. Za to wiecie, to nie jest żadna dziwka, ani osoba nieczysta, ani chciwy człowiek, kto jest bałwochwalcą, ma dziedzictwo w królestwie Chrystusa i Boga (Efezjan 5:3-5)

Hey, where did the grace and love go? (Przeczytaj także: ‘Czym jest fałszywa miłość?‘ I ‘‘Lost in the sea of grace„, ‘Can you keep sinning under grace?„)

Wielu chrześcijanthink Oni know Bóg, but they don’t know the will of God. Because when you look at their lives and their walk they don’t live and walk according to the will of God. Jaka jest wola Boża?

For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, ale Bóg, who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit(1 Tesaloniczan 4:3-8)

Turn to Jesus Christ and repent of your works

The only way to stop the increase of sexual uncleanliness is to turn to Jesus Christ. Ask forgiveness to God andżałować of your works. Be cleansed of Wszystko your iniquities and sins, by the precious blood of Jesus. Become narodzić się na nowo and walk as the Nowa kreacja po Duchu.

Pokutujcie, bo Królestwo Niebieskie jest już blisko

When you become born again and odnowić swój umysł ze Słowem Bożym, then you shall think, działać, Iwalk after the Word (Jezus), and live after the Spirit.

You shall submit yourself, and become obedient to the whole Word of God. You shall live after His will, instead of your will.

Only when you keep walking after the Spirit, you shall stay free from the bondage of the devil.

This I say then, Chodź w Duchu, i nie będziecie oddawać się pożądliwości ciała. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would (Galatów 5:16-17)

Kiedy idziesz za Duchem, the Spirit will reign in your life, instead of your flesh. You shall keep yourself and flee from (seksualny) uncleanliness and fornication.

But as soon as you start walking after the flesh, and give into pornography and sexual uncleanliness, you shall become bound by the powers of darkness. These evil powers shall control your life and will cause destruction and eternal damnation.

When the Spirit reigns in your life and you keep walking after the Spirit, you shall live in true freedom.

Bądź solą ziemi”

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