What happens if you do not listen to instructions

Para que los extraños no se llenen de tus riquezas; and thy labors be in the house of a stranger; Y lloras al final, cuando tu carne y tu cuerpo se consuman, Y decir, ¿Cómo he odiado la instrucción?, y mi corazón despreció la reprensión (Proverbios 5:10-12)

Remove your way far from the strange woman. Don’t come not near the door of her house. De modo que, a stranger shall be filled with your wealth, and that your labors shall be in the house of a stranger.

The Father warns us to not have communion with unbelievers. Because when you do, and let a stranger in your life, you shall give your honor, your years, your wealth, your good to them. When that happen, you shall mourn, and grieve at the last, because your flesh and your body are consumed. Then you shall see what you have done, and what the strange woman has destroyed in your life. When you realise, what the relation with the strange woman has caused, you shall say: “how have I hated instruction, y mi corazón despreció la reprensión?"

Be aware, and follow-up on the instructions and advise of the Father, instead that you do not listen to instructions. The Father only wants the best for you, therefore listen to what He has to say.

'Sé la sal de la tierra’

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