Môžeš žiť v hriechu a byť spasený?

Kresťanov je veľa, who believe that sin doesn’t matter and that you can live in sin and be saved at the same time. They speak constantly about grace and use grace as a cloak to approve sin. They believe and say that by faith in Jesus Christ and by His sacrifice and blood you have been made righteous and therefore it doesn’t matter how you live. You can live the way you want to, because the sacrifice and the blood of Jesus ensure that you stay saved. But ofcourse this is a partial truth or in other words, a lie of the devil that many Christians believe. Because what does the Bible say about living in sin, which means to persevere in sin? What does the Bible say about salvation? Can you live in sin and be saved according to the Bible or not?

Falošná doktrína mikulášov

Mikulášania, ktorí boli nasledovníkmi Nicolasa, bola taká skupina, ktorá nasledovala svojho vodcu Nicolasa a jeho falošnú doktrínu. Jeho falošné doktríny ich oklamali a spôsobili, že sa odchýlili od zdravého učenia Ježiša Krista a zablúdili, vierou, že môžu vytrvať v hriechu, pretože žili pod milosťou. Pretože žijete v hriešnom tele. 

A tak použili Božiu milosť, aby nemuseli zomrieť do tela a vyzliecť starého človeka a obliecť si nového, ale robte skutky tela, bez pocitu odsúdenia, mysliac si, že boli spasení a unikli trestu za hriech, čo je smrť.

John 7:7 Svet vás nemôže nenávidieť, ale mňa nenávidí, pretože o ňom svedčím, že jeho skutky sú zlé

Ale títo nikolaiti nepoznali Ježiša zo skúsenosti. They had no knowledge of the Word and didn’t have the Holy Spirit, but they followed the words of their leader, who preached this false doctrine; this lie (Prečítajte si tiež: 'Náuka a diela mikulášov).

But although they were misled and believed this false doctrine and lived by it because they considered it as the truth, Jesus hated the doctrine and works of the Nicolaitans.

The church at Ephesus hated the works of the Nicolaitans as well, presne ako Ježiš.

Avšak, the church at Pergamos (Pergamum), where the throne of satan was, had embraced the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, because some of them held the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.

Jesus didn’t allow the doctrine and works of the Nicolaitans, which cause the church to be defiled, but Jesus called the church at Pergamos to repentance, pretože ak by nečinili pokánie, Ježiš by k nim rýchlo prišiel a bojoval by proti nim mečom svojich úst (Zjavenie 2:6, 15-16 (Prečítajte si tiež: 'Čo je trón satana?')

Diabol oklamal mnoho cirkví rovnakou lžou

Nevieme, či cirkev v Pergame počúvala a poslúchla Ježišove slová. Čo vieme je, že diabol opäť oklamal mnohých kresťanov tou istou lžou a rovnakou doktrínou.

Diabol oklamal mnohých, ktorí tvrdia, že sú kresťania, tým, že ich presvedčíte, že nezáleží na tom, ako žijete a že môžete vytrvať v hriechu, pretože nie ste spasení a ospravedlnení svojimi skutkami, ale vy ste spasení a ospravedlnení vykupiteľským dielom Ježiša Krista.

Opäť, toto je čiastočná pravda, ktorá sa káže. Áno, you are indeed saved by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. His blood has cleansed you from all your sins and iniquities and has made you holy and righteous and by which you are saved. No one can earn his salvation by his own works. Up to here, it’s correct.

But… The blood of Jesus is not a permit to sin, it doesn’t give you the right to persevere in sin. 

The sacrifice and the blood of Jesus are not the same as the sacrifice and the blood of animals, which provided a temporary atonement for the sins of the people. The sacrifice and the blood of Jesus don’t provide a temporary atonement but deal with the sinful nature, which reigns in the flesh and from which sin proceeds.

Stará zmluva

V Starej zmluve, which was sealed by the blood of animals, the people of God constantly fell back into the same sin, because they were still carnal and their spirit was still under the dominion of death.

They were trapped in the flesh and the flesh ruled their lives, therefore they constantly had to make atonement for their sins.

But despite the many sacrifices and the blood that was shed, nothing changed in man and nothing changed about man’s fallen state. Which is the case in the New Covenant, ktorá je spečatená krvou Ježiša Krista (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘What is the difference between the sacrifice of animals and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?').

