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Is masturbation a sin in the Bible can christian masturbate

Ingabe ukushaya indlwabu kuyisono eBhayibhelini noma cha?

Ingabe umKristu angashaya indlwabu? Lona ngomunye wemibuzo eminingi amaKristu anayo mayelana nezinto zokuphila ezivamile ezweni kodwa ezingabazekayo kumaKristu. Ukushaya indlwabu kubhekwa njengento evamile emhlabeni, but what does the Bible

Lithini iBhayibheli ngobutabane

Lithini iBhayibheli ngobutabane?

These days many people argue about the questions of whether a Christian can be gay (homosexual) or not, if God approves of homosexuality or not and whether homosexuality should be accepted in church or not. There are churches that

iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe