Jakie jest niebezpieczeństwo akupunktury?

There are millions of people, who visit an acupuncturist and participate in acupuncture. According to the western world, acupuncture treatment is a way of alternative medical treatment. It happens regularly that lekarze, physical therapists, I psychologowie refer people to an acupuncturist to treat a physical or mental health problem. But what is acupuncture exactly? What is the origin of acupuncture? How can acupuncture heal a physical problem or mental disorder? Can a Christian be an acupuncturist? Should a Christian participate in acupuncture? What does the Bible say about acupuncture? What are the benefits of acupuncture? Is acupuncture save and beneficial or is acupuncture dangerous and occult and are there risks and negative side effects of acupuncture? What is the spiritual danger of acupuncture that many people are not aware of?

What is the origin of acupuncture?

Acupuncture probably exists for more than 2500 lata. That means that acupuncture already existed before Jesus Christ came to this earth. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine, just like massages (tui na), bańki, qigong (ruchy), Chinese herbal therapy, and nutrition. Since the bronze age, acupuncturists use metal needles. Before the bronze age, acupuncturists probably used bone fragments and stones.

Acupuncture originates from traditional Chinese philosophy. The two main streams within Chinese philosophy/religion are ‘Daoism’ (Tao, or Taoism) and ‘Confucianism’. Acupuncture originates from Taoism.

What is Taoism?

Taoism is very complex and comprehensive, that’s why I will only provide a short overview. Taoism believes in a spiritual world and a natural world. Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao. Tao means ‘the way’, the stream of the universe, or in other words the power (energia, chi, qi) behind the natural order. It indicates the source and the power behind everything that exists. Taoism contains both philosophical and religious elements.

The Chinese philosopher and writer Laozi is considered the founder of traditional Taoism. He was a believer of transcendental meditation and practiced transcendental meditation. Laozi means ‘old master’ and apparently would have lived during the time of Confucius (551-479 BCE) between the 6th and 5th century BCE (during the Zhou Dynasty). Although some scholars argue, that Laozi was a legendary god. W każdym razie, Laozi was considered the superior (nauczyciel) of Confucius. Because Confucius visited and inquired Laozi several times about certain matters.

The old philosopher wrote a book, called ‘Laozi’. This book was considered a classic of Chinese literature. In due time the name of the book has been changed to ‘Daode Jing’ or ‘Tao-te-ching’, co znaczy: the classic of the way and virtue.

The philosopher Zhuang, who lived in the 4th century BCE, is considered to be the founder of the philosophical part of Taoism. He wrote the ‘Zhuangzi’

The ‘Daode Jing’ and the ‘Zhuangzi’ are considered the most important books in Taoism.

Taoism believes that everything in this world is continuously moving and therefore it is continuously
changing. When you go along with the stream of change, then eventually you will become the perfect man.

What is Taoism’s view on sickness and disease?

According to Taoism, sickness and disease are caused by a disruption of the balance system ‘yin and yang’. Yin and yang are opposite powers (elements), that complement each other and make together one whole; light and darkness, life and death, positive and negative, itp.

What happens during acupuncture
according to Taoism?

Taoism believes in the collaboration of the body and the spirit (który jest, w rzeczywistości, the soul and the body, because the spirit of man is death until the spirit is raised from the dead, mocą Ducha Świętego).

Through the body flows energy, which is called the ‘qi’ or ‘chi’ (Hindus call this energy prana). This energy is free energy and is not bound. This ‘qi’ flows through 12 invisible energy lines; channels in the body, that are called meridians.

These 12 channels aka meridians are connected with the organs and functions of the body. These channels are spiritual and not visible (Where this meridians theory comes from is not known. People only found manuscripts of the 11 meridians in the Mawandui Han tombs. During the time of the Yellow emperor’s canon of medicine, this meridian theory has been further developed).

The meridian system

The complete meridian system, through which the ‘qi’ flows is called ‘jing lui’ and exists out of:

  • 12 main meridians (or channels)
  • 12 divergent meridians (channels)
  • 12 skin zones
  • 12 tendino musculair meridians (channels)
  • 15 luo vessels
  • 8 extra meridians (channels)

When people have health issues or mental issues, it is considered a blockage; a disruption of the energy balance system. This disruption may have been caused by emotional or physical problems. The ‘qi’ can be channelized to improve and create health and balance. With the use of needles on specific points in the spiritual meridians, the energy will be channelized in order to repair the energy balance, and remove the blockage, or disruption in the meridians. Aby, the ‘qi’ can flow again throughout the meridians.

