What does mortify your members which are upon the earth mean?

V Kolosanom 3:5-9, napísal Paul, Umŕtvujte teda svoje údy, ktoré sú na zemi; smilstvo, nečistoty, nadmerná náklonnosť, zlá žiadostivosť, a žiadostivosť, čo je modloslužba: Na aké veci’ lebo hnev Boží prichádza na deti neposlušnosti: V ktorej ste aj vy nejaký čas kráčali, keď ste v nich bývali. Ale teraz aj toto všetko odkladáte; hnev, hnev, zlomyseľnosť, rúhanie, špinavá komunikácia z tvojich úst. Neklamte jeden druhému, vidiac, že ​​ste odložili starca s jeho skutkami. A obliecť si nového muža, ktorý sa obnovuje v poznaní podľa obrazu Toho, ktorý ho stvoril: Kde nie je ani Grék, ani Žid, obriezka ani neobriezka, Barbar, skýtsky, viazaný ani voľný: ale Kristus je všetko, a vo všetkých. What does mortify your members which are upon the earth mean? How do you mortify your members which are upon the earth?

The responsibility of the new man (syn Boží)

If you are risen with Christ and are seated in Him, budete hľadať veci, ktoré sú hore, where Christ is seated, and not the things on this earth. The spiritual transformation (the new birth in Christ) shall become visible in your life on earth by putting off the old man and putting on the new man.

God has not only given you the authority in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, but God has also given you the responsibility to (spiritually) mortify your members on earth and to put off the works of the flesh, so that the flesh shall no longer reign as king in your life and dictates you what to do, and make you walk after the flesh in disobedience to God and His Word, but that Christ reigns as King in your life and you walk after the Spirit in obedience to God and His Word (Prečítajte si tiež: Nech už hriech nevládne ako kráľ!).

That responsibility has been given to the new man, and no single excuse can be cited, to relieve the new man from this responsibility and duty.

No one, who says to be a Christian and claims to be born again has an exceptional position and is excluded.

No one has the right to keep walking in ignorance and be carnally minded, which is enmity against God and is death, and live as children of disobedience as enemies of God and His righteousness (Oh. Efezanom 2:2; 4:18-19, 1 Peter 1:14).

Starý muž (son of the devil) is crucified with Christ

If you say that you are born again in Christ, you shall live as a regenerated person, who belongs to God, since your nature has changed.

The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death. Therefore you no longer live under the law of sin and death, which reigns in the flesh, because your flesh has been crucified with Christ. You have been made free in Christ and live under grace and the law of the Spirit of life (Rimanom 6:14; 8:1).

Starý človek je ukrižovaný v Kristovi

When you were the old man, you were alive to the world, but dead to God, due to your trespasses and sins (Oh. Efezanom 2:1-3, 1 Peter 1:13-16).

You belonged to the world and therefore you walked according to the course (životný štýl) of this world, podľa kniežaťa moci vzduchu, duch, ktorý teraz pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti.

The old man doesn’t do the will of God, but the will of the devil (the ruler of this world), and lives in obedience to the devil in disobedience to God in unbelief.

The old man walks in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the (telesný) myseľ, and is by nature a child of wrath (Efezanom 2:1-3).

The new man is raised from the death in Christ

Čo si potom povieme? Zotrváme v hriechu, aby milosť bola hojná? chráň Boh. Ako môžeme, ktorí sú mŕtvi hriechu, žiť v ňom ďalej? Nevieš, že mnohí z nás, ktorí sme boli pokrstení v Ježiša Krista, boli pokrstení v Jeho smrť? Preto sme spolu s Ním pochovaní krstom do smrti: že ako Kristus bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych slávou Otca, aj tak by sme mali kráčať v novosti života.

Lebo ak sme boli spolu zasadení do podoby Jeho smrti, budeme tiež podobní Jeho vzkrieseniu: Toto vedieť, že náš starec je s Ním ukrižovaný, aby telo hriechu mohlo byť zničené, aby sme odteraz neslúžili hriechu. Lebo kto zomrel, je oslobodený od hriechu. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over Him. For in that He died, He died unto sin once: but in that He liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord 

Nech teda nevládne hriech vo vašom smrteľnom tele, aby ste ho poslúchali v jeho žiadostiach. Ani nevydávajte svoje údy za nástroje neprávosti hriechu: ale odovzdajte sa Bohu, ako tí, ktorí sú živí z mŕtvych, a vaše údy ako nástroje spravodlivosti pre Boha. Lebo hriech nebude panovať nad vami: lebo nie ste pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou.

Čo potom? zhrešíme?, pretože nie sme pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou? chráň Boh. Nevieš, toho, komu sa vydávate za sluhov, aby ste ho poslúchali, vy ste jeho služobníci, ktorých poslúchate; či už od hriechu až po smrť, alebo z poslušnosti k spravodlivosti? (Rimanom 6:1-16)

By faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him, the old man has died in Christ and the new man is raised from the death in Christ and made alive unto God.

Kolosanov 2:11-12 V kom ste obrezaní obriezkou bez rúk

The spirit of man has been made alive and the Spirit shall reign in the life of the new man. Through submission to God and obedience to His Word and by the power of the Holy Spirit, the new man shall mortify the members which are upon the earth and lay down the works of the flesh and deprave sin from its power, by not giving in to the will, žiadostivosti, and desires of the flesh and not act upon the thoughts, which oppose the words of God.

