Are God’s thoughts our thoughts?

How many times do Christians quote Isaiah 55:8, to release themselves from their responsibilities as sons of God and to grow up and become like Jesus Christ and do His works? Many times they say: “We can never become like Him, because God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts and God’s ways are higher than our ways.” But is that true? In what context did God speak these words? What does the Bible say about God’s thoughts and our thoughts? What are God’s thoughts?

God has given power to become sons of God

Ale všetci, ktorí Ho prijali, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name: Ktoré sa narodili, nie z krvi, ani z vôle tela, ani z vôle človeka, ale od Boha (John 1:12-13)

Ofcourse God is God and He always remains God and we can never take God’s place, but God has given us power to become His sons in Jesus Christ and to walk as His sons on this earth. Ježiš povedal, that we can never be above Him, but that we can become like Him.

The disciple is not above his master, ani sluha nad svojho pána. Učeníkovi stačí, aby bol ako jeho majster, a sluha ako jeho pán (Matúš 10:24-25, Luke 6:40)

If Jesus is your Lord and Master, then He has promised you, that you can become like Jesus and walk, just as Jesus walked on this earth as son of God. But you have to look for the things, which are above and not on the earth.

The thoughts of the old man are not God’s thoughts

Lebo Moje myšlienky nie sú vašimi myšlienkami, ani vaše cesty nie sú moje cesty, hovorí Pán. Lebo ako sú nebesia vyššie ako zem, tak sú moje cesty vyššie ako vaše cesty, a Moje myšlienky ako tvoje myšlienky (Izaiáš 55:8)

Izaiáš 55:8 refers to the ungodly in verse 7. It was also related to the mercy and goodness of God, to God’s redemptive work, and to the thoughts of the starý telesný muž, who is spiritually dead and is led by his flesh.

Telesná myseľ je nepriateľstvo voči BohuThat’s why the carnal mind and carnal thoughts of the old man, which are dominated by the flesh will never become equal to the mind of God, but will always strive against God’s mind, God’s thoughts, a Božia vôľa. Because the flesh and the spirit always strive against each other.

The flesh and the spirit can never become a unity. That’s because evil is present in the flesh and in the unrepented heart of the old carnal man. And we all know that an unrepented heart produces evil thoughts and evil works.

An unrepented heart is selfish, full of pride, rebelantský, and shall never be able to submit to God, Ježiš, a Ducha Svätého.

A on (Ježiš) povedal, That which cometh out of the man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, cudzoložstvá, smilstvá, vraždy, Thefts, žiadostivosť, zlomyseľnosť, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, rúhanie, pýcha, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man (Marka 7:20:23).

The spirit of the fallen man is dead

Ale prirodzený človek neprijíma veci Ducha Božieho: lebo sú mu bláznovstvom: ani ich nemôže poznať, pretože sú duchovne vnímaní (1 Korinťanom 2:14)

Kvôli skutočnosti, that the spirit of fallen man is dead, spadneš (starý muž) is not able to receive nor comprehend and understand the things of the Spirit and the Kingdom of God. The spiritual things of the Kingdom of God are foolishness to the fallen man, and that’s why fallen man always rebels against the commandments of God.

V Starom zákone, the spiritual things only became understandable, when the Spirit of God came upon man, like for example with the prophets.

The spirit of the new man

But through the perfect vykupiteľské dielo of Jesus Christ, everyone who would believe on Jesus Christ and made Jesus Lord over their lives has been given power to become in Him a new creation; syn Boží. Každý, who will believe and be pokrstený in Him, will die in Him and lay down the flesh of the fallen man (the old carnal man), and the spirit of the new man will be raised in Him from the dead. The spirit cannot be raised from the dead, until the flesh has died.

Obnovenie mysleThe baptism with the Holy Spirit doesn’t mean that the Spirit of God will come occasionally upon man, as with the old carnal fallen man.

The Holy Spirit will not come and go, but the Holy Spirit will come and abide in the new man.

The new man is the habitation of the Holy Spirit.

The spirit of the new man has become alive and through the abiding of the Word and the Holy Spirit, the new man is able to get to know God’s will and God’s thoughts and walk according to God’s will and God’s thoughts, presne ako Ježiš, Who was the Firstborn of the new creation.

By doing God’s will, the new man shall walk as a son of God after Božia vôľa.

God’s thoughts become your thoughts

Ale ako sa píše, Oko nevidelo, ani ucho nepočulo, ani jeden nevstúpil do ľudského srdca, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, áno, hlboké veci Božie. For what man knoweth the things of a man, zachráň ducha človeka, ktorý je v ňom? even so the things of God knoweth no man, ale Duch Boží. Teraz sme dostali, nie duch sveta, ale duch, ktorý je z Boha; aby sme poznali veci, ktoré nám Boh zadarmo dáva (1 Korinťanom 2:9-12)

For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ (1 Korinťanom 2:16)

The more time you spend in the Word and abide in Him and be occupied with the things, that are above, where Jesus Christ is seated, the more your mind and your thoughts will be renewed and will become like God’s way of thinking.

You shall get the mind of Christ and shall walk after the Božia vôľa, which is also the Ježišova vôľa. Len cez Slovo, you shall get to know the Father and will God’s thoughts become your thoughts and God’s ways become your ways.

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