Not only do they use acupuncture as a treatment to resolve disruptions in the meridians, but they also use acupressure, shiatsu (massages), meridian bullets (massage bullets), itp.

What is acupuncture used for?

Acupuncture can be used for almost every problem, tak jak

  • Back pain, neck pain, should pain, itp.
  • upset stomach,
  • a cough,
  • migraine or headaches,
  • nose problems
  • Lęk
  • bezsenność
  • diabetes
  • sexual energy
  • eczema, psoriasis
  • depresja
  • snoring
  • menopause
  • uzależnienia, like smoking
  • hair loss/baldness
  • dizziness,
  • utrata wagi
  • constipation
  • prostate problems
  • high blood pressure
  • heart palpitations
  • agoraphobia
  • bad breath
  • sweating
  • urine (kidney problems)
  • allergies (hay fever)
  • thrombosis
  • anemia
  • stroke rehabilitation
  • menstruation (okres)
  • infertility
  • wrinkles, sagging skin, dark spots, acne (cosmetic acupuncture, facial acupuncture)

You see, that acupuncture can be used for almost every (zdrowie) issue. Jedyne co musisz zrobić to, go to an acupuncturist, put some needles in the blockages of your ‘invisible channels’, and after a few treatments, your problem is solved.

Ale czy to prawda? Is your problem really solved after acupuncture? Or will your problem become worse or experience other problems or worse problems in your life? Have you ever wondered why so many people feel tired after acupuncture? What is acupuncture fatigue?

What is the spiritual danger of acupuncture?

The acupuncturist, who is a believer of Taoism, believes in spiritual meridians and in the blockages(disruptions) in these spiritual meridians. The spiritual danger of acupuncture is that by putting needles in these blockages, the acupuncturist believes to solve these disruptions and repairing and release the energy flow (qi) in the body. This is psychic healing. The acupuncturist makes use of supernatural power that derives from demonic forces.

diabeł jak lew ryczący, szukając, kogo by pożreł

After an Acupuncture treatment, you will feel different. Nie jest to zaskakujące, ponieważ, through Acupuncture treatment, you have opened the door for demonic forces to enter.

You may feel tired or exhausted after acupuncture or maybe at first, you might experience a positive feeling, but this feeling will only be temporary. After a while, you shall feel different in a negative way and experience negative feelings.

The devil tries to enter your life as an angel of light and uses his ‘kindservants. He tempts you and pretends like it is all so wonderful, spokojny, obiecujący, and hopeful.

But as soon as you trap in the devil’s lies, the devil enters your life and he will steal things from you and will cause destruction and eventually death.

For even satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Koryntian 11:14)

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy (Jan 10:10)

What happens when you enter the territory of the devil?

As mentioned in previous articles (tj. the danger of buddha statues, the danger of yoga, the danger of Reiki, the danger of consulting spirits, Jehowa Rafa lub lekarze, mensendieck, physical therapy, does Christian psychology exist) there are only two territories in the spiritual realm: the territory of God and the territory of the devil. That’s it. There are no more spiritual territories.

You can live after the spirit according to God’s will and be led by His Word and His Spirit and enter the spiritual realm in Him or you can live after the flesh according to the will of the devil and be led by his words and by his spirits (demonic forces) and enter the spiritual realm out of your soul.

The power of the soul

The soul contains great power and is therefore difficult to discern from spiritual Godly power. Tylko te, who can discern the spirits and discern good from evil, are able to discern soulish power from spiritual power.

It can be very dangerous to enter the spiritual realm out of your soul.

Biblia jest księgą duchową

When you enter the spiritual realm out of your soul, you will open yourself for demonic forces to enter and take possession of you and your life.

Occultists and spiritist move in the spiritual world out of their soulish power.

Biblia is inspired by the Spirit of God, and therefore the Bible is written by Him, through the use of people.

When we look at philosophical and/or (wschodni) religious books, then these are also inspired by spirits. Not by the Holy Spirit, ale przez demoniczne duchy.

Many philosophers, naukowcy, and spiritists have opened themselves to channel with these demonic forces. Aby, they would gain wisdom and power.

The more they move on the dark spiritual territory of the devil, and the more they open themselves and give themselves to him and to these evil spirits, the more earthly knowledge, mądrość, and power they will get. But what they don’t know is that eventually, they will have to pay the price, with their lives.

What happens when Christians participate in acupuncture?

