Isigaba sokuphequlula


Jesus in the midst of blind leaders

Jesus in the midst of blind leaders

Ngesikhathi sikaJesu’ ukuphila emhlabeni, Jesus walked in the midst of blind leaders. In Matthew 15:14, Jesus called the religious leaders of the house of Israel blind leaders of the blind. What did Jesus mean by blind leaders of

Do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus

Do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Every year, Christians celebrate the Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ. But although Christians celebrate and confess the resurrection of Jesus, do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead or do they only celebrate the resurrection of

Wayesho ukuthini uJesu ngamazwi Ami anguMoya nokuphila? UJohane 6:63

Wayesho ukuthini uJesu ngamazwi Ami anguMoya nokuphila?

The words of Jesus didn’t always bring peace, joy, and unity among the people, but often caused murmur, strive and persecution. This also happened in the temple in Capernaum, where Jesus taught and testified about being the Bread of

iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe