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new creation, what happened on the eighth day

Ти знав, when God made the new creation?

Did you know when God made the new creation? God created a new creation on the eighth day. When He made the new creation; the new man, He entered His rest. The creation of the heavens and the earth

city of Gibeah

Що сталося в місті Гіва?

Чи знаєте ви, що сталося в місті Гіва?? У суддів 19, ми читаємо про місто Ґів’я і про те, що в Ґів’ї сталося майже те саме збочене, що й у Содомі. The people in the city

the sixth day of man

What happened on the sixth day?

Did you know what happened on the sixth day? What did God create on the sixth day? On the sixth day, God created Adam, who was God’s first son on earth? But did you also know that Jesus, the second

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