Czy możesz dalej grzeszyć pod łaską??

We are no longer under the law, ale pod łaską, is cited by many Christians to exculpate themselves from their duty and responsibilities to keep the commandments of Jesus and fulfill the great commission and walk as sons of God after the spirit in holiness after God’s will. As soon as you confront a person with something that diametrically opposes the Word of God and His will, you can count on it, that the person will use, pośród innych, Rzymianie 6:14 to make it alright and approve what is evil. Z tego powodu, many Christians turn evil into good and keep sinning under grace. But what does the Bible say about being under grace? Czy możesz dalej grzeszyć pod łaską??

What does it mean, you are not under the law but under grace?

Bo grzech nie będzie nad wami panował: for you are not under the law, ale pod łaską (Rzymianie 6:14)

There are also many preachers, who cite, pośród innych, Rzymianie 6:14 to approve, tolerate and accept all behavior, lifestyles, and all things that diametrically oppose God’s Word and His will. They use it, so that no one has to change and can live like the world.

According to them, it doesn’t matter how you live and what you do, because you are under grace. Dlatego, the time of laws, przykazania, rules, and regulations is over and now you can live the way you want to live. Because Jesus has dealt with the sin problem and took all the sins of the world away so that you can no longer walk in sin. Sin doesn’t exist anymore, to those, who believe in Him and are transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God.

Jesus hasn’t only dealt with all the sins of your former life, but also with the sins, you habitually keep doing in your new life. Dlatego, you won’t have to confess your sins, because that will only cause feelings of guilt and according to them, that’s not the will of God. There is already enough misery and judgment in churches and the world and that’s why Christians may live in ‘freedom’, in the love and grace of God, doing what they want to do without submitting to what is written in the Bible, because that belongs to religion and legalism and is old-fashioned and obsolete (Przeczytaj także: What is the difference between religion and relation?).

By preaching this message, whereby the truth of God is mixed with the lies of people, they please the people, and receive honor and praise, and protect themselves from the resistance and persecution of the world.

But where do we read all these things in the Bible? Where is it written, that there is no more sin and that a person can no longer habitually sin? Where is it written in the Bible, that you won’t have to change? Where is it written, że nie ma znaczenia, jak żyjesz? Where is it written, that the new creation is allowed to habitually keep living in sin? Where is it written, that God tolerates and approves sin? Ponieważ, if it doesn’t matter to God how you live, and that He approves the fact, that His children keep living in sin, then why did Jesus have to come to the earth to deal with the sinful nature of (upadły) Człowiek? Why were the sacrifices of animals not good enough to temporarily reconcile the sins of man, since people would keep falling back in sin and habitually keep sinning?

Call to holiness and the removal of sins

But as already discussed in previous blog posts, according to the Word, it does matter how you live in the new covenant, that is sealed with the precious blood of Jesus. Because we read, that Jesus and the apostles called the believers; the saints unto holiness and instructed them to remove the sins out of their lives (Przeczytaj także: „Zagubiony w morzu łask„, ‘What is grace?' I 'Jaka jest różnica między prawem a łaską?„)

Because what happened in the spiritual realm, namely that they had become in Jesus Christ a Nowa kreacja and that they were redeemed from their flesh, in which the sinful nature is present, had to become visible in the natural realm, przez odstraszając starego (ciało) I putting on the new man (duch).

Te, who use, pośród innych, Rzymianie 6:14 to approve, tolerate and accept all behavior and all things, that go against God’s will and to keep living after the flesh, often forget to read and study scriptures in the right context. They are unspiritual and have created their own ideas, Wyniki, and opinions, that is mainly formed by the knowledge and wisdom of the world. In order to empower and confirm their ideas, opinie, i ustalenia, they pick and choose scriptures and take them out of their context. That also applies to Romans 6:14, because the verses that are written before and after verse 14, are never discussed. Dlatego, let’s have a look in what context Romans 6:14 is written and what else is written in the Bible about the grace of God, and if it’s allowed to habitually keep living in sin after a person is born again.

Death unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Broń Boże. Jak to zrobimy, którzy umarli dla grzechu, żyć w nim dłużej? Wiedzcie, że nie, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: na wzór Chrystusa powstałego z martwych przez chwałę Ojca, tak i my powinniśmy postępować w nowości życia.