The New Covenant

V Novej zmluve, it shouldn’t be the case that those who belong to God’s people fall into the same sin over and over again and keep persevering in sin. Because they have been delivered from the power of sin and death, which was not the case in the Old Covenant. So if those, who live in the New Covenant keep sinning then they are not delivered from the power of sin and death (Oh. hebrejčina 9, 1 John 1:5-7))

Kolosanov 2:11-12 V kom ste obrezaní obriezkou bez rúk

V Novej zmluve, man has become a new creation through regeneration in Christ, which means the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘The circumcision in the New Covenant').

The new man is born of God and transferred from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of God, kde je Ježiš Kristus Kráľom a kraľuje.

Therefore darkness has no more power over the new man.

The flesh no longer reigns, but Christ reigns in the new man. Since the flesh is dead and the spirit is alive.

Only when the flesh has died and the spirit of man is raised from the dead and the new man has entered the Kingdom of God and walks after the Spirit according to the law of this Kingdom in the light, man shall be saved.

Každý, who is born of God stays in Him and doesn’t sin

Čo si potom povieme? Zotrváme v hriechu, aby milosť bola hojná? chráň Boh. Ako môžeme, ktorí sú mŕtvi hriechu, žiť v ňom ďalej? Nevieš, že mnohí z nás, ktorí sme boli pokrstení v Ježiša Krista, boli pokrstení v Jeho smrť? Preto sme spolu s Ním pochovaní krstom do smrti: že ako Kristus bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych slávou Otca, aj tak by sme mali kráčať v novosti života (Rimanom 6:1-4)

Kto zostáva v Ňom, nehreší: kto hreší, nevidel Ho, ani Ho nepoznal. Malé deti, nech ťa nikto neklame: kto koná spravodlivo, je spravodlivý, aj keď je spravodlivý. Kto pácha hriech, je z diabla; lebo diabol hreší od počiatku. Na tento účel sa zjavil Boží Syn, aby mohol zničiť skutky diabla. Kto sa narodil z Boha, nepácha hriech; lebo jeho semeno zostáva v ňom: a nemôže hrešiť, because he is born of God.V tomto sa zjavujú Božie deti, a deti diabla: kto nekoná spravodlivosť, nie je z Boha, ani ten, kto nemiluje svojho brata (1 John 3:6-10)

A person may repent and be baptized in water and receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, but if there is no change in the life of the person and the person keeps doing the works of the flesh and of darkness and keeps walking in unrighteousness in darkness, then the life of the person shows, that the person has not repented and is not born again in Christ, since the flesh in which sin reigns and from which sin proceeds, je stále nažive a nebol ukrižovaný v Kristovi.

Osoba sa nestala novým stvorením a nie je odovzdaná Ježišovi Kristovi; Slovo a Duch Svätý a nerobí to, čo hovoria, ale osoba je stále starým stvorením a stále patrí diablovi, a preto stále žije v neposlušnosti voči Bohu a Jeho Slovu podľa vôle tela v poslušnosti vôli diabla a hriechu a vytrvá v hriechu alebo upadne späť do ten istý hriech znova a znova (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Vôľa Božia verzus vôľa diabla‘ a ‘Brnenie temnoty'). 

Pravé evanjelium Ježiša Krista vyzýva k pokániu

Ježiš prišiel do Galiley, kázanie evanjelia o Božom kráľovstve, A hovorí, Čas je splnený, a priblížilo sa kráľovstvo Božie: čiňte pokánie, a veriť evanjeliu (Marka 1:14-15)

A povedal im, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things (Luke 24:46-48)

Ešte ste neodolali až do krvi, boj proti hriechu. A zabudli ste na napomenutie, ktoré k vám hovorí ako k deťom, Môj syn, nepohŕdaj kázňou Pánovou, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.Ak znášate kázeň, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? Ale ak ste bez trestu, ktorých všetci sú účastníkmi, potom ste bastardi, a nie synovia. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby (hebrejčina 12:5-11)

The true gospel calls to repentance and sanctification and disciplines and corrects and chastises. The modern gospel, which is not a gospel, doesn’t contain these elements, but is a humanistic gospel (message) that pleases the ears, and feelings, and emotions of the people, and welcomes everyone and everyone may stay the way they are. Everything is allowed and tolerated, nothing is wrong. God loves everyone, just the way they are. And so sin is embraced instead of condemned and removed. 

Toward whom does the church bend her roots?

Because you have to respect others and forgive and love others instead of condemning them. Ale je to pravda?

