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duchovná ríša

God's Word brings victory in battle

Gods Word brings victory in battle

If people could see the value of the Word, they wouldn’t look somewhere else, searching for other doctrines, which bring forth apostasy and destruction in the lives of people. God’s Word possesses life and peace and brings victory in

Do you have to be born again to walk in the supernatural

Do you have to be born again to walk in the supernatural?

Although people have always been drawn to the supernatural spiritual realm, in recent years, there has been a significant increase of interest in the supernatural and how to walk in the supernatural. More and more people open themselves for

dva spôsoby, ako vstúpiť do duchovnej sféry

Aké sú dva spôsoby vstupu do duchovnej sféry?

In the previous blog posts, you read about the new age in the church and how the church has become an occult church. Maybe after reading these blog posts, you wonder what the difference is between born again Christians and

Nebezpečenstvo masáže

Aké je nebezpečenstvo masáže?

Kúpeľný a wellness priemysel zažíva boom. Masáže sa stali veľmi populárnymi a stali sa súčasťou života mnohých ľudí, vrátane života kresťanov. Mnoho ľudí míňa stovky dolárov na masážnu terapiu na relaxáciu a zlepšenie…

Danger of Buddha statues

Aké je nebezpečenstvo sôch Budhu?

Sochy Budhu sú trendom, ktorý sa šíri po celom svete. Pod rúškom mieru, pokojná energia, šťastie, harmónia, a prosperitu, veľa ludí, vrátane kresťanov majú doma sochu Budhu. Maybe someone has given you a Buddha statue

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený