እግዚአብሔር በሰጠህ ግዛት ውስጥ እንዴት እንደምትመላለስ?

When God created man, God gave dominion to man to rule on the earth. Man only walked in his dominion for a short period of time. Because of the disobedience of man, man fell from his position of authority and lost his dominion. But God had a plan to restore the fallen state of man and restore the dominion and reconcile man back to God. And so God sent His Son Jesus Christ to the earth to redeem man from the power of the devil and deliver them from the darkness and to reconcile man back to God and give them back the authority and power of God. What does this dominion contain? How do you walk in the dominion that God has given you?

The dominion that God gave to man

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: የባሕርን ዓሦች ይግዙ, እና በአየር ወፎች ላይ, በከብቶችም ላይ, እና በምድር ሁሉ ላይ, እና over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:and have dominion over the fish of the sea, እና በአየር ወፎች ላይ, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth (ኦሪት ዘፍጥረት 1:26-28)

እግዚአብሔር, El Elohim, created man after His image, and gave dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, over the cattle, እና በምድር ሁሉ ላይ, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. ሰው; male and female, had been given this dominion from God. God gave to man the responsibility to rule over the earth and all there is within.

ሰው; male and female, should have taken responsibility and should have walked in the dominion that God had given them, but man didn’t do that.

ሥልጣን ይኑራቸውWhen Adam and Eve became disobedient to God, they lost their position; they lost their dominion.

Their position was taken by someone, they had to rule over, namely the serpent, who belonged to the creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

When the serpent approached Eve and asked Eve a question about what God had said, she should have walked in her dominion.

She should have taken her position of authority and rulership over the serpent, በማለት ነው።: be silent! Go away!

If she had done, what God had commanded here to do, then nothing would have happened and the serpent would have obeyed her and left.

She should have taken her position, so that she would have stayed obedient to the will of God. But Eve didn’t walk in the dominion that God had given to her. ይልቁንም, Eve listened to the serpent and obeyed the serpent. በእውነታው ምክንያት, that she didn’t take authority over the serpent, the serpent took authority over man; male and female. And we all know, what the consequences were (እንዲሁም አንብብ: ''በአትክልቱ ውስጥ ያለው ጦርነት”).

The dominion in Jesus Christ

What the devil destroyed and took from man in the የኤደን የአትክልት ቦታ, has been restored through Jesus Christ. Only by Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him, you can become a new creation; born of water and the Spirit of God.

መቼ ሀ ኃጢአተኛ comes to Jesus, repents, and becomes born again, the sinner is no longer a sinner The sinner has been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ. የ ሽማግሌ has become አዲስ ፍጥረት, ሥጋን በመጣል (through water baptism), and through the baptism with the Holy Spirit (እንዲሁም አንብብ: ''ስምንተኛው ቀን, የአዲሱ ፍጥረት ቀን”).

ኢየሱስ አለቆችንና ሥልጣናትን አጠፋJesus took all the sins and iniquities of mankind upon Himself, ደሙንም አፍስሷል, and died on the cross. Jesus destroyed the works of the devil and restored man’s position and reconciled man back to God.

አዲስ ፍጥረት ስትሆን, and your spirit is raised from the dead, you don’t belong to the devil anymore. The devil is no longer your father, but through Jesus Christ, you belong to God. God has become your ‘new’ አባት.

You have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of Heaven, where Jesus Christ is King.

You have gotten a new position in Jesus Christ. አንተ ነህ በእርሱ ተቀምጠዋል and you will reign with Him, በሰማያዊ ስፍራ, over all powers, ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች, the rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places, ወዘተ.

The devil and the other fallen angels, ኃይሎች, and principalities, ሞት, and hell do not have any legal dominion over you. Because you have been bought, with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

You are now seated in Him, in the Word. As long as you stay in Him, you have all authority over them.

The knowledge of His will

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding (ቆላስይስ 1:9-10)

Now that you are seated in Him, ቃሉ, you shall spend much time in the Word (መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ), because only through the Word of God, you will renew your mind and you will get to know Jesus and His will.

በቃሉ, you will find out who you are as a new creation and what your new position in Him contains, and what kind of authority and spiritual blessing have been given to you. When you spend time in the Word, the Kingdom of Heaven will become visible to you.

If you then be risen with Christ, በላይ ያሉትን እሹ, where Christ is seated on the right hand of God. ፍቅርህን ከላይ ባሉት ነገሮች ላይ አድርግ, በምድር ላይ ባሉ ነገሮች ላይ አይደለም. For you are dead, ሕይወታችሁም በእግዚአብሔር ከክርስቶስ ጋር ተሰውሮአል (ቆላስይስ 3:1-3)

You are born for battle

You are born and called for the spiritual battle that is going on between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God. As soon as you become born again in the spirit, the devil and his minions become your adversary too. They will do anything to attack you and destroy your life.

የመንፈስን ሰይፍ አንሳ, ትጥቅ ተሸካሚ, የእግዚአብሔር መንፈሳዊ የጦር ዕቃ, የእግዚአብሔር የጦር ትጥቅTheir battleground is your flesh (ነፍስ እና አካል). Therefore it’s important to lay down your flesh; the works of the flesh.

