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bedrieg deur my gevoelens

Mislei deur my gevoelens

Baie mense word deur hul gevoelens mislei. Daar word gesê, dat gevoelens bedrieglik is. Maar hoewel mense bewus is dat gevoelens bedrieglik is, daar is baie mense, wat steeds deur hul gevoelens gelei word. They trust and rely

Tel die koste wat Bybel Lukas beteken 14:28

Wat beteken dit om die koste te tel?

In the Bible in the book of Luke 14:28, Jesus said to count the cost, when Jesus talked about a man, who was building a tower and a king who was going to war. But what did Jesus mean

Die oproep tot bekering

Die oproep tot bekering

What is the call to repentance? The call to repentance is the message that is preached throughout the Bible. In die Ou Testament, the message of the call to repentance was preached by the prophets. And in the New

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