Whoso finds me finds life

For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Tục ngữ 8:35-36)

When you find Jesus Christ, you find life. When you come to Jesus and be born again in Him, qua laying down your old life as a sinner and being raised from the dead and becoming the new creation; người đàn ông mới, you shall enter from death into life. Your spirit shall become alive in Him, bởi quyền năng của Chúa Thánh Thần.

được giải thoát khỏi quyền lực bóng tối, được cứu chuộc bằng máu của NgàiChỉ cần bạn ở lại trong Ngài, you shall walk in the Light. You shall walk on the path of righteousness, which shall lead to eternal life.

But if you reject Jesus; Lời, then you wrong your own soul, because you reject (eternal) mạng sống. You indirectly say, that you don’t want true life, but that you are happy with your current life, as một người phạm tội. Đúng, you love yourself, and your life in this world, and are not willing to give up this life.

If you keep living as a sinner, reject Jesus; Lời, and even hate Him, then you love death more than life. You shall keep walking in darkness, and your final destination shall be eternal death.

Every person makes a choice in life, to choose life or death. What do you choose?

Be the salt of the earth

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