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La circoncisione nella nuova alleanza

La circoncisione nella Nuova Alleanza

The circumcision of the foreskin was a token of God’s covenant with Abraham, as a seal of the righteousness of his faith. The sons, who were born of the seed of Abraham, were circumcised on the eighth day, regardless

crocifissione della carne

La crocifissione della carne

Se non riconosci e consideri il peccato come un male, ma giustifica e accetta il peccato, dimostra che i tuoi occhi sono ancora coperti e che vivi dietro il velo delle bugie. As long as you habitually keep living

crocifissione dell'anima

La crocifissione dell'anima

Jesus knew the purpose of His coming to earth and the difficult way He had to go. When Jesus went with Peter, John, and James, up to the mountain to pray, Moses and Elijah appeared unto Him. Moses and

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