Kategória prehliadania


Nech je Slovo vaším Sudcom

Nech je Slovo vaším Sudcom

Žijeme vo svete, kde má každý svoj názor. Dostaňte sa do skupiny desiatich ľudí a nastolte tému a budete počuť rôzne názory. To nie je prekvapujúce, since they have different backgrounds in relation to the

Washing water of the Word

The washing water of the Word

The washing water of the Word is necessary for sanctification and cleansing. In Ephesians 5:26, we read about the sanctification and cleansing of the Church with the washing of water by the Word. But what does the sanctification and cleansing

Zostaňte pevní na Božom Slove

Zostávaš pevní v Slove Božom?

There are many trials in life, where you will show what you believe, to whom you listen, and by your actions, show to whom you belong. You can say all kinds of things, but when situations arise and you

moc Božieho Slova

Sila Božieho Slova

The power of God’s Word is often underestimated. And because of the fact that the power of God’s Word is underestimated, many people don’t read God’s Word anymore, let alone study God’s Word. Many people are too busy with

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený