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Apa yang Alkitab katakan?

Bible say about living together unmarried, premarital cohabitation

Apa yang Alkitab katakan tentang hidup bersama tanpa menikah?

Hidup bersama tanpa menikah atau hidup bersama sebelum menikah telah menjadi hal yang lumrah di dunia barat. Apa yang telah dimulai di Skandinavia (Eropa) oleh orang-orang muda yang tidak beragama, telah menyebar ke seluruh negara-negara barat selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Young unbelievers didn’t want

Apakah masturbasi itu dosa dalam alkitab bolehkah orang kristen melakukan masturbasi

Apakah masturbasi itu dosa menurut Alkitab atau tidak?

Can a Christian masturbate? This is one of the many questions Christians have regarding things in life that are normal to the world but questionable to Christians. Masturbation is considered normal in the world, but what does the Bible

What does Bible say about sin in the church?

What does the Bible say about sin in the church

It only takes one person to make a difference or a change. When we look at the Body of Jesus Christ; the Church that represents the Kingdom of God on earth, we see that a person can add value

Does christian psychology exist

Apakah Psikologi Kristen ada?

These days, it’s very normal to visit a psychologist. Many people live with mental pain, unforgiveness, amarah, kecemasan, takut, and sorrow or experience behavioral problems, marital problems, compulsions, emotional disorders, depresi, drinking problems, drug problems, eating disorders, menekankan, etc.,

What does the Bible say about tattoos?

What does the Bible say about tattoos?

Tattoos have become very popular. More and more people are getting tattoos, including Christians. There’s hardly any difference anymore between the lifestyle of unbelievers and believers. But what does the Bible say about tattoos? Are tattoos mentioned in the

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