For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, i my będziemy podobni do Jego zmartwychwstania: Wiedząc to, that our old man is crucified with him, aby ciało grzechu zostało zniszczone, abyśmy odtąd nie służyli grzechowi. Bo kto umarł, jest uwolniony od grzechu. Jeśli już umarliśmy z Chrystusem, we believe that we shall also live with him: Wiedząc, że Chrystus powstający z martwych już nie umiera; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Podobnie i wy uważajcie się za umarłych dla grzechu, ale żywi dla Boga przez Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego.

Niech więc grzech nie króluje w waszym śmiertelnym ciele, abyście byli mu posłuszni w jego pożądliwościach. Nie oddawajcie też członków swoich jako narzędzi nieprawości dla grzechu: ale oddajcie się Bogu, jak ci, którzy ożyli z martwych, i członki wasze jako narzędzia sprawiedliwości dla Boga. Bo grzech nie będzie nad wami panował: bo nie jesteście pod Prawem, ale pod łaską. (Rzymianie 6:1-14)

Jesus has shown us, what grzech does with a person’s life: sin leads to death. Through His perfect work of redemption, Jesus died once and for all unto sin, was raised from the dead, and is forever seated at the right hand of God. By His work and His blood, Jesus brought redemption to those, who believe in Him, żałować, lay down their own lives I podążać za nim.

obrzezanie w Jezusie ChrystusiePoprzez regeneracja, you are baptized in Christ into His death and that’s why, jesteś, zupełnie jak On, for once and for all, died unto sin.

The sin, that reigned and ruled as king in your flesh; the sinful nature of the old carnal man, who is bound to the law, no longer exists after you become born again. Because the old man (ciało), in whom sin and death have dominion and for whom the law of sin and death was intended, is crucified and has died in Christ.

If your flesh is dead, you can no longer walk after the desire of the flesh and habitually live in sin and keep sinning. Only when your flesh has died, only then are you dead to sin and its power.

When you were baptized in Christ, you were not only a partaker of His death, but you were also a partaker of His resurrection. Mocą Ducha Świętego, your spirit is raised from the dead and is made alive to God. Stałeś się Nowa kreacja; a son of God and have been granted access to the Kingdom of God and are reconciled with Him.

Since God is righteous, and you are born of Him (through regeneration) you shall obey Him and walk in righteousness after the spirit. As long as you stay in Jesus Christ; the Word and live after Jezus’ przykazania, which are also God’s commandments, and keep walking after the spirit, you shall walk in righteousness and bear the fruit of the Spirit (1 Jan 2:28-29, 1 Jan 3:1-7, 9).

Servants of sin or servants of righteousness?

Co wtedy? czy zgrzeszymy, ponieważ nie podlegamy prawu, ale pod łaską? Broń Boże. Wiedzcie, że nie, tym, którym oddajecie się w posłuszeństwo, Jego sługami jesteście, którym jesteście posłuszni; czy od grzechu aż do śmierci, lub posłuszeństwa ku sprawiedliwości? Ale niech będą dzięki Bogu, żeście byli sługami grzechu, lecz z serca byliście posłuszni tej formie nauki, która została wam przekazana. Być wtedy uwolnionym od grzechu, staliście się sługami sprawiedliwości. Mówię po ludzku z powodu słabości waszego ciała: bo jak wydaliście członki wasze na służbę nieczystości i nieprawości ku nieprawości,; tak i teraz oddajcie członki wasze na służbę sprawiedliwości ku świętości.

Bo kiedy byliście sługami grzechu, byliście wolni od sprawiedliwości. Jakiż owoc mieliście wtedy w tym, czego teraz się wstydzicie?? bo końcem tych rzeczy jest śmierć. Ale teraz zostajemy uwolnieni od grzechu, i stańcie się sługami Boga, macie swój owoc do świętości, i koniec życia wiecznego. Zapłatą bowiem za grzech jest śmierć; lecz darem Bożym jest życie wieczne przez Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego (Rzymianie 6:15-23)

Łaska BożaIf a person claims to be born again, but keep walking after the flesh in obedience to the desires of the flesh and fulfilling the desires of the flesh, and therefore keep living in sin and is not willing to remove them, then this proves that the flesh of the person is not crucified in Christ, but is alive and kicking.

