

Bible studies about baptism in Christianity, Bible about baptism, Bible scriptures about baptism

Taufe für die Verstorbenen 1 Korinther 15:29

Was meinte Paulus mit der Taufe für die Toten??

In 1 Korinther 15:29, Paul spoke about baptism for the dead. Was meinte Paulus mit der Taufe für die Toten?, since we don’t read anywhere in the Bible about being baptized for the dead? Were people baptized in a

What is Baptism with fire

Was ist die Feuertaufe??

Es gibt viele Christen, die sich nach der Feuertaufe sehnen. Wegen all der Lehren über die Feuertaufe, they have a certain expectation of the baptism with fire and want to receive this baptism with fire.

Was ist Taufe?? Die Bibel sagt etwas über die Taufe im Wasser?

Was ist Taufe??

Water baptism is often considered as a Christian ritual. You’ll be baptized in water when you believe in Jesus Christ, bereuen, and decide to follow Jesus and become a Christian. Many Christians are baptized without really knowing and realizing, what

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