What does walking in the fear of the Lord mean?

Walking on the narrow path of the Lord, means walking in the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord has nothing to do with being fearful, ansioso, or afraid of God. But to fear the Lord means to have respect and live in awe of the most High God; the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, e tutto quello che c'è dentro, and to love Him. There is none like Him. Fearing the Lord is not a passive behaviour, but it requires action. Nei proverbi 2:1-5 we read about walking in the fear of the Lord. What does walking in the fear of the Lord mean? How do you walk in the fear of the Lord?

What does walking in the fear of the Lord mean?

Mio figlio, se riceverai le mie parole, e nascondi i miei comandamenti con te; affinché tu ponga l'orecchio alla saggezza, e applica il tuo cuore alla comprensione; Sì, se gridi dopo la conoscenza, e illumina la voce per la comprensione; Se la cerchi come l'argento, e la cerchi come tesori nascosti; Allora comprenderai il timore del Signore, e trovare la conoscenza di Dio(Proverbi 2:1-5)

When do you walk in the fear of the Lord? Proverbs chapter 2, verses 1-5 gives an answer to this question. Solomon mentions 10 actions:

  • Ricevere Le sue parole
  • Nascondere I suoi comandamenti
  • Inclinazione il tuo orecchio alla saggezza
  • Fare domanda a il tuo cuore alla comprensione
  • Gridare dopo la conoscenza
  • Lift up your voice for understanding
  • Cercare lei come l'argento
  • Ricerca for her as for hidden treasures
  • Allora lei capire il timore del Signore
  • E Trovare la conoscenza di Dio

Let’s have a look at each one of these steps.

Receive His words and Hide His words

Prima di tutto, you should hear, and receive the Words of God, and keep those Words with you in your heart. When you accept His words and osservare i suoi comandamenti, then the Word shall be in you, and you shall be in the Word (Gesù). Proprio come ha detto Gesù:

And the glory which thou gave me I have given them; che possano essere uno, even as we are one: Io in loro, and thou in me, affinché possano essere resi perfetti in uno; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, e li hai amati, as thou has loved me (John 17:22,23).

Incline your ear unto wisdom and
apply your heart to understanding

Quando accetti le Sue parole, e custodiscili nel tuo cuore, allora il tuo orecchio noterà la saggezza. Because you shall hear, and because you hear, you shall become wise. Fede comes by hearing, e l'ascolto mediante la Parola di Dio. La Parola vivrà nel tuo cuore, e per questo motivo, vivrai e camminerai con saggezza, e conoscenza.

Cry after knowledge and
lift up your voice for understanding

Otterrai comprensione ascoltando la Parola di Dio, keeping the Word of God, and by speaking the Word of God. You’ll therefore cry after knowledge. You will call those things which are not, as though they were.

There must be a desire inside of you to spend time with God, nella Sua Parola. Study His Word, cerca e trova tutte le verità che sono scritte nella Parola (la Bibbia). You can only find true wisdom and knowledge in the Word.

Seek her like silver and
search for her as for hidden treasures

Seek Him, as you seek for silver, and search in the Word for those hidden treasures, because God has given you an inheritance. You will only find out what this inheritance contains, if you seek His Kingdom, and search in the Word. Vuole rivelarti quelle cose, attraverso la Sua Parola.

Walking in the fear of the Lord and
in His knowledge

If you spend time in His Word and seek for truths, then you shall get to know the Lord and find all truth. When you find all truth, then you shall understand the fear of the Lord. When you understand the fear of the Lord, then you shall find knowledge, and you shall be walking in the fear of the Lord, and in His knowledge.

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