Delivered from the power of darkness

Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son: In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins (Kolosanov 1:13-14)

Delivered from the power of darkness

Hallelujah! The Father has delivered you from the power of darkness through Jesus Christ. By the blood of Jesus Christ, you have been redeemed and delivered from the power of darkness; the power of this world (system). Áno, you are delivered from the power of the devil. You are FREE!

Jesus has become your substitute and He took all your sicknesses, choroby, hriechy, and iniquities upon Himself. Ježiš sa stal hriechom, takže you could be free from sin. (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘The sin killed Jesus a ‘Skutočný význam kríža’)

The total redemption of man through His blood

By His blood, you have been delivered and reconciled to God and have been made holy and righteous. Jesus Christ has restored the union with the Father, so that you can have a relationship with the Father.

By His blood and the power of the Holy Spirit, your spirit has been raised from the dead and made alive. You are no longer a son of the devil, but you are syn Boží. You are born of His Spirit and you belong to Him now.

We can never leave the blood of Jesus Christ out of the message of the gospel. It’s only by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

All your sins are forgiven

Before you became znovu narodený, you were bound to sin, through the flesh. But Jesus broke all the power of sin over your life. Jesus released you from the spiritual prison of this world and set you free. All of your sins have been forgiven and done away. There is not one sin that is not covered by the blood of Jesus. Preto, no one can accuse you anymore.

vyslobodený z moci temnoty, vykúpený Jeho krvouAle teraz, that you are a son of God, there shouldn’t be a place for sin in your life anymore.

If you keep living in sin, while knowing that it’s not all right, you have to ask yourself, if you are really born again, and if you truly walk after the Spirit or that you walk after your flesh.

You have been separated in Jesus Christ from sin. Your sinful nature, which is present in the flesh has died in Christ. If you keep living in sin, you still obey your previous father the devil and walk in his will. If you would see, where sin leads you to, I guarantee, that you would stop immediately.

Čo potom? Zhrešíme?, pretože nie sme pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou? chráň Boh. Ved ty nie, toho, komu sa vydávate za sluhov, aby ste ho poslúchali, jeho služobníci ste vy, ktorých poslúchate; či už od hriechu až po smrť, alebo z poslušnosti k spravodlivosti (Rimanom 6:15-16)

Ježiš im odpovedal, Naozaj, veru, hovorím ti, Každý, kto pácha hriech, je služobníkom hriechu. A sluha nezostáva v dome naveky: ale Syn zostáva naveky. Ak vás teda Syn vyslobodí, budete skutočne slobodní (John 8:34-36)

If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed

Jesus gave Himself for you, because Jesus wanted you to be free from the power of the devil and live in freedom.

V Kristovi, you have been given all authority and all power in heaven and on earth to rule over sin, instead of sin ruling over you and take you captive again.

Therefore separate yourself from sin. Put off the old man and put on the new man and walk after the Spirit in the freedom that God has provided for you, through Jesus Christ, Jeho syn.

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