How do you know if Jesus Christ is in you?

In Romans 8:10, Paolo ha scritto, If Christ is in you, il corpo è morto a causa del peccato; ma lo Spirito è vita a causa della giustizia. What did Paul mean by that? How do you know if Christ is in you? What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ in you?

When do you belong to Christ?

When you have become a new creation in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you, you belong to Christ.

By faith in Jesus Christ and through regeneration in Him, sei diventato figlio di Dio (questo vale sia per i maschi che per le femmine). Your flesh has died in Jesus Christ and your spirit that was dead has been raised from the dead by the power of God and has become alive.

If your flesh with its sinful nature has died, it means that it is dead and no longer lives. Perciò, when you become born again, you shall no longer be controlled and led by your flesh in which the sinful nature reigns.

The flesh can’t please God

Perché la mente carnale è inimicizia contro Dio: poiché non è soggetto alla legge di Dio, nessuno dei due infatti può esserlo. Quindi coloro che sono nella carne non possono piacere a Dio (romani 8:7-8)

Since sin reigns in the flesh because of the sinful nature, the flesh can’t please God. The flesh has the nature of the devil and rebels against God and always wants to do those things, that go against the will of God (Leggi anche: La battaglia e la debolezza del vecchio E La volontà di Dio contro la volontà del diavolo).

The grace of God

That’s why Jesus had to come to earth, to deal with the sinful nature of (fallen) man that is present in the flesh.

Jesus came in the likeness of man, so that Jesus could become the Substitute for (fallen) mankind (Leggi anche: Gesù era pienamente umano?’ E 'Gesù restaurò la posizione dell'uomo caduto).

If your flesh has been crucified in Christ and is dead, you shall no longer walk after the flesh in the dominion of the sinful nature. Therefore sin shall no longer reign in your life anymore.

Your flesh has died; Perciò, you shall no longer live after the flesh and be led by the impulses from the world; the kingdom of darkness that causes your flesh to do things, that go against God’s will and cause you to keep sinning and persevere in sin.

The old man is led by the flesh and controlled by the kingdom of darkness

Before you repented and became a new creation in Jesus Christ, you were led by your flesh in which sin reigns and controlled by the kingdom of darkness and the will of the devil.

Your mind (your thoughts), sensi, sentimenti, emozioni, Volere, and the lusts and desires of your flesh reigned in your life and dictated you what to do and you obeyed them (Efesini 2:1-7).

But now, that you have become a new creation and your flesh has died in Jesus Christ, you shall no longer be led by your flesh and controlled by the kingdom of darkness that causes you to persevere in sin. You shall no longer walk as a slave of the flesh and live in the bondage of the flesh and sin and death.

How do you know if Jesus Christ is in you?

But you are not in the flesh, ma nello Spirito, se è così che lo Spirito di Dio abita in te. Ora, se qualcuno non ha lo Spirito di Cristo, non è nessuno dei Suoi. And if Christ is in you, il corpo è morto a causa del peccato; ma lo Spirito è vita a causa della giustizia (romani 8:9-10)

Perciò, fratelli, siamo debitori, non alla carne, vivere secondo la carne. Perché se vivete secondo la carne, sì, morirò: ma se mediante lo Spirito mortificate le opere del corpo, vivrai. Per tutti coloro che sono guidati dallo Spirito di Dio, sono i figli di Dio (romani 8:12-14)

Quando ami Gesù osserverai i suoi comandamenti

If through regeneration, Jesus Christ is in you by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ really lives inside of you and is seated upon the throne of your life, then this will become visible by the way you live.

You shall no longer live under the dominion of sin and death, and therefore habitually persevere in sin. You shall no longer do those things which go against the will of God and Jesus (Leggi anche: I comandamenti di Dio e i comandamenti di Gesù).

As long as you live after the flesh in disobedience to God and do those things, which don’t please God but instead please the devil, then this shows that the flesh is still alive and reigns in your life and nothing has changed.

But if you really have become a new creation and Jesus Christ is in you, you shall live after the will of God; the will of the Word. You shall be led by the Word and the Holy Spirit and therefore you shall walk after the Spirit in obedience to God. The Spirit shall have dominion and reign in your life.

Is lying not a bad thing?

This means for example, that when you have a conversation with someone and during that conversation, a thought of a lie (or a white lie) comes up in your mind, that releases you a.o. from your responsibility, you can do two things.

You can either walk after the flesh, by listening to this thought, which derives from the flesh that is controlled by the kingdom of darkness and ensures that when you bow for this thought and obey this thought you will lie and not speak the truth and therefore do the will of the devil.

Or you can walk after the Spirit, by taking this thought captive in Jesus Christ; la parola, Who says, that you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, but you shall speak the truth, and follow and obey the Word, and reject this thought and speak the truth, despite the consequences.

Because if you have become a son of God and you belong to God and received His nature and Jesus Christ lives in you by the Holy Spirit, then you shall speak the truth, just like your Father.

Does sin lead to eternal life?

As long as you keep doing the works of the old man and walk after the flesh in sins and iniquities, then this proves that your flesh is not crucified in Jesus Christ, but that sin, which is the fruit of death, still reigns in your life.

As long as the flesh is still alive, you shall live in bondage and be controlled by the sinful nature of fallen man and belong to the devil. La natura peccaminosa, which is present in the flesh shall reign in your life and shall keep you in the bondage of sin.

The Word says that sin leads to death and not to eternal life. Perciò, it does matter how you live after you become born again (Leggi anche: Una volta salvato, sempre salvato?)

The only way to be redeemed from the dominion of the devil and the sinful nature and to be reconciled with God is through faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him (Leggi anche Shall you not die if you keep sinning?).

Does the Spirit of Christ live in you?

This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:5-7)

Ma non siete nella carne, ma nello Spirito, se è così che lo Spirito di Dio abita in te. Ora, se qualcuno non ha lo Spirito di Cristo, non è nessuno dei Suoi (romani 8:9)

La terra piange e attende la manifestazione dei figli di Dio

Per tutti coloro che sono guidati dallo Spirito di Dio, sono i figli di Dio (romani 8:14)

Lo Spirito stesso rende testimonianza al nostro spirito, che siamo figli di Dio (romani 8:16)

We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not (1 John 5:18)

La Parola dice, that if you have received the Spirit of Christ, you belong to God. Therefore if you have not received the Spirit of Christ, you don’t belong to Him.

If Jesus Christ is in you, dalla presenza dello Spirito Santo, you shall lo amo, ascoltalo, e osserva i suoi comandamenti. You shall follow Him by obeying Him; the Word and walk after the Spirit in righteousness; after the will of God.

Se tu seguire Gesù and walk after the Spirit in righteousness, sin shall no longer have dominion and shall no longer reign as king in your life. You shall no longer live in the bondage of the legge del peccato e della morte, which reigns in the flesh of the old man. But you shall reign in Christ as king and have dominion over sin and through the Spirit, you shall kill the deeds of the flesh and live in the freedom of Christ.

‘Sii il sale della terra’

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