Kategoria przeglądania


oczekiwanie ludzi

Oczekiwanie ludzi

There is no human being on this earth, who has never been disappointed. Disappointments occur regularly. Some people can become so disappointed, that it causes incomprehension, agitation, gniew, grief, bitterness and sometimes even hatred. But what causes disappointments? Because if

Zło, które ludzie sami na siebie sprowadzają

Zło, które ludzie sami na siebie sprowadzają

Przez dokonane dzieło Jezusa Chrystusa, otrzymaliście dostęp do Królestwa Bożego. Teraz, od ciebie zależy, czy pozostaniesz w królestwie Bożym. If you refuse to listen to the words of God

Czy David i Jonathan byli gejami??

Czy David i Jonathan byli gejami??

David and Jonathan were friends; they were soul mates. Jonathan loved David as himself and David’s love for Jonathan was wonderful and passing the love of women. But does this mean, that David and Jonathan were gay and had

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