Should Christians participate in acupuncture? NIE, Christians should not visit an acupuncturist and enter this territory, because it’s extremely dangerous. When Christians open themselves to things that are not based upon the Bible; słowo Boże, and are not inspired by the Holy Spirit and therefore don’t derive from God, they open themselves for demonic powers to enter.

Jezus Uzdrowiciel

When Christians go to an acupuncturist and participate in acupuncture, they show that they believe in the life energy; ‘qi’ or ‘chi’ that created this whole universe.

They believe in the spiritual realm and the invisible meridians. Because otherwise, they wouldn’t go to an acupuncturist and participate in acupuncture.

When Christians enter the practice, the person denies Jesus Christ; Who took all sickness and disease upon Himself. The person denies Jesus Chrsit, Who healed all sickness and disease on the whipping post, and by His stripes you were healed.

Surely He hath borne out griefs, i dźwigał nasze smutki: a mimo to uważaliśmy Go za dotkniętego, smitten of God and afflicted. Ale On został zraniony za nasze występki, Został starty za nasze winy: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; a Jego ranami jesteśmy uzdrowieni (Izajasz 53:4-5)

By Whose stripes you were healed (1 Piotr 2:24)

Christians sacrifice their bodies to demonic spirits

When you believe in Jesus Christ and call yourself a Christian and go to an acupuncturist and as a Christian participates in acupuncture, then you will deny the perfect work of redemption (z stary człowiek) of Jesus Christ. You don’t believe in His power and the power of the Holy Spirit. But you believe in life energy that has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, but has everything to do with the devil and his power.

When you let someone puncture needles in you, you sacrifice your body to evil demonic forces. These so-called invisible blockages in the so-called invisible meridians are not being solved. Because the truth is, that they don’t exist! But what you have done is that you have opened the door for the devil and demonic spirits to enter your life.

You showed God, by participating in acupuncture that you don’t believe Him; Jehowa Rafa. But you believe in Taoism and its philosophy and way of healing, which is inspired by demonic spirits via transcendental meditation (Przeczytaj także: ‘Niebezpieczeństwo medytacji„).

“Tak, but if I go to an acupuncturist, then I always pray and ask for protection during a session”

Your prayer shall not rise higher than the ceiling of the room. Why do you have to pray, if something is considered good, according to you? Therefore only by you saying, that you pray during a session, indicates that acupuncture is not good at all, but evil and deep down you know that.

church seated in darkness

You’ve made the decision to go to an acupuncturist, no one forced you to go. Dlatego, you will not be protected by God.

God has given you the power to close spiritual doors and to open spiritual doors, through your actions in the natural visible realm.

When you decide to enter the territory of the devil and get involved with his works, you will open the door for demonic spirits to enter your life.

God can’t have communion with darkness. If you decide to have acupuncture, then God moves His protection from you.

You choose for the devil and his works, instead of believing in the power of the blood of Jesus and His healing, that He provided for you, and stand on His promises.

It’s the same when you decide to go to a war zone, despite the warnings of the government of your country. As soon as you cross the border into the war zone, you will not be protected by your nation, or your nationality anymore. The soldiers in this war zone will attack you, czy tego chcesz, czy nie.

The consequences of entering the territory of the devil

It is the same in the spiritual realm. Your findings, your opinions, and your title of Christian will not protect you. You have decided to enter the territory of the devil, no one has forced you to do it, and therefore you will bear the consequences of your actions.

God warns His people all the time in His Word. But a lot of people don’t read and study the Bible and therefore they don’t know His Word. Or they are rebellious and know what is written, but they won’t listen to His advice and His instructions and don’t follow up His advice and instructions. They think they know it all better. They think they have a better understanding of good and evil, and what is right and wrong than God has. While God is the Creator of everything that exists! (Przeczytaj także: ‘Bóg dał swoje Słowo z miłości„)

“Yes, but I only let them put needles in my body, I don’t believe in Taoism and I don’t get involved with it”

You’re too late, because you are already involved with Taoism. You can’t separate acupuncture from traditional Chinese medicine and Taoism. Because acupuncture derives from Taoism.

When Christians approve acupuncture, on one condition: that you won’t get involved with Taoism, then this is pure nonsense! These Christians who have said this are carnal and have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the spiritual realm. These Christians may have a lot of head knowledge of the Bible, a Ph.D., or other religious titles, ale to jest to.

