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द्वेषामुळे कलह निर्माण होतात

द्वेषामुळे कलह निर्माण होतात, पण प्रेम सर्व पापांना झाकून टाकते

द्वेषामुळे कलह निर्माण होतात: पण प्रेम सर्व पापांना झाकून टाकते (सुविचार 10:12) The flesh and the Spirit are contrary to one another. The flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit lusts against the flesh. Therefore it is impossible, that the

What does walking in love mean according to Bible

What does walking in love mean according to the Bible?

What does the Bible say about walking in love? When do you walk in love? Do you walk in love, when you are kind to people and tolerate and accept all things, including sins and iniquities? Many Christians think that

त्रुटी: ही सामग्री संरक्षित आहे