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when a Nation forgets God

What happens when a nation forgets God?

The Bible shows us what happens when a nation forgets God. But despite history and the warnings of the Word, there are many nations that once served God and followed His Word and walked in God’s way but down

Greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations

The greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations

Throughout the Bible, we read about the greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations and natural impossibilities. Because the word ‘impossibleis not a word in God’s vocabulary. All things are possible for God! For those, who love God

Перестаньте винить Бога

Перестаньте винить Бога!

Why did God allow this to happen? Why didn’t God do something? Why doesn’t God heal this person? Why did God allow this person to die? Why does God allow natural disasters? If God truly exists, then why doesn’t

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