You shall not stumble

cuando te vayas, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble (Proverbios 4:12)

When you live and walk after the Spirit, and walk according to what the Word says, your steps shall not be straitened, because you shall walk in His will. As long as you keep walking in His will, He shall protect you.

When you stay obedient to the Word and you do what the Word says, then you shall walk on the path of righteousness, and shall not stumble. You shall not walk in sin; en desobediencia a Dios, but you shall walk in obedience to Him.

But when you depart from the Word and go your own way, then you shall stumble. You shall walk like the world as an enemy of God in sin and iniquity.

Therefore stay faithful to the Word. Because only the Word can give you eternal life and prevent you from stumbling.

'Sé la sal de la tierra’

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