Don’t give into his deceptions and the lust and desires of your flesh; ነፍስ እና አካል. You have to stay strong and awake in the spirit and not slumber or fall asleep.

Because many Christian keep walking after the flesh, doing their own will, instead of living after the Spirit, doing the will of Jesus; ቃሉ.

They are led by their flesh and ruled by their senses, ስሜቶች, ሀሳቦች, ስሜቶች, ወዘተ.. They are slaves of their flesh, because the flesh rules over them.

በእውነታው ምክንያት, that the flesh rules over them, they remain carnal and keep walking after the flesh; being obedient to their flesh. They feed their flesh and make it strong, while the spirit becomes weaker and weaker, and is starving to death. በመጨረሻ, they become spiritually inactive, and slumber and sleep.

Praying to God

Many Christians keep praying to God for things, that He has already done and provided for. Or many people pray for something, that God has commanded them to do.

God has done everything He could, to restore man’s position and to give back their dominion and authority through Jesus Christ. He has given all authority in heavens and on earth and all there is within, to Jesus, and to those who are seated in Him.

Speak and become a doer of the Word

This dominion and authority have been given to አዲሱ ፍጥረትኤስ, who are seated in Jesus Christ. Just like God had given dominion to man, before they sinned, ሰማያትን ሊገዙ, sea, and earth and all there is within.

walk worthy, live in the spirit and walk in the spiritBecause you have been given a new position, you should also walk according to this new position. Therefore you should walk in the dominion that God has given you.

You should speak and become a doer of the Word. (እንዲሁም አንብብ: ''The reason why you don’t experience any victory”)

Remember, you don’t wrestle (fight) against flesh and blood; against people, but you wrestle against dark powers, rulers, ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች, and forces in the heavens and upon the earth.

Therefore you will not live after your senses, ሀሳቦች, ስሜቶች, ስሜቶች, ወዘተ., and what they tell you. But you will live after what your spirit senses, and what the Holy Spirit tells you.

That’s why it is so important, that this ‘invisible’ spiritual realm becomes visible and a reality for you and you discern the spirits.

Therefore open the Word, spend time with Jesus, pray in the Holy Ghost, ፈጣን and listen to Him.

The mission of the devil

The devil has one mission and that is to destroy every human being on this earth. When a sinner repents, accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and becomes a new creation (ከውኃና ከመንፈስ የተወለደ), then the devil shall do everything he can, to keep this new creation ignorant and asleep. ለምን?

the thief comes to destroyIf you do not know what you have and what you possess, you shall not use it and you shall not walk in it.

The devil doesn’t want believers, to take their position in Jesus Christ, and walk in the dominion that God has given them, because that would mean the end for the devil.

The way the devil tries to hinder the new creations to walk in the dominion that God has given them is through false doctrines and teachings.

False doctrines and teachings cause the new creation to stay carnal and keeps living after the flesh, instead of living after the Spirit.

When you apply for a new job, there are responsibilities that come with the job. You decide whether you want to take on these responsibilities or not. When you don’t think that you can handle the responsibilities, then you won’t take the job. But when you do think that you can handle the responsibilities, and take the job, then the company expects you, that you keep these responsibilities. If it appears after 6 ወራት, or after a year, that you didn’t keep your responsibilities, then there will be consequences. You might get a warning or you will be fired.

You have a responsibility in the Kingdom of God

በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ, you have been given responsibilities. You can’t hand over these responsibilities to God, through begging prayers and asking. Because God has given these responsibilities to you. God doesn’t want to reign by Himself. He wants to have a relationship with you and He wants you to reign with Him. Because if you don’t reign with Him, the perfect work of Jesus Christ, ደሙ, and the resurrection have all been for nothing (እንዲሁም አንብብ: ‘ኢየሱስ ፍቅሩን አሳይቷል።, ለኢየሱስ ያለህን ፍቅር ለማሳየት ምን ታደርጋለህ??'').

When you don’t take your responsibilities and your position in Jesus Christ, and don’t reign over the enemy and his whole army, then it won’t be long before the enemy and his army shall reign over you.

Eve and Adam didn’t walk in the dominion that God had given them. They didn’t reign over the serpent and because of that man lost his position and dominion over the earth.

Don’t lose your dominion in Jesus Christ

Don’t lose the dominion you have received in Jesus Christ. Open the Word, and get to know Him. Know in Whom you are seated and find out what dominion you have been given in Him and walk in the dominion that God has given you.

Reveal the works of the devil and destroy the works of the devil, before they destroy you.

In the next blog post, I will continue with this subject. I will discuss the mind and the many thoughts of a person. How the enemy attacks a person through his or her. But most important, how to prevent that these thoughts will eventually rule over a person.

‘የምድር ጨው ሁን’

እርስዎም ሊወዱት ይችላሉ

    ስህተት: ይህ ይዘት የተጠበቀ ነው።