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Какво казва Библията?

Bible say about living together unmarried, premarital cohabitation

What does the Bible say about living together unmarried?

Living together unmarried or premarital cohabitation has become very common in the western world. What has started in Scandinavia (Europe) by non-religious young adults, has spread all over the western countries during the past decades. Young unbelievers didn’t want

Is masturbation a sin in the Bible can christian masturbate

Мастурбацията грях ли е в Библията или не?

Може ли християнин да мастурбира? Това е един от многото въпроси, които християните имат относно нещата в живота, които са нормални за света, но съмнителни за християните. Мастурбацията се смята за нещо нормално в света, but what does the Bible

What does Bible say about sin in the church?

What does the Bible say about sin in the church

It only takes one person to make a difference or a change. When we look at the Body of Jesus Christ; the Church that represents the Kingdom of God on earth, we see that a person can add value

Съществува ли християнска психология

Съществува ли християнска психология?

These days, it’s very normal to visit a psychologist. Many people live with mental pain, unforgiveness, гняв, безпокойство, fear, and sorrow or experience behavioral problems, marital problems, compulsions, emotional disorders, депресия, drinking problems, drug problems, eating disorders, stress, etc.,

What does the Bible say about tattoos?

What does the Bible say about tattoos?

Tattoos have become very popular. More and more people are getting tattoos, including Christians. There’s hardly any difference anymore between the lifestyle of unbelievers and believers. But what does the Bible say about tattoos? Are tattoos mentioned in the

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