ब्राउज़िंग श्रेणी


Has the church become a den of thieves?

Has the church become a den of thieves?

God’s temple had become a den of thieves (den of robbers), where abominations were done. And nearly 2000 years later, the people managed to make the church a den of thieves. Instead of regeneration, the church has degenerated and

जब पैसा आपका भगवान बन जाए

जब पैसा आपका भगवान बन जाए

पैसा बुरा नहीं है, परन्तु धन का प्रेम बुरा है, कई ईसाइयों द्वारा उद्धृत किया गया है. यह सुनने में बहुत पवित्र लगता है और निःसंदेह यह सच है, क्योंकि बाइबिल में कहा गया है 1 टिमोथी 6:10, that the love of money

Can people pleaser be servant of Christ

Can a people pleaser be a servant of Christ?

The words of God are not always appreciated by people. In both the Old and the New Covenant, many people were not able to hear and bear the words of God, whereby prophets were killed, यीशु मसीह, the Son

गलती: यह सामग्री सुरक्षित है