Where is it written in the Bible, after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that you have to accept sin and that sin in the church must be tolerated? Where is it written that you must leave those, who persevere in sin alone?

Where is it written that it doesn’t matter if preachers, elders, and other leaders of the church become disobedient to God and His Word, due to the will, and the lusts and desires of their flesh and fall in sin and/or persevere in sin? (Prečítajte si tiež: 'Duch Eli')

This is nowhere written in the Bible because sin is rebellion and disobedience to God and His will. And how can those, who don’t walk in the will of God and are disobedient to His Word, teach others to walk in the will of God and to be obedient to the Word, so that they will grow up into the image of Christ?

Tie, who sin and persevere in sin and don’t want to repent of their lifestyle, show by their works that they don’t belong to Christ, but that they still belong to the devil and are not the servants of righteousness but the servants of sin. They are carnal and still listen to the devil and do his will and serve the devil through their flesh (Prečítajte si tiež: 'The commandments of God vs the commandments of the devil').

God has given His commandments to make His will and His nature and righteousness known and to reveal sin. Jesus has never annulled the commandments of the law, but Jesus has fulfilled them by walking after the Spirit in the will of the Father in righteousness. And those, who belong to Jesus Christ shall walk after the Spirit instead of the flesh and fulfill the righteousness of the law (Oh. Matúš 5:17-18, Rimanom 3:31; 8:4 (Prečítajte si tiež: 'Je človek schopný naplniť zákon?')

“Whosoever does not bear his cross and come after Me can’t be My disciple”

Ježiš im odpovedal, Naozaj, veru, hovorím ti, Každý, kto pácha hriech, je služobníkom hriechu (John 8:34)

And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, a povedal im, If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, áno, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after Me, cannot be My disciple (Luke 14:25-27)

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, nech sa zaprie, a vezmi svoj kríž, a nasleduj ma. Lebo kto si zachráni život, stratí ho: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it (Matúš 16:24-25, also Mark 8:34-35, Luke 9:23-24)

Jesus never spoke about accepting people with a sinful lifestyle and didn’t preach that sinners could live in their sin and therefore stay the way they are. Jesus was not a Promoter of sin and didn’t speak about respecting and tolerating sin. Práve naopak, Ježiš povedal, that He hated sin and called the sinners to repentance. Pretože všetci, who commits sin is a servant of sin.

Nasledovanie Ježiša ťa bude stáť všetko

Ježiš povedal, that if anyone still loves his own life, and doesn’t deny himself, and doesn’t put Jesus above all, then the person can’t be Jesus’ disciple. 

Ježiš povedal, that if any man wants to come to Him and follow Him, then the person must deny himself and take up his cross. Because if you don’t lose your own life in this world, you shall not find life.

In the Book of Revelation, Jesus didn’t speak to the various churches that He respected their behavior and the doctrines and works of the darkness.

Jesus didn’t embrace sin, since sin is the will of the devil, but Jesus commanded the churches to remove the sin, because if they wouldn’t, they would reap the consequences of their disobedience.

There are many churches today, where everything is tolerated, not only from the members of the church but also from the preachers and leaders of the church, who are carnal and keep doing the works of the flesh.

Lying, cheating, fraud, modlárstvo (t.j. eastern philosophies, joga, všímavosť, meditácia, bojové umenia, reiki, akupunktúra), čarodejníctvo, veštenie, smilstvo, cudzoložstvo, extramarital affairs, rozvod, žijúci spolu slobodní, sexual relationships outside of marriage, porn, homosexualita, and all other (sexuálne) nečistoty, potrat, eutanázie, abusive drinking, atď. It has all become very normal and is not considered as sin anymore.

The conscience of many Christians is seared with a hot iron and they don’t even know it. They are blinded by the lies of darkness and allow everything.

Neviete, že nespravodliví nebudú dedičmi kráľovstva Božieho? Nenechajte sa oklamať: ani smilníci, ani modloslužobníci, ani cudzoložníci, ani zženštilý, ani zneužívatelia seba s ľudstvom, Ani zlodeji, ani žiadostivý, ani opilci, ani zlodeji, ani vydierači, zdedia kráľovstvo Božie(1 Korinťanom 6:9-10)

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Cudzoložstvo, smilstvo, nečistoty, lasciviousness, Idolatry, čarodejníctvo, hatred, variance, emulations, hnev, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, vraždy, opilstvo, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Galaťanom 5:16-21)

But the Word is clear and says, že tí, who do these things are not born of God and don’t belong to God,, and shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (Oh. John 3:3-5, 1 John 3:8-9; 5:18)

Many Christians stand in the serve the devil instead of God

Many Christians don’t stand in the service of God, but stand in the service of the devil. Because instead of preaching the truth and the gospel of Jesus Christ and reconciling people to God, they preach lies and lead the people astray and make them walk on the broad way that leads to destruction. Because the way of the world doesn’t lead to eternal life but leads to death (o.a. 2 Petrus 2, Jude (Prečítajte si tiež: Destroying the works of God instead of the works of the devil).

