Kategorija pregledavanja


Adam where are you

Adam where are you?

From the beginning of creation, God wanted to have a relationship with man and walk with man. God was faithful to man. kako god, man became unfaithful to God and decided to disobey His command and leave his way with

Why did God not respect Cain's offering?

Why did God not respect Cain’s offering?

Why did God not respect Cain’s offering, but did respect Abel’s offering? What was the difference between Cain and Abel and their offerings? Why did Cain’s offering displease God? Was the way Cain made the sacrifice not right? Was

Šta ako Božja volja nije tvoja volja??

Šta ako Božja volja nije vaša?

As a child, it’s important to know the will of the father. Because if a child knows the will of the father, then the child knows exactly what to do and what not to do. The child knows what

Bog je dao svoju Reč iz ljubavi

Bog je dao svoju Reč iz ljubavi

Christians should know and realize that God gave His Word out of love. Because many Christians don’t consider the words and commandments of God as love, but as a heavy burden, legalism and bondage. While the words of God

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