



神の神殿は盗賊の巣窟と化した (強盗の), 忌まわしい行為が行われた場所. そしてほぼ 2000 数年後, 人々は教会を泥棒の巣窟にすることに成功した. 再生の代わりに, 教会は退化し、…



Money is not evil, but the love for money is evil, is quoted by many Christians. It sounds so pious and of course it is true, because the Bible says in 1 ティモシー 6:10, that the love of money

Can people pleaser be servant of Christ

Can a people pleaser be a servant of Christ?

The words of God are not always appreciated by people. In both the Old and the New Covenant, many people were not able to hear and bear the words of God, whereby prophets were killed, イエス・キリスト, the Son

Are souls saved fed tended in church

Are souls saved, fed and tended in the church?

When Christians bring the lost home, what happens to them? Where will they go to? Will they go to a spiritual church, where Jesus is the center and they speak His words and the believers are fed in the

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