Pokánie pre Božie kráľovstvo je blízko Matúša 4:17

They are masters in adjusting the truth of God to the will and desires of man and the truth of the world, building bridges with the world and with other religions and philosophies, and adjusting the words of God to approve sin and compromise with sinners.

But preaching the sound gospel of Jesus Christ and calling sinners to repentance and delivering them from the power of sin and death and standing on the Word and keep standing on the Word and representing, preaching and bringing the Kingdom of God and walk in the authority of Jesus Christ on earth, they don’t know anything about and are not familiar with.

Many preachers and elders (lídrov) of the churches don’t solve the problems, but allow the people in their sins, because they don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings and don’t want to get involved and cause problems. And so they let everything run its course, hoping that the problems will solve themselves. But problems don’t get solved by themselves but go from bad to worse (Prečítajte si tiež: Čo hovorí Biblia o hriechu v cirkvi?).

Jesus gave His life to deal with the sin problem

Ktorý On sám vyniesol naše hriechy vo svojom vlastnom tele na strome, že my, byť mŕtvy pre hriechy, má žiť podľa spravodlivosti: ktorého ranami ste boli uzdravení. For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls (1 Peter 2:24-25)

Jesus gave His life and suffered immensely to deal with the sin problem. The sin problem didn’t solve by itself, but the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Syn Boží, bol potrebný na vyriešenie problému hriechu a na vykúpenie človeka z hriechu a smrti a na obnovenie padlého postavenia človeka a na zmierenie človeka s Bohom.

Ježiš dal svoj život za človeka, aby sa človek mohol oslobodiť od moci hriechu a smrti a žiť v slobode. Pretože hriech je otroctvo a hriech nevedie k večnému životu, ako uveril diabol mnohým kresťanom, ale hriech vedie k smrti.

dve veľké prikázania, Ak ma milujete, zachovávajte moje prikázania

Lebo tí, čo sú podľa tela, myslia na veci tela; ale tí, čo idú po Duchu, sú veci Ducha. Lebo byť telesne zmýšľajúci je smrť; ale byť duchovne zmýšľajúci je život a pokoj. Pretože telesná myseľ je nepriateľstvom voči Bohu: lebo nepodlieha Božiemu zákonu, vlastne ani nemôže byť (Rimanom 8:5-7)

Niekto, kto žije podľa tela a telesne zmýšľa, vytrvá v hriechu.

Ak teda niekto zotrváva v hriechu, ukazuje, že človek ide podľa tela a má telesné zmýšľanie a nepoddal sa Duchu a zákonu Božiemu (zákon Ducha), but lives in enmity against God and doesn’t love God and doesn’t belong to Him, but still belongs to the devil and death.

Because if you love God, you will keep His commandments instead of being prideful and rebellious and disobey the Word and live in sin (Oh. Exodus 20:6, Deuteronómiu 5:10, John 14:15, 23)

To be carnally minded is death, because everyone, who perseveres in sin and keeps sinning and doesn’t repent shall deserve death and not, as is preached in many churches, života (Rimanom 1:24-32)

What does it mean to not live under the law but under grace?

How often do people say, “I don’t live under the law but under grace”. While those, who say these words, live in disobedience to God and His Word after the flesh just like the world in sin. So what does it mean that you don’t live under the law but under grace? What is truly written in the Bible about not living under the law but under grace?