If you have become the new man, you shall no longer seek the things which are on the earth and sow in the flesh and reap corruption, but you shall seek those things, which are above and sow in the spirit and bear the ovocie Ducha.

You are no longer a servant of sin and death, but you have been made free in Christ and have become a servant of righteousness. 

Therefore you shall no longer yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin. You shall no longer let your members on earth dictate to you what to do, but from your new position in Christ, you shall take authority over your members and mortify your members which are on the earth and yield yourself unto God and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

What are your members, ktoré sú na zemi?

Umŕtvujte teda svoje údy, ktoré sú na zemi; smilstvo, nečistoty, nadmerná náklonnosť, zlá žiadostivosť, a žiadostivosť, čo je modloslužba: Na aké veci’ lebo hnev Boží prichádza na deti neposlušnosti: V ktorej ste aj vy nejaký čas kráčali, keď ste v nich bývali (Kolosanov 3:5-7) 

Your members, which are on the earth, are fornication, nečistoty, nadmerná náklonnosť, zlá žiadostivosť, a žiadostivosť, čo je modloslužba.

Miluješ Boha celým svojím srdcom?

If a Christian keeps walking in fornication, nečistoty, nadmerná náklonnosť, zlá žiadostivosť, a žiadostivosť, the person is still the old man and not the new man, since the person still bears the fruit of the old carnal man.

It’s important that the person repents and becomes born again in Christ, and from the Spirit mortifies his or her members which are upon the earth.

V Kristovi, you have been given all authority and power to mortify your members on the earth and put off the works of the flesh by resisting the devil, hriech, and death so that they shall not have dominion over you anymore. 

But it’s up to you, if you want to do it or not. It all depends on whether your love for Jesus and the Father is stronger than your love for your flesh (Prečítajte si tiež: Do you love God above all?).

Mortifying your members which are upon the earth and putting off the works of the flesh is something you have to do yourself. Nobody else can do that for you. It’s your responsibility, you will be held accountable for it.

But if you don’t take your authority in Christ and you don’t mortify your members which are upon the earth, then your members will eventually mortify you.

How do you mortify your members, ktoré sú na zemi?

If you have become a son of God (to platí pre mužov aj ženy), you shall no longer feed yourself with the things of this world that will arouse and strengthen the will, and the lusts and desires of your flesh.

You know the truth and the will of God and you will be careful with whom you associate with and the things you get involved with and what you do. You will be cautious about what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, atď.

When you stop feeding your flesh and subdue the flesh, then the lusts and desires of the flesh shall not be aroused and strengthened but shall die.

You mortify your members, which are upon the earth by reigning over your members and resisting them. You’re not giving in to what your will and the lusts and desires of your flesh want. 

The new man is an obedient son of God

Ale teraz aj toto všetko odkladáte; hnev, hnev, zlomyseľnosť, rúhanie, špinavá komunikácia z tvojich úst. Neklamte jeden druhému, vidiac, že ​​ste odložili starca s jeho skutkami. A obliecť si nového muža, ktorý sa obnovuje v poznaní podľa obrazu Toho, ktorý ho stvoril: Kde nie je ani Grék, ani Žid, obriezka ani neobriezka, Barbar, skýtsky, viazaný ani voľný: ale Kristus je všetko, a vo všetkých (Kolosanov 3:8-11).

Besides mortifying the members, ktoré sú na zemi (smilstvo, nečistoty, nadmerná náklonnosť, zlá žiadostivosť, a žiadostivosť), you shall also put off anger, hnev, zlomyseľnosť, rúhanie, špinavá komunikácia z tvojich úst, because they don’t fit in the life of the new man (Prečítajte si tiež: Čo hovorí Biblia o starcovi? a How to put off the old man?). 

The old man is a liar, just like his father the devil, but the new man is not a liar, but speaks the truth just like his Father. Therefore the new man shall not lie, despite the fact that in some countries lying is considered normal and is part of a culture. 

The devil uses cultures to execute his destructive work and to keep the people in bondage to the beggarly elements of this world and sin and death and control the people so that they will do what the devil wants and the devil can build his throne (Prečítajte si tiež: The throne of satan)

Ale pravda je taká, that every culture disappears in Christ. Both the old nature of fallen man as the culture disappears in Christ (Prečítajte si tiež: Každá kultúra mizne v Kristovi)

There is no distinction in Christ

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus (Galaťanom 3:26-28)

Preto si opásajte bedrá svojej mysle, buď triezvy, a dúfaj až do konca v milosť, ktorá ti má byť prinesená pri zjavení Ježiša Krista; Ako poslušné deti, neupravujte sa podľa predchádzajúcich žiadostí vo svojej nevedomosti: But as He which hath called you is holy, buďte teda svätí v každom rozhovore; Pretože je to napísané, Buď svätý; lebo som svätý (1 Peter 1:13-16)

Through the process of sanctification, you shall renew your mind with the Word, put off the old man and put on the new man, ktorý je obnovený v poznaní podľa obrazu Toho, ktorý ho stvoril, whereby there is neither Greek nor Jew, male nor female, obriezka ani neobriezka, Barbar, skýtsky, viazaný ani voľný, but Christ is all and in all.

„Buď soľou zeme’

Mohlo by sa vám páčiť

    chyba: Tento obsah je chránený