We have become rich through His poverty

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, To, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might be rich (2 Koryntian 8:9)

Jesus in all His riches left heaven and came to the earth, in the likeness of man, to fulfill God’s redemptive plan for fallen mankind. Jesus came to heal (przywrócić, mak whole again) and reconcile man back to God. So that we might be rich through His poverty. Although Jesus was fully Man when He came to the earth, Jesus didn’t walk after the flesh in the kingdom of darkness, but Jesus walked after the Spirit in the riches of the Kingdom of His Father.

Jesus became poor

Jesus was sent by the Father to the earth and walked in the Name of His Father and was filled with the Holy Spirit and represented, preached, and brought the Kingdom of God on earth.

The ‘termpoor refers not to physical poverty. Because during His life on earth, Jesus didn’t lack a thing. His Father always took care of Him and provided for His needs. But it refers to the spiritual poverty of mankind.

Upadek jeden; grzesznik, is carnal and trapped in a body and can only live after the flesh, since the spirit of fallen man is death. Upadek jeden, who is also called the old man is separated from God and subject to the spirits of this world.

it is finished at the cross

When did Jesus become spiritually poor? Jesus became poor at the whipping post and on the cross.

At those moments, Jesus submitted Himself and the devil and his demons took authority over Him through people.

At the whipping post, Jesus took all our infirmities and sicknesses upon Him. Jesus was brutally beaten and tortured until there was almost no skin left.

Although Jesus had the ability to stop them, because Jesus could have prayed to His Father, Who would have given Him more than twelve legions of angels, Jesus didn’t do that.

Jesus didn’t do anything to stop them, because the Scriptures had to be fulfilled.

Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He shall presently give Me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be? (Mateusz 26:53-54)

Jesus walked the way of poverty

Jesus stayed obedient to God the Father and His words. Therefore Jesus allowed them to take Him captive and endured the whipping at the whipping post and the crucifixion.

And so Jesus walked the way of poverty; He laid down all His authority; all His spiritual riches for us. Z tego powodu, you don’t have to go the way of poverty, but you can walk in the way of riches.

After the whipping post, Jesus took up His cross and walked to the place of Calvary, where Jesus would be crucified.

When Jesus was crucified and hung at the cross (tree), Jesus took all our sins and iniquities upon Him. When Jesus carried all our sins and iniquities, the Father left Jesus, ponieważ Bóg nie może mieć komunii z grzechem (Przeczytaj także: ‘Prawdziwe znaczenie krzyża„).

W tym momencie, when the Father left Jesus, Jesus was the poorest. But Jesus stayed faithful to His Father and persevered and accomplished the plan of God, so that we could become rich through His poverty.

Rich through His poverty

Ale tylu, ilu Go przyjęło, dał im moc, aby stali się synami Bożymi, even to them that believe on His Name: Które się urodziły, nie z krwi, ani z woli ciała, ani woli człowieka, ale Boga (Jan 1:12-13)

You have become rich through His poverty! Because of thegrace of God the Father, you have been given power to become a son of God.

Dlaczego człowiek musi narodzić się na nowo

By the blood of Jesus and through regeneration, you are reconciled to God and have been made a new creation; syn Boży.

Jako nowe stworzenie; syn Boży (zarówno płci męskiej, jak i żeńskiej), you have been given in Christ the same riches.

You have entered the Kingdom of God through regeneration and you have been given the Name above all names; the Name of Jesus Christ and you have been given the Holy Spirit of God, Who abides in you.

Therefore you have the same position, autorytet, and power as Jesus Christ. Tak, even greater, because Jesus went to the Father.

Zaiste, zaiste, Mówię ci, Kto wierzy we Mnie, dzieła, które ja dokonuję, i on będzie czynił; i większe dzieła niż te będzie czynił; ponieważ idę do Ojca. I o cokolwiek prosić będziecie w Moim Imieniu, to zrobię, aby Ojciec był uwielbiony w Synu. Jeśli o cokolwiek prosić będziecie w Moim Imieniu, I will do it (Jan 14:12-14).

We are seated in Jesus Christ

Ale Bóg, który jest bogaty w miłosierdzie, za swą wielką miłość, którą nas umiłował, Nawet gdy byliśmy martwi w grzechach, ożywił nas razem z Chrystusem, (łaską jesteście zbawieni;) I razem nas wychował, i posadził nas razem w okręgach niebieskich w Chrystusie Jezusie: Aby w przyszłych wiekach okazać niezmierne bogactwo swojej łaski w dobroci wobec nas przez Chrystusa Jezusa (Efezjan 2:4-7)

We are siedzi w Jezusie Chrystusie at the right hand of the Father and have been given in Him the inheritance; all the riches; all authority and power in heaven and on earth.

Przez sacrifice of Jesus, you can have a life in abundance. You have been made rich, when you were filled with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ; the Word dwells in you.

It’s not about money and material possessions, but it’s about the Holy Spirit, Whom you have received in Jesus Christ. It’s about the place and the authority you have been given in Jesus Christ and the power you have received in Him from the Father.

You have been given the Holy Spirit, so that you will be able to fulfill the przykazania Jezusa Chrystusa and represent the Kingdom of God on earth and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring the Kingdom of God to the people, so that they also might be saved and enter the Kingdom of God through regeneration and receive the grace and the riches of God.

You are precious to Him, He showed you His love. Jesus gave up all His riches and became (duchowy) poor for you, so that you could be rich in Him. Now you can live in Him and have the same life as Jesus Christ on earth. Jednakże, It will cost you everything, but it’s absolutely worth it! (Przeczytaj także: ‘Podążanie za Jezusem będzie cię kosztować wszystko!).

Jesus has shown His love for you. Teraz, you can show Jesus your love, pozostając posłuszny to Him and His commandments, and do what Jesus has commanded you to do. You can show Him your love, by glorifying and exalting Him and the Father through your works.

“Bądź solą ziemi”

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