As long as the flesh is alive and kicking, the flesh isn’t dead and therefore the person is not redeemed from the flesh and is still a sinner. Because a grzesznik, walks after the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh, and keep sinning.

As long as a person stays carnal and walks after the flesh and persevere in sin, then the person is still bound to prawo grzechu i śmierci. The works of the person; grzech, prove that the person is a sinner; a son of the devil and belongs to the kingdom of darkness (1 Jan 3:7-8). Because the sin, which comes forth out of the sinful nature of the flesh, in which sin and death reigns, still has dominion over the person and still reigns as king in the life of the person.

Since the fruit of death is sin, and the person is not redeemed from sin, the person is also not redeemed from death.

Using the grace of God to fulfill the carnal lusts and desires

Bo są pewni ludzie, którzy wkradli się niespodziewanie, którzy już dawno byli skazani na to potępienie, bezbożni mężczyźni, zamieniając łaskę naszego Boga w rozpustę, i wypieranie się jedynego Pana Boga, i nasz Pan Jezus Chrystus (Juda 1:4)

It’s not about what preachers and leaders of the church preach and teach, and what kind of spiritual revelations, wizje, marzenia, prophecies or messages by angels they receive, but it’s all about what the Word of God says, because the Word is the truth and is reliable and shall eventually judge every person, według ich dzieł (Jan 12:48, Objawienie 20:12-13).

czy Bóg zmieni swoją wolę na pożądliwości i pragnienia ludziPreachers, apostołowie, ewangeliści, nauczyciele, and prophets can say, that it’s all grace and that you won’t have to change because it doesn’t matter how you live and what you do.

They can use the grace to keep living after the flesh, fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh and therefore turn the grace of God into lasciviousness. Ale, by preaching this message they deny our Lord Jesus Christ and prove, that they don’t know Him experientially. Because the Word of God says something else.

Niestety, because of the fact that many believers don’t read and study the Word of God by themselves and don’t have a personal relationship with the Word; Jesus Christ and therefore have a lack of knowledge of God’s Word, they believe the words of these leaders.

Ale Słowo mówi, that as long as a person keeps living in sin and persevere in sin, then the person is not saved and not redeemed of the flesh. Because as long as a person keeps living in sin, która króluje w ciele, then from what has the person been redeemed and saved from? If they are saved from death, then they wouldn’t produce the fruit unto death anymore (tj. Rzymianie 6, Rzymianie 7:4-6, Rzymianie 8, Galatów 5:24, Efezjan 2:1-6).

As long as a person persevere in sin and therefore bear fruit unto death, the person has not repented, is not born again, and has not become a son of God, but is still a niewolnik diabła and the flesh, in which sin and death reigns (1 Jan 3:7-10)

Son of God or son of the devil?

Because a person is a slave, to whom the person belongs to and to whom the person listens to and obeys. A person lives after the flesh in the kingdom of darkness under the dominion and rulership of the devil and is, W związku z tym, a slave of sin unto death, or the person lives after the spirit in the Kingdom of God under the dominion and rulership of Jesus Christ and is a slave of righteousness unto life. Ponieważ Słowo mówi, że te, who do righteousness, are righteous, as He is righteous.

Małe dzieci, niech cię nikt nie zwodzi: kto postępuje sprawiedliwie, jest sprawiedliwy, nawet jeśli jest sprawiedliwy. Kto popełnia grzech, jest z diabła; bo diabeł grzeszy od początku. W tym celu objawił się Syn Boży, aby zniszczyć dzieła diabła. Każdy, kto narodził się z Boga, nie popełnia grzechu; bo jego nasienie pozostaje w nim: i nie może grzeszyć, ponieważ narodził się z Boga. W tym przejawiają się dzieci Boże, i dzieci diabła: kto nie postępuje sprawiedliwie, nie jest z Boga, ani ten, kto nie miłuje swego brata (this last part regarding loving your brother, doesn’t mean accepting the sins of your brother. Read also ‘Walking in love’ I ‘Czym jest fałszywa miłość?’ (1 Jan 3:7-10))

wrogowie krzyżaIn this life on earth, there are two options: you can either be a son of God or son of the devil. You can’t be both. Your actions and works prove, whose son you are and to whom you belong.