Strzeżcie się, aby was nikt nie zepsuł filozofią i próżnym oszustwem, po tradycji męskiej, po podstawach świata, a nie po Chrystusie (Kolosan 2:8)

“Yes, but I visit a Christian acupuncturist”

Christian acupuncturists don’t exist! Next argument

“Yes, but I have been to an acupuncturist and it really helped me”

For how long? Did you really get rid of all your physical and mental issues? Or have you received worse things in return? Like tiredness, wyczerpanie, zły humor, dejection, Lęk, strach, atak paniki, bezsenność, nightmares, or other mental health problems or physical issues.

As I said before, acupuncture and all other kinds of Chines medicine treatments are connected with Taoism and it is not possible to separate them from each other. You can’t separate the spiritual roots from the natural practices and methods, no matter what people, including carnal Christians, mowić (Przeczytaj także: ‘Can you separate the spiritual from eastern philosophies and practices?„).

sos chrześcijański, chrystianizować rzeczy tego świata

You can’t Christianize acupuncture! You can’t approve of acupuncture by putting the word ‘Christian’ in front of it or by praying during an acupuncture session.

No matter what you do or change the name, it doesn’t change anything about the spiritual reality and the spiritual laws, and what truly happens in the spiritual realm.

You can change all kinds of things in the visible natural realm, and use all kinds of excuses and lies to make pagan practices all right, but what happens in the spiritual realm according to the spiritual laws is a fact (Przeczytaj także: ‘Sos chrześcijański’)

Acupuncture is and always remains part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which originates in Taoism, a human philosophy from the darkness.

Acupuncture does not derive from God and has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, Jego krew, and His work of redemption.

That the western world has accepted and uses this kind of alternative treatment, is obvious. Ale a born again Christian, a child of the Most High God, has no business in these places. Przy okazji, a real born again Christian, who walks after the Spirit will never set foot over the threshold. Ponieważ (S)he discerns the spirits and knows what is good and evil.

What does the Bible say about acupuncture?

What does the Bible say about acupuncture? Acupuncture is a practice of a pagan religion/philosophy that derives from the darkness? Dobrze, while yin and yang describe, that opposites or contrary forces, complement each other and form one whole, Na przykład, light and darkness, dobro i zło, the Bible says that the light can’t go together with the darkness and good can’t go together with evil. Jest albo jedno, albo drugie.

Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, ale raczej ich skarć (Efezjan 5:11)

W Nim nie ma grzechu, if you abide in Him you shall not sin

Although the Word is very clear and says that the sons of God can’t have fellowship with the world; ciemność, many Christians live according to the yin and yang principle.

Przez lata, Christianity has been defiled and corrupted, by compromising with the world(system). Dlatego, many people are spiritually blinded and deaf and walk in darkness, and don’t discern good from evil anymore.

One moment they walk in darkness and enjoy the works of darkness and sin and another moment they pray, read the Bible and sit in church praising the Lord.

Na przykład: on Friday or Saturday night the youth, I (młody) adults go to bars, and clubs, drinking, taniec, and partying, and on Sunday morning or afternoon they sit in the church. These so-called Christians don’t see anything wrong with doing this. They think it’s okay and a normal thing to do.

They think they lead a good life and that they please God because according to their minds, God accepts everything because it’s all by grace. Ale to wielkie kłamstwo! The devil wants you to believe that good and evil, darkness and light, itp. can go together. But ‘Yin and Yangis a lie of the devil. And although his children believe his lies, the sons of God should know better and should discern the lies of the devil from the truth of God (Przeczytaj także: ‘Jakie są cechy syna Bożego?„)

Friendship with the world is enmity against God

But light and darkness, good and evil cannot go together, because each one of them belongs to another kingdom; Królestwo Boże i królestwo diabła. The truth is God’s Word, and the Word of God says:

You adulterers and adulteresses, know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? ktokolwiek więc chce być przyjacielem świata, jest wrogiem Boga (James 4:4)

Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what concord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has he that believes with an infidel? A cóż za zgodność świątyni Bożej z bożkami? For you are the temple of the living God; jak powiedział Bóg, Zamieszkam w nich, i chodzić w nich; i będę ich Bogiem, i będą moim ludem. Dlatego wyjdźcie spośród nich, i bądźcie oddzieleni, says the Lord, i nie dotykaj tego, co nieczyste; i przyjmę cię, I będzie dla was Ojcem, and you shall be my sons and daughters, mówi Pan Wszechmogący (2 Koryntian 6:14-18)

„Bądź solą ziemi’

sourceWikipedia/Stanford encyclopedia

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