What is false love?

Most Christians don’t walk in the righteous love of God anymore, but they walk in the love of the world. The love of the world is a false love. What is a false love? What’s the difference between the righteous love of God and the false love of the world?

What is the definition of false love?

What is false love? False love is the love that embraces everything. It accepts all sins, all iniquities, all unrighteousness, all uncleanness, etc. False love believes and accepts the lies of the devil and embraces the works of darkness. False love causes Christians to compromise and be drawn into darkness and put them spiritually to sleep.

Many Christians are carnal and walk in darkness instead of being spiritual and walking in the light. Because they live in darkness, they don’t discern the spirits. They don’t discern good and evil and (the works of) the Kingdom of God and (the works of) the kingdom of the devil.

They don’t pray fervently and fight the spiritual war, because why and what do they have to pray? Against whom do they fight? They would rather sing happy songs, hear feel-good messages and motivational words, and be happy.

Most Christians are carnal and don’t walk after the Spirit, but after the flesh. They want to have a comfortable easy life without all kinds of hustle and without being persecuted by people.

Wake up Christians!

Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame (1 Corinthians 15:34)

But it’s about time, that the Christians wake up! It’s time to open the Bible, the Word of God, and get to know God and His will. It’s time that they become serious about the things of the Kingdom. They fast and get on their knees to pray to the Most High God; the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and all its hosts.

False love and grace

It is time, that the spiritual eyes of Christians be opened. So that they will see what kind of love they walk in. They’ll see that this love, they are walking, is not the same love Jesus walked in.

They walk in a false love. False love is a love that compromises with the darkness and tolerates sin and iniquity, while the love of Jesus exposed the evil works of darkness and destroyed them. The love of Jesus called to repentance and the removal of sin.

False love doesn’t lead to heaven but hell.

The devil has tried to tempt the believers and followers of Jesus Christ with his lies and make them passive and inactive. Unfortunately, many believed the devil and his lies and are now walking in his lies, compromising with the world, allowing the works of darkness in their lives and in the church, thinking they serve and please God, while they are not.

The degradation in the church

There is a change going on, in most countries. A change that legalizes and allows things that used to be forbidden. Most countries have moved away from God and His Word, instead of moving towards God in this time of need. The sad thing is, that most churches have followed their example and have legalized sin.

The church should have guarded the gates of the church and stayed faithful to Christ and kept standing on the Bible; the Word of God, when the first signs of the degradation became visible in the world.

But instead of taking a stand on the Word of God, when the first signs of the degradation were visible, the church was influenced by this worldly spirit and deviated from the Word of God as well.

The church has opened the door for the world to enter the church. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been changed to a gospel that revolves around man instead of Christ. And the fruit of turning away from God and His Word are visible in the lives of people, nature, and in the church (Read also: What happens when a nation forgets God?).

The strangers with their pagan religions and philosophies are welcomed in countries and the church

Countries that served God wholeheartedly before, have opened the door for pagan religions (strange religions and philosophies of man). Instead of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood, being preached to the stranger, the strangers have deceived, persuaded, and converted Christians with their false doctrines and idolatry.

The world and paganism have defiled the church and have driven believers away from the Truth.

Slowly, the strangers are taking over countries. While many Christians are asleep and don’t see the danger of what is about to come. Only because they are sleepwalking in a false love, allowing and approving things that oppose the will of God.

Is the church sleepwalking?

The church is sleepwalking in a false love. The church lost the vision of Christ and the great commission to preach the gospel of Christ to save lost souls and prevent them from going to hell. This vision of Christ has changed to people’s visions. And now a gospel of prosperity is preached for Christians to become more prosperous, wealthy, successful, and powerful in the world. This selfish gospel, which Jesus has never preached and never commanded to preach, serves the will, lusts, and desires of the flesh and keeps the old carnal man (old creation) alive.

But whose keeps His Word in him is the love of God perfected 1 John 2:5The church has become indifferent towards sin and allows sin and iniquity in the church. The people in the church live just like the world. It seems as if the church doesn’t want to wake up and clean up the mess the people of the church have made.

The church has gone its own way, and has beheaded Jesus from the church; His body. Church visitors don’t want to listen to Him and don’t want to keep His word and walk according to His commandments.

The church made its own rules and regulations and adjusted the words of God according to their will. So that the words of God fit into their lifestyle and they can keep sinning and walking in unrighteousness without feeling guilty or condemned.

With their mouth, they confess, that Jesus Christ is their Lord, but their actions deny their confession.

The truth is, that many believers believe in the world and themselves. Because they walk according to what the world says, and what they think and believe. They walk according to their own rules and their heart is far away from Him.

If they would really love Jesus Christ, then they would listen to Him, obey Him, and keep His commandments. They would go His way, despite the consequences: fewer members, persecution, rejection, financial drop, etc.

The world is seated in the church

The church has opened the door for the world to enter. You might think, well that’s not a bad thing at all. It’s a good thing for people, who don’t know God, to come to the church, and hear the message of truth, repent and turn to Christ. But unfortunately, that’s not the way it goes.

servant of sinMost people don’t become born-again Christians and don’t die to the flesh. They only become church visitors and stay carnal and keep walking after the flesh in sins and iniquities. They walk just like the world as the old creation (living from a fallen position in darkness).

The world is not converted to Christ, but the church is converted to the world.

And now the devil has taken his place in the church and has become the head of his body.

Is there a distinction between the world and the Christians? The Christians live like the world, and do the same things as the world. They accept everything, just like the world accepts everything.

But shouldn’t we (Christians) be different as we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and Lord? Shouldn’t we walk as the new creations in love in obedience to God doing His will, instead of walking as the old creation in rebellion and disobedience to God in sin and iniquity, doing the will of the flesh?

If we have been delivered from the power of darkness and separated from the world shouldn’t we live in the light in righteousness, instead of submitting to the power of darkness and live like the world in sin?

As we have been baptized in Christ, shouldn’t we submit ourselves completely to Jesus Christ, to His will and walk in holiness and righteousness in obedience to God in a righteous love? Instead of walking after the flesh in a false love?

Let the church repent and submit to Christ 

Let us ask forgiveness, for all the mistakes we have made. Let’s ask forgiveness for all the sins and iniquities, we have allowed into the body of Christ and defiled the body of Christ.

Let us submit to Christ, obey Him, and do the will of the Father. Let’s remove all the sins from our lives and the church and walk according to the Bible in righteousness.

Let’s pray for our nations, for protection, for those in high places, for the politicians, that God may appoint the right people and give them wisdom. And let us pray for our brothers and sisters daily. Especially for those persecuted and suffering for the Name of Jesus Christ.

Let’s wake up spiritually to righteousness, and open the Bible, and take our position in Jesus Christ in the heavenlies. Let’s wake up and stay awake.

‘Be the salt of the earth’ 

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