
The danger of..

Danger of mindfulness


การมีสติมีอันตรายอะไร? Because mindfulness sounds so wonderful and seems promising; a happy, peaceful, healthy, and energetic life with no stress, burnout, and exhaustion. No depression, ความวิตกกังวล, fears, insomnia, addiction(ส), worries, or insecurities, but a joyful

Danger of not listening

What is the danger of not listening?

The unregenerate man has a carnal mind and is led by his senses, ความรู้สึก, และอารมณ์. The old man is prideful and many times knows it better than others. The old man is rebellious and doesn’t like correction(ส), but

Danger of massage


The spa and wellness industry is booming. Massages have become very popular and have become part of many people’s lives, including the lives of Christians. Many people spend hundreds of dollars on massage therapy for relaxation and to improve

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