The sluggard

How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep (잠언 6:9)

It seems like most Christians are asleep and do not want to wake up. 안타깝게도, many believers are like a sluggard. They pray for miracles, wonders, and victory, because they want to experience victory in their lives. But as soon as opposition comes, and the opportunity comes to achieve a victory, they do nothing and stay asleep.

The sluggard

They allow their circumstances and situations to rule over them and take control over their lives. They drown themselves in 자기 연민, feeling sorry themselves, and begin to murmur and complain about their circumstances to others. Instead of arising and taking the Word of God and begin to take control over those circumstances.

The devil walks as a roaring lion, 삼킬 자를 찾는다. And the believers slumber and sleep. Many don’t see what the devil is doing. They don’t recognise him, nor his works, and therefore he is able to steal and destroy the lives of many believers.

그러므로, it’s time to wake up and arise! It’s time, that you know who you are in Jesus Christ and what authority you have been given in Him.

Wake up and open the Word of God! Discover what He has given to you, and began to walk in it, so that you will become an overcomer instead of a sluggard.

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