The measure of sin and the judgments of God


Can no one pluck you out of the hand of God?

image mountain with blog title Colossians 3-17 Do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus

Do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus

In Colossians 3:17, Paul wrote, And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. What does this mean? How can you do

Strikes on the Rock


The first time the congregation of God had no water to drink in the wilderness, God commanded Moses to take his rod and strike the rock once. But the second time, the congregation had no water to drink, 神…



パウロはキリストの福音を恥じませんでした. 彼は十字架につけられ復活したキリスト以外のことをあえて語ろうとしませんでした。, 生ける神の子. キリストの十字架の説教は彼の中にあった…

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