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How can you experience the rest and peace of God

How can you experience the rest and peace of God

Jesus has given us many promises about His rest and His peace that everyone, who believes in Him and comes to Him and learns from Him should experience. The peace of God, which passes all understanding and shall keep

Peacemakers of God

하나님의 화평케 하는 자들

마태에서는 5:9, 이렇게 적혀있다, 화평케 하는 자는 복이 있도다: 이는 그들이 하나님의 자녀라 일컬음을 받을 것임이니라. 하나님은 그분의 자녀들을 이 땅의 화평케 하는 자로 부르셨습니다., 예수 그리스도처럼, 하나님의 아들, who came

혼돈 속에서 질서를 만드는 법

혼돈 속에서 질서를 만드는 법?

Are you consumed by your daily circumstances? Are you overwhelmed by negative thoughts or problems? Do you experience stress, 걱정하다, 불안, 두려움, 등.? Do you experience chaos instead of peace? Are you looking for a way out, but you

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