Nech teda nevládne hriech vo vašom smrteľnom tele, aby ste ho poslúchali v jeho žiadostiach. Ani nevydávajte svoje údy za nástroje neprávosti hriechu: ale odovzdajte sa Bohu, ako tí, ktorí sú živí z mŕtvych, a vaše údy ako nástroje spravodlivosti pre Boha. Lebo hriech nebude panovať nad vami: lebo nie ste pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou. Čo potom? zhrešíme?, pretože nie sme pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou? chráň Boh. Nevieš, toho, komu sa vydávate za sluhov, aby ste ho poslúchali, vy ste jeho služobníci, ktorých poslúchate; či už od hriechu až po smrť, alebo z poslušnosti k spravodlivosti? Ale buď Bohu vďaka, že ste boli služobníkmi hriechu, ale vy ste zo srdca poslúchli tú formu učenia, ktorá vám bola vydaná. Byť potom oslobodený od hriechu, ye became the servants of righteousness (Rimanom 6:12-18

For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. Ale teraz byť oslobodený od hriechu, a stať sa služobníkmi Boha, máte svoje ovocie k svätosti, a koniec večného života. Lebo odplatou za hriech je smrť; ale Božím darom je večný život skrze Ježiša Krista, nášho Pána (Rimanom 6:20-23)

Každý, who walks after the flesh and keeps doing the works of the flesh and therefore perseveres in sin lives under the dominion (autorita) of sin and death and therefore lives under the law of sin and death, which reigns in the flesh.

The only way to ensure that you no longer live under the law but under grace, is through the death of the flesh in Christ through regeneration in Him and sanctification; vyzliecť starého a obliecť si nového (Prečítajte si tiež: Odložte starého muža a Oblečte si nového muža).

Každý, kto stále hreší, nie je v Kristovi a nie je spasený

Preto už niet odsúdenia pre tých, ktorí sú v Kristovi Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale po Duchu. Lebo zákon Ducha života v Kristovi Ježišovi ma oslobodil od zákona hriechu a smrti (Rimanom 8:1-2)

But if ye be led of the Spirit, nie ste pod zákonom (Galaťanom 5:18)

Kto zostáva v Ňom, nehreší: kto hreší, nevidel Ho, ani Ho nepoznal (1 John 3:6)

Preto, ľudia môžu povedať, že nie sú pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou, ale ak predsa dopustia, aby hriech vládol ako kráľ v ich živote, poslúchaním žiadostivostí a túžob tela, a preto vytrvať v hriechu, potom nežijú pod milosťou, ale životom podľa tela, robiť skutky tela, stále žijú pod zákonom.

Každý, who is not made alive in Christ by the resurrection of the spirit from the dead and doesn’t walk after the Spirit, but still lives under the authority (panstvo)s of sin and death, still lives under the law.

Každý, who by faith is born again in Christ and abides in Him, shall not sin. As a matter of fact, it is written that everyone, who sins has never seen Him, and neither has known Him.

The Word is clear, že tí, who allow sin to reign as king in their lives and obey sin by living in sin, are not delivered and are not saved, but still live under the authority of sin and death and their final destination shall be the kingdom of death (peklo, Hades). Since the fruit of death is sin and the wages of sin is death and not eternal life.

Môžeš žiť v hriechu a byť spasený?

He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. Then answered the Jews, and said unto Him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? Ježiš odpovedal, I have not a devil; but I honour My Father, and ye do dishonour Me. And I seek not Mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth. Naozaj, veru, hovorím ti, If a man keep My saying, he shall never see death (John 8:47-51)

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: a hriech, when it is finished, bringeth forth death (James 1:14-15)

Take heed, bratia, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end (hebrejčina 3:11-14)

And He said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, a modloslužobníci, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: čo je druhá smrť (Zjavenie 21:6-8)

Môžeš žiť v hriechu a byť spasený? Nie, only those, who are born again in Christ and are born of God and have become a new creation (syn Boží) and submit to Jesus Christ and God the Father and listen to the Word and the Holy Spirit and obey and do the Word and walk after the Spirit, they shall not see death but shall inherit eternal life.

The fact of the matter is, that sin reigns as king in people’s lives until death. Avšak, the people determine until which death this is; the death in Christ or natural death

A person can allow sin to reign as king in his lives until his repentance and the regeneration in Christ, when the flesh dies in Him, causing the person to be delivered from the power and the law of sin and death and through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, sin and death no longer has authority over the person, but the person shall be made free and by walking after the law of the Spirit as an overcomer in Christ the person shall inherit eternal life.

Or a person can allow sin to reign as king in his life until the person dies naturally, whereby the spirit of man remains under the authority of sin and death unto his death, and shall not inherit eternal life, but shall go to the kingdom of death (peklo) and then experience the second death.

„Buď soľou zeme’

Mohlo by sa vám páčiť

    chyba: Tento obsah je chránený