Możesz powiedzieć, that you believe and that you are a son of God, but if you keep sinning and willfully keep doing those things, that go against God’s will, and are not willing to submit yourself to the Word, but want to stay a friend of the world and approve his evil works, then you are not a son of God, even if you say you are.

Ponieważ Słowo mówi, that you are a son of the devil, who walks after the will of the devil and does and approves the works of the devil, co jest grzechem.

Because sin is the opposite of righteousness and those, who don’t do righteousness are not of God. Wszyscy, who stays in Christ doesn’t habitually sin. Słowo mówi, że wszyscy, who habitually sin, has not seen Jesus, neither has known Him experientially.

Ktokolwiek popełnia grzech, przestępuje także prawo: bo grzech jest przekroczeniem prawa. And ye know that He was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin. Whosoever abides in Him sinneth not: każdy, kto grzeszy, nie widział Go, neither known Him. (1 Jan 3:4-6)

Living as the old man

Jest wielu wierzących, who think and say that they are born again and are spiritual, because they walk in the supernatural, but keep living as the old carnal man in sin. But you don’t have to be born again to walk in the supernatural, and receive visions, objawienia, prophecies and do signs and wonders (Przeczytaj także: „Two ways to enter the spiritual realm’)

Dlatego, Jesus warned His followers, that at the end of times, wiele false Christs (followers of Jesus) I fałszywych proroków shall come, who perform great supernatural signs and wonders (tj. Mateusz 24:11, 24-28). But even if someone performs many miracles and receive many supernatural revelations and prophecies, then these things don’t prove if that person is a son of God and belongs to Christ. Only by the works, that a person does, and the fruit the person bears (this doesn’t mean charity works, which the world does as well, but the works of righteousness and the owoc Ducha), you can tell whether the person belongs to Jesus or the devil.

Przeniesiony z ciemności do światła

If you have been transferred from the darkness into the light, from death unto life, then your spiritual eyes will be opened and you shall see the evil of sin and the power of death and don’t want to be a partaker of them anymore. But as long as you keep walking in darkness, and stay bound by death, by walking after the flesh, you shall remain spiritually blind and not be aware of the evil of sin and the power of death. Therefore you shall keep living in sin and approve and tolerate sin.

As long as the church doesn’t consider sin as evil and as something bad, but considers sin as normal and as something that’s just part of life, then this proves that there is something wrong with the church, the faith, and the gospel that is preached. Because the gospel, that they preach is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, Który calls man to repentance and brings deliverance and produces life, but is a gospel of man, that causes bondage to sin and produces death.

What happens if you willfully keep sinning?

Jeżeli bowiem potem świadomie grzeszymy, otrzymaliśmy poznanie prawdy, nie ma już ofiary za grzechy, Ale pewne straszliwe oczekiwanie sądu i ogniste oburzenie, które pożrą przeciwników (hebrajski 10:26-27)

You cannot use the Łaska Boga to keep living after the flesh, fulfilling the lusts and desires of your flesh. The grace of God is not a license to keep sinning. Słowo mówi, that after you have received the knowledge of the truth, but willfully keep sinning, that there remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment

Who reigns as king in your life?

Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord (Rzymianie 5:20-21)

Jesus came to this earth to deal, for once and for all, with the sinful nature of fallen man. Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, żeby wszyscy, who believes in Him, żałuje, i rodzi się na nowo, will no longer be a slave of the flesh, in which the devil reigns through sin and death. The new man is redeemed and bought by the blood of Jesus and doesn’t belong to the devil anymore and therefore the person will no longer do the works of the flesh and bear the fruit unto death by living in sin (Rzymianie 7:5-6), but shall do the works of righteousness and bear the fruit for God unto life.

The new man has received all authority and all power in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, to know Wola Boża and resist the temptations of the devil and the desires of the flesh. As long as you stay in Him and keep walking after the Spirit, you will be able to resist all the temptations of the devil and therefore be an overcomer of sin and death. Not by your own might and power, which means not by the power and ability of the flesh by using all kinds of carnal human techniques and methods, but by the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit.

Słowo mówi, that if you are under grace, you cannot keep sinning, because you shall do the works of righteousness. If you keep sinning, then you are not under grace. Because sin reigns as king in your life, instead of righteousness reigns as king.

If you do the works of righteousness, then grace shall have dominion in your life and shall reign as king, and you shall be under grace.

„Bądź